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Storm Angels rise

Brother Nathan




So whilst i dislike the fluff change the new primaris stuff(i stopped around 5th edition) the models still look great and iv picked up some bits through imperium.  haveing a growing  pile of shame and  with the leviathan box set coming iv been practicing my reds more... as seen in the 2 hour painting challenge thread. 







so ive been cracking on with a few more intercessors and the lieutenant model. even poking at some of the personal heraldry bits that i used to loe that they have proper space for  as its something that really grew on me when i used to play them and i used more and more. so yeah working on my reds and different methods to line up with what i used to do maaby without as much reliance on red ink to still get the nice darker red i like(my real reason i didn't paint pure blood angels) anyway im looking forward to working more on that bit with my angels and to possibly work on the story again







Edited by Brother nathan


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