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WAR's Blog

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About this blog

General build, paint and gaming blog of various Games Workshop games in the 30k/ 40k universes.


Horus Heresy era

  • Raven Guard
  • Sisters of Silence
  • Adeptus Titanicus


Warhammer 40k

  • Grey Knights
  • Adepta Sororitas
  • Inquisitorial Forces 



  • Redemptionist/ Cawdor

Entries in this blog

"And lo: by their devices and desires shall Chaos make itself known to thee."- Silas Hand

With Codex: Imperial Agents on the horizon, in a previous Blog post, I talked about my Grand Army idea......  that was almost a year ago.... so I guess it is time for an update. According to the WarComm article :   "Should you instead wish to field an entire army of Imperial Agents, the Codex offers four new Detachments which add their own Detachment rules, Stratagems, and Enhancements to the mix, allowing you to support a full Inquisitorial force with no limitations on the number of u


WAR in Grand Army Idea

"One Unbreakable Shield Against The Coming Darkness"

So last night I sat down to organize my Grey Knight Terminators to see how many more I needed to make my Brotherhood Terminators 10 man......cause why not. There are 2 squads that have 8 men, 2 squads have 7 and the last 2 have 6 men. I have 2 unopened boxes of terminators so another 2 more would allow me to max out the 6 squads with Apothecaries and Ancients I could then add ancients to my Paladin squads.    Below is my Terminator Armor 2nd Brotherhood. (Not Shown is Variant Grandmast


WAR in Grey Knights

Incoming message.........

++Accessing Data-Loom MMMVCIIΦ... +++Establishing Link.... ++Servitor Φ-583 has connected to Terminal Σ666 ++Servitor Φ-72b has connected to Terminal Ω247 +CONNECTING.... +CONNECTING.... +CONNECTING.... +++CONNECTION ESTABLISHED+++*hissing electronics and vox feedback*"Grand Master De Sonnec, the Prognosticars have detected a fluctuation in the Immaterium near your area. More specifically the Khymara Sector. The Prognosticars predict that an incursion is imminent. Prepare your Bro


WAR in Grey Knights

"We fight for the Imperium, not our souls!"

As the threat of Combat Patrol against my kids looms ever so closer, the more I feel the pull towards my Grey Knights. I have lots of little side projects for them including more banner bearers and increasing squad size. Plus all the vehicles I have for them          Plus getting some of the servants from Skaventide to add to my Inquisition.  I think I may have to revisit my Kill Team and I am hoping for a codex soon....


WAR in Grey Knights

In the embrace of Nurgle….

Another son has decided on his army. After taking him to lgs and running into friends I have not seen in 4 years or so, one of them converted him from Necrons to Death guard. So he picked up the following Models:     Lord of Virulence      Nauseous Rotbone, Plague Surgeon.   He loves Transformers, Robots, and He-man so I figured it would be Tau or Necrons. He really liked the Necrons but when he saw Mortarion and the Great Unclean one he was hook

New miniature case!

So I finally upgraded to another miniature case.   My battlefoam 352 case is still in good condition but I did not want to drop the extra money on sliders magna racks when it was too small already. The Battlefoam case is super nice and the slider is the way to go but the price point is super high.        My Large old GW case is great for pewter models but plastic not so much.        The new case: jucoci  


WAR in Hobby Update

So it begins….

Well a trip to my FLGS with my soon to be 11 year old (step)son did not end as I had expected.    Originally it was supposed to be a quick trip in for some paint but that did not happen. I let him walk around and check out the store and soon he found some models he liked…much to my surprise. He liked the bike models in eldar and marines, liked the Guard for being the military but ultimately he saw the ridge runner, jackals and the characters of the Genestealer cult.  He decided he wanted

"A Heretic may see the truth and seek redemption."

So after going through my Models the other day I have 3 built Penitent Engines, 1 built Mortifier, an unopened Penitent Engine/ Mortifier box, 6 Arco Flagellants, 17 Repentia, 2 Repentia Superiors, and both Blackstone Fortress Priests, plus a custom one.  So enough for a Penitent Host Detachment.  I need to get a few more models to round it out (I would like more Arco Flagellants) and want to convert multi piece Canoness into a "Repentia Canoness/ Palatine"     

The absence of faith is the mark of the weak.

As much as I love Horus Heresy and Necromunda, 40k is what got me into the hobby, along with my friend @The_Oni_of_Hindsight convincing me to play, was the cool armor of the Space Marines. As I began the journey of 40k, I found Sisters of Battle and I was hooked.....1997 seems so long ago...it was too.    Fast forward to now. Like many of us, I not happy with 10th Ed of 40k, for various reasons. With the drop of the Space Marines and losing all my battleline, since I played all Phobos

Call To Arms Update #3

Well I hoped to get more done this weekend then I actually did but between the health issues, kids, errands, work issues, and in the end result I made a mental mistake that resulted in my not being able to prime the models. I washed the models put them in the tub to dry and because of the cats I put the lid on it.....which did not allow them to dry fully.      With the 4th of July this week here in the United States, I have a 4 day weekend so I plan on getting them all primed,


WAR in Call to Arms

Call To Arms Update #2

Cerebus built     Need to put arms and do their bases on 10 terminators and buy 3 more predators but I plan on getting a storage bin so I can get the tanks washed and dried so I can get them primed and base coated this weekend.


