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Call to Arms: Week 2



Week 2 as come and gone! While I'm aware that this blog is going up later than it should, I'm still covering the same time scale, and I'll promise to do better next week!




When I left it last time, I'd done the task of covering every flesh with Ork Flesh (and knocking it over in the process) while also starting on the neuroloids. I promised a Neurotyrant afterwards, and here we go:


The aethermatic blue came to the rescue again and I also put colours on the base (including the poor space marine who lost his body at some point. 

I also used white scar on the teeth, followed up by a coat of nuln oil.


As I was going for a unit by unit approach, it meant I could go to the next step for this three, bring on the drybrushing!



My drybrushing recipe is simple.

For the flesh, it's a go over with moot green, going pretty heavy with it. After that, I mix some white scar in there, approx a 3:1. Usually, that's enough but looking at some figures ahead, I'll probably go further by adding in more white scar.


The purple parts is actually the same except instead of moot green, I use (rather fittingly) Genestealer Purple.


These new tyranids are made for drybrushing, the texture on them catches the brush at the right points and it looks great.


The brains, I was initially going to leave, but in the end, with the white scar still out, I gave them a drybrush on the top most part of the brain. It's subtle in the pictures but more noticeable in person.


All that's left now is basing, which is what I'm hopefully doing this soon, taking these three and this next squad I'm about to talk about.


The Neurogaunts, the purple on these seemed to take forever, and while it probably didn't help that I added the Ripper swarms, the amount of time it took to get these done was a bit much...Knocking over the Leviathan Purple over twice (twice in one session!) added some salt into the wound.

As of the Friday (the day I'm using as the cut off for these blog posts) this was the state of things:


I gave the rippers some tongues using Screamer pink, and I had to keep going back in to what I'd done with the Neurogaunts as I noticed gaps of undercoat everywhere. It drove me mental.


Goals for week 3?

Neurogaunts done.

Neuroloids, Neurotyrant and Neurogaunts based

Termagaunts started.


I'm going after the Termagaunts in blocks of ten, but I may revise that given how much of a pain the Neurogaunts were. We'll see.


Till next week,


Keep hobbying!


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