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For Titan part 2



Yesterday I talked briefly about this weekends game. Originally it was supposed to be 1k but we decided to make it 1500 pts instead. My opponent, Entropmancer, is playing his Iron Warriors, which will have Terminators, cultist, Chaos Marines, Chaos guard, hell brutes, master of possession, and other units. With that in mind I began recalculating my list as needed. 


List 1:


Brother- Captain

Brother Librarian (Warlord and Domina Liber Daemonica enhancement)

Brother Librarian

4 terminator squads (incinerator, psycannon x 2 and psilencer)

Paladin Squad (2 psycannons)


List 2

Brother Champion (Warlord and Domina Liber Daemonica enhancement)


3 Strike Squads (incinerator, psycannon, and psilencer)  

2 lascannon Razorbacks (stormbolter and Hunter killer)

Stormhawk interceptor

Ven Dread (lascannon/ ML

Interceptor Squad

Purgation Squad (4 psilencers)

Servitor Squad (2 heavy bolters) 


List 3 (one im leaning towards)

Brother Librarian (Warlord and Domina Liber Daemonica enhancement)

Terminator Squad (psycannon)

2 Strike Squads (incinerator and psilencer)  

2 lascannon Razorbacks (stormbolter and Hunter killer)

Ven Dread (lascannon/ ML

Interceptor Squad

Purgation Squad (4 psilencers)


Inquistor Henchmen (4 acolyte, mystic, gun Servitor) 

Eversor Assassin



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