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The cost of 10th - What I will have to spend to legalize my armies



The release of the Indexes has introduced some changes in unit composition and minimums.

Some of the armies I gathered in the past will have to go through a good face lifting in order to be able to be fielded under the new unit canons.


I am no affected for the big Space Wolves faction of mine - sure a lot of stuff is probably not as it should be per the Index but I bet I have more than enough to rebalance and equilibrate some legal squads without necessity of investing again.

It will not be the case for 3 other armies:


A. Saim Hann Aeldari:

This army was gathered more than 20 years ago and frankly as it has never been mounted or played I doubt it was legal even at the time. I have hoever to find a way to get my bunch of Guardians legals. This means Ebaying weapon platforms and/or converting Serpent Shield platforms in order to be able to line them (when they will be assemblied, which will hopefully happen in the Call-to-Arm Challenge 2023....)


Ebaying will probably lead to 50-100 € depending on state and number of platforms (4 would be required out of which 2 Serpent shields). Say 100€


B. Death Watch:

These chap have to be retooled so that my death watch vetaren squads are legals. They were built to fill a kind of Devastator role on the battlefield. As such I cannot keep on fielding 4 heavy weapons in a squad of 5. " units are tooled like that leading to the need to buy 2 additionnal Veteran boxes to get enough models to redistribute Heavy weapons or to get the critical size to field 4 per squad.



2 x 35 €


C. AdMech:

Skitarii squad special weapons´ allocation revision makes that I have to add more squad than expected in this project that is my 2023 New Year/New Army project. My current guies were designed to get:

- Vanguards: 2 arc rifles

- Rangers: 2 Transuranic arquebuses

- (future Vanguards): 2 plasma stuff

I will have to had an additional Skitarii box vs. what I initially planned




1 x 42.5 € (in excess of my planned buying list)


Gran Total: 212.5€


Will I plan the procurment this year? Well probably not for DW, although being the rest of the army 100% it would be a pain not to do the little extra to complete it and getting something I could be able to field for casual games. But it will compete with my NY/NA project.


What´s missing in this analysis? Well recalculating all point values and see if my current forces are still compatibles witht he revised Munitorum points so that they meet the required sizes... But this will be for another day

Edited by Bouargh

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Side Note: I do not really need to legalize the DW army: I have enough models to field a 1k pts army. If I legalize it, I will reach 1575 points wihtout enhancements. Not too bad but not really useful either as road to 2k would yet to be closed (and there is some way still).


So DW upgrade will definitively step down (and downer) from my priority list.

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