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Call to Arms: Week 3



Another week gone, another week bites the dust! You get the idea...


In some sense, I didn't get too much done, but in another, I got a bit done!


From my last blog post, I started the week by continuing with the Neurogaunts and Ripper Swarms:



At this point, all their base colours were done, which meant time for fun with drybrushing!


Here, I pressed ahead with the Ripper swarm and got them finished. The Neurogaunts also had their flesh drybrushed like the Neurotyrant before them, though I added an extra stage here where I mixed more White Scar in. Didn't quite go the way I planned in my head but that's life!


Seeing that the finish line was close for these gaunts, I pressed forward!20230720_004416.thumb.jpg.8e47e6b5e499cedad846d6563b99a87b.jpg

Heres the completed Neurogaunts, standing proud, despite their likely hood of being used on the tabletop being quite low at the moment.

Having them done meant I could turn my attention to the Termagaunts.


I decided on a different approach with these guys, in order to preserve what little sanity I had left, I moved to paint them in small batches of 5...and I threw in a Barbagaunt for good measure!


Wasn't long before they were at the drybrush stage as well!


I added a new shade of green to the mix here to help differentiate the normal flesh from the guns. I used Dark Angels Contrast for this task, and it appears to do the trick.


Of course, the biggest news this week?


I got things based!


Neurotyrant (and Neuroloids)



Ripper Swarms






I can officially say that I've now fully completed 16/47 miniatures! With any luck, I might be able to push that to 28 by next Saturday...wish me luck!


I'm hopefully taking better pictures of the completed units this week, and I'll add them to the Tyranid gallery.


Till then,


Keep hobbying!



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