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Intercessors WIP

I've been working on the first intecessors squad for a few weeks now and am making progress. As you'll see the marines are in a varied state of progress - a few are mostly done (sans shading and icons) while others still need to have their bases painted and terrain added. I'll also be doing the two helmetless marines last as faces are one area I really struggle with (particularly eyes). As always when you stare at models all day everything looks fine and then you notice all sorts of errors on blemishes once you snap the photo.


Squad picture:



And a closeup on the newest member: 





I'm still working on thinning paints, particularly the base kantor blue as it's very thick. Overall I'm still very pleased with my progress, more to come soon. 


Recommended Comments

Snakes of Ithaka


Looking good, I look forward to seeing your progress, I know what you mean about noticing errors after taking photos the amount of times I don't notice an error after I post a picture on Instagram is unreal.



kudos on doing a split scheme! I wouldnt have the patience

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