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Orky kitbashes



One of my favorite things in the hobby is converting miniatures. I actually don't particularly enjoy building minis, but converting individuals is one of the highlights. From concept to execution to finishing it and getting to show everyone that my guy is unique, converting and kitbashing is a pillar of my hobby.

Good thing I'm an Ork player, too. Cause ain't nobody having more fun slapping plastic together haphazardly than the greenskins.


Recently, I realized I had two major problems: I only had one painted trukk and I don't like the GW Beastboss (on foot). For the first, in a weird twist of fate, I have three finished Battlewagons, but only that one trukk. And given that trukks are now very good (purely because of points; if they got hiked to 100pt, they'd be dead I think), I knew I needed more. But I couldn't just have more of the same kit running around. The current Trukk kit is very good, but it's supposed to represent a ramshackle vehicle thrown together, a set of wheels bolted to an engine with just enough welded plates for some Orks to grapple onto. So having a bunch of uniform vehicles just feels wrong, you know? Un-orky.

So, I decided that while I would put together another generic trukk, I needed to start converting my own. I've now done two (to bring me to four total, with three WiP). I cannabilized a trukk I got second-hand that I had stripped most of the paint last year to make a squig-wagon for some beast snaggas, and I gutted a rhino kit to make a nicer trukk for some nobs to roll in:





Overall, I am very happy with how they turned out. I do plan to still add a roof to the squig wagon, like some corrugated-steel-looking plasticard, to give it a "covered wagon" look. The rhino-trukk, though, I'm done with and very satisfied. The grabba claw (for the wreckin' ball) is from the old metal deff dread kit; another second-hand model paying dividends a decade later.



The second problem I mentioned is that I don't like the base Beastboss model:


It's not a bad model, I just think it's too busy in a way that obfuscates his frame. So, to remedy that, I'm converting my own. I have two Beastbosses on Squigosaur, one of which I used the Mozrog body for (and is now played as Mozrog), which meant I had a perfectly fine torso I could use as the basis of the conversion. Fortunately, I also had an Assault on Black Reach Warboss in that second-hand lot, and after a few days in the bad bath, I was able to get most of the thick paint off the torso so I could re-purpose the legs:


The idea is to use my extra claw from Mozrog as the Beastclaw, and then give him a cut-down-Big-Choppa to be his Beastchoppa. Get a good head on him and it'll be wham-blam-thankyouma'am. So with a little surgery, I removed the upper half of the AoBR boss and got the Beastboss torso on the legs:



But I now face my first real conundrum: Which head should I go with? I've made a collage and I'm soliciting opinions from all over the internet. Which head is your favorite?



Another conversion I have in mind in the short term are some runtherdas (I literally have 0 built). But this Beastboss is getting the priority right now.


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