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Reset of my Eldar army - thinking about a second vow for Call-to-Arms 2023...



Something that I like from B&C and participating to these forums and BLogs is how it gives me will for completing projects. Challenges helps in that sense. For example I joined because of/thanks to the BCK Vehicle Challenge: it was the motivation I needed to complete a conversion I had started but left with close to zero progress for months (years). The same happens with tehe Call to arms 2023 challenge. It is a motivation to get out of the shoe box some minis I have accumulated and left aside for more than a decade. Time to resurrect an Eldar Army that never flully reached preassembly stage!


So, how do we go at date?


A. Preparing for te Challenge

In order to test schmes, colours, muster paint pots and decide of basing, this led me into painting a Wave Serpent (WS) and a WraithLord.

You can meet the stuff in previous Blog entries...



B. Vow 1

It has helped me painting a party that complete the forces up to a Combat patrol level plus some extras (a second WS and a Skyrunner Warlock). Here is the result so far (completed - vows at 41 pts):




C. Vow 2

It is time to get ambitious.  I have sorted out my first vow in 3 working weeks ans as I do not have any kind of holliday for the next mobths, I think I can succeed into completing a second vow:

- 2 Defender guardians - 2 pts

- 10 Storm Guardians - 10 pts

- 10 Dire Avengers - 10 pts

- 1 Skyrunner Farseer - 5 pts

- 2 Vypers - 6 pts

- 1 Falcon - 6 pts

- 2 Warlocks - 10 pts

- 1 Autarch - 5 pts

For a total of 54 pledged points


- plus 6 extra pledged points for repainting in Aspect colours 3 Shining spears

- plus 3 extra points for a converted Venom I wanted to use a a steed for a personal version of Nuadu Firehearth - and placed for the Master of the Forge sub challenge 


So a total of 63 pts if the 2 latters fit. But maybe is it too ambitious and is it worth splitting it into a second and a third vow???


This could be a starting point - but I still have to think about it:




D. But, Can I play with this?

Well, is it an optimized army list for serious gaming? Probably not. I set a total of 1675 pts if I have it done correctly, excluding 1 Jet bike and 2 Defenders and considering that I can manage something to represent the serpent Platform for the Storm Guardians. Not too bad but not the best army list neither. There is serious need for thinking about how to strengthen such a force and muster reinforcement that gives punch... If I want to play with it one day. 


Any suggestion is welcomed, knowing that I have ZERO gaming experience with the pointy ears.



Edited by Bouargh


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