WAR in Call to Arms

General Update and what next post Call to Arms

It has been 10 days since I have posted....... time for an update   Well I got the main gun built and mounted on my Cerebus and that's all the real hobby stuff I was able to accomplish in that time.  I did get to see and hang out for with my local gaming group 06/22 for a few hours but not long enough to play a game, mainly it was to hang out an pick up my preorders, my part of our group orders, and drop off stuff I traded/ were giving to them. I gave up my AOS Sigmarite army that I wa


WAR in Hobby Update

Call To Arms Update #1

Well weekend is over  and my amazing fiancé and future kids spoiled me yesterday for Father's Day by giving me some hobby time.  I did not want to waste it but I also decided I wanted to smoke a Pork Loin for dinner so I bounced between hobby room and smoker in the afternoon/ evening.   Saturday night finished building the Kratos Turret and plow.     As I told my friend @The_Oni_of_Hindsight after all these years of playing/ building 40k, the Kratos is the first " M


WAR in Call to Arms

Call To Arms- Vow

I am proud this year to pledge my Allegiance to the Horus Heresy Stronghold in the name of Emperor! My Vow break down later.   One of my favorite things about the B&C community is the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge and the Call to Arms Model building and painting events. @Grotsmasha has done a great job at keeping these events going over the years.  I am getting married in November this year, so I am hoping to get back into the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge next year, as a way to keep


WAR in Call to Arms

Tanksgiving part 4 - Heavy Tank Inbound

Well it has been a week, not so much work related but I finally found time to hobby. I had to decide between painting Sisters of Silence (now that I have all 50 infantry models), the Custodes, or start building the last 2 armor vehicles I have.  Well the Kratos won out. This is were it ended last night.      Just turret and accessories to do.  I am hoping to get it done and get the Cerebus done too  before Saturday so I can focus on painting the rest of the Call to Arms vow


WAR in Tanksgiving

Tanksgiving part 3 - Forges are lit

As part of the ongoing series about my local group upcoming Horus Heresy Tank Game.   (Previous articles) Tanksgiving Part 1  Tanksgiving Part 2   Well I finally finished building the 2 Vindicators and surprisingly 2 Predators this week. Still need to build them Kratos and Cerberus.    Status of the  XIXth 909th Armored Company will consist of:   HQ:       Master of Armory Sicaran- Built Elites:    Squadron of 2 Sicarans- 1 Built/ 1 Compl


WAR in Tanksgiving

We are vigilance unending!

Well this just happened.....     I guess I have to build a Custodes army for HH now.... Still more to do on the base and well order more Custodes. Unlike my Sisters of Silence this will be a full army.  I plan on painting them Gold like My Knight Abyssal shown here:     But red robes. I think the bases may be more Unique with more than skulls.   So to start the plan is: Shield Captain  Hetaeron Guard Custodian Guard Squad Sent

Introducing the Kids to 40k- a summer project - Preview

A while back my Fiancée was shopping at Target and asked me if I wanted anything. I told her the The Space Marine Board Game. She did pick it up for me.        Not being a Tyranid Player or an Ultramarine player this was an enh purchase for my armies but as an introduction to 40k for my fiancée's adopted sons and my future (step) sons (11, 10, 9, and 8) it felt it would be perfect.  I can build in paint Capt. Titus, the kids can build and paint the Tyranids and then we can pl

Tanksgiving part 2

In my previous Tanksgiving Part 1 post I talked about my local groups up coming Horus Heresy Tank Game.  Well it is time for an update.    3000 pts of  the 909th Armored Company will consist of:   HQ:       Sicaran Elites:    Squadron of 2 Sicarans Troops:  Squadron of 2 Predators Troops:  Squadron of 2 Predators Troops:  Squadron of 1 Predator Fast Attack: Squadron of 2 Sabre tanks Heavy Support: Squadron of 2 Vindicators Hea


WAR in Tanksgiving

Silence is Golden.....

Another weekend has come and gone and well I had to take some extra time off but had to go in and conduct training at work on Sunday.   I started the weekend working on my bases for the Sisters of Silence all 31 of them....     Vallejo White pumice, tile grout and rocks, cut of coffee stir sticks, Pegasus hobbies bricks,  Gale force 9 barb wire, and of course citadel skulls.    Then I started building 5 Prosecutors     I am awaiting the

A Story of Death or Victory- The Angels of the XIXth Legion Raven Guard Pt1

I am a Rememberacer. My job as given to me by Holy Terra, is that of a documenter, as journalist, if you will. Even as I write this, I wonder if it will be read by others. I am one of lucky few, given the opportunity to join the Emperor’s Great Crusade, as the Legions bring the worlds back under the Emperor’s light. This the story of my time, or better yet, retelling of the battles of that the Angels of the XIXth Legion, Raven Guard, I witnessed. The fleet, XIXth Legion, Raven Guard, 707th Exped


WAR in Hobby Time

Helmets, doggies and birdies

Well the esty order has arrived and I forgot to take photos of the helmeted heads . Overall I am really impressed with them and I will need to attach the top knots to them ones with out them. I only going to do the 10 heads well 9 actually for the Raptora Cadre.      The Crows and Cyber dogs came in. Both are super nice. Dogs feel like they are bit small compared to the crows. But the are still Good boys..     here is another scale pic   Next t

XIXth Legion Army badge and Sisters of Silence Update

Well I was going through the Sisters of Silence to see how many models I actually I have. Turns out I have 20 Sisters of Silence plus the Black Library Character. I did order another 5 Sisters of Silence. Plus I ordered some bits off of Etsy.    First off was this     I ordered 10 Heads I figured these would be great for my Raptora Bodygurad.    Then I found these       Cyber puppies!!!!!   And since my Pursuer Cadre will be


WAR in Hobby Time

Huge Update

Such a productive weekend! Friday I took off as a planned sick day and ended up having to run some errands for work and answering phone calls. Perks of being the boss, but at least I am hourly so it was all paid.  I initially took the day off to recover from my cold but Thursday night I built Cabinet 4 of 5 for the office/ hobby room.    After my errands I decided to hit up FLGS in hopes of them being out of the a Legiones Astartes Battle Group....if not I'd pick it up....  
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