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A place for me to compile and track my hobby progress, as well as share it with others. 

Entries in this blog

Ride Eternal - Shiny and Chrome

August sure did fly by.  I'd intended about being more diligent about maintaining this blog alongside the progress of this project. However between work and family life being chaos as summer drew to a close I barely had enough time to finish this project, let alone effectively document its progress. As such this is going to be a behemoth of a post, though I'm going to keep the text down and try and let the pictures do most of the talking.  From cloth to chrome - the hardest part of this pai

As inevitable as the (Green) Tide

A small update to help remind myself that progress has indeed been made.  Life has continued to be life, and while I've made some time for da boyz, they are many and batch-painting means that progress feels slow. Since the last post I've moved from cloth to what will be the non-khrome metalic portions, put in time on the scales/hides/furs, gotten a first pass on all bones/nails/teeth and continued pick up belts/pouches/bands that I missed on the last go-round. Initially I used the same base c

Da Clothy Bits

Been a couple of weeks since my last post. Progress has felt slow, but in gathering up the pictures for this post I've realized how much I've actually accomplished Whenever I'm painting orks, I always like to keep in mind that unlike most other factions, Orks don't have a "uniform". To that point, whenever I'm painting up a group of them I always want to make sure that their pants/belts/bags/bands/etc don't match across the group. There can be overlap obviously, but there isn't a manufac

Da Assembled Krew - Getting the Green Tide rolling

Had to wait a few days for it, but the final bits for the project came in. Also I guess this now officially doubles to track my Call to Arms entry The Felgore's team prominently features a shaman, and fortunately for me GW made the perfect weirdboy for the beastsnaggaz. Unfortunately its only sold as part of the kill-rig, lucky for me a broken one was being sold as part of a larger lot over on r/miniswap. A bit of work with a knife and some plasticard and my shaman had arrived.  I must've b

Kit bashing and gap filling

Had a few peaks and valleys in the Khromeboys project since the last post. Started in on modding the rest of da boyz. 5 models for the compendium team are in their vanilla configurations with no kit-bashing, but the rest are all proppa kustom. I wanted my Felgores proxies to be easily identified WYSIWYG comparisons to their beastmen counterparts, fortunately since the majority of them are some version of "melee weapon and pistol" its an achievable goal. I didn't take great photos during the whol

Scope Creep

I'm headed to Nova in a couple of months, and wanted something new to bring to the tournament. I'm exclusively a kill-team player these days (if you haven't checked it out, do yourself a favor), and Nova is holding a compendium-only tournament which sounds like a blast. Compendium teams are the original, essentially underpowered/beginner teams that launched with KT2.0/KT21, and are almost all teams made up of models you likely already have if you play 40k. I decided this was a perfect opportunit

The Aurora

This ship was something of an exercise in perseverance through frustration. Initially this ship was going to be an included, but removable, portion of the display board itself. I had designed a tray which incorporated the base of the ship into a corner of the board, serving as both base for the ship and a transfer tray for the kill-team. I had an IOU 3D print from a kid in my local Kill Team group that I called in to get this ship made, and received assurances that it was an easy print, and I wo

White Scars Kill-Team and Board

Another slow day at work, another blog post to archive a previous project.  When the Strike Force Justinian Kill Team was announced/revealed I got to work on a conversion. The stock models are fine, but I'm not a big fan of the Ultramarines and didn't feel like shelling out cash when I had most of the models/bits on hand. The one exception I made was for the captain, because I needed both a powerfist/plasma pistol...and white-scars bits to accompany the upgrade kit I'd picked up ages ago on a

Starting off with a finish

I've been wanting to do something like this for a while, and I'm finally pulling the trigger. I want a place to share my work and receive comments on it that isn't one of the socials or discord. Plus I can upload here from work, which is certainly a boon.  Opening project is going to be sharing the progress to date, and completion of, a display board for my take on the Euclidian Starstriders kill team (previously posted in the kill-team channel). I started the board last year, and completed
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