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Call to Arms: Week 4



Week 4 has come and gone, so what did I do?

Paint gaunts.


It took one session to complete the 1st batch (of 5 Termagaunts and 1 Barbagaunt) from where I left them last week:


So with reckless abandon, I started the next batch straight away20230724_011433.thumb.jpg.48980e7aadfa7bf66b698c2ac762e6af.jpg


There was nothing new that happened with the 2nd batch other than deciding to do two Barbagaunts now instead of later. I spent a lot of time going around and fixing mistakes where I found them, trying to eradicate white gaps in the green flesh. Eventually though (after 3 tedious sessions), I got them complete as well.



I want to point out here about the white base, specifically the rims of the base. Given that I was going with a snowy theme, I thought it made sense to go white. Little did I realise how much of a headache it was going to be. I've been using white scar as Mt go to white for a little while, finding it superior to Crovax White as that one was a chalky mess. The colour though is very transparent, and that's before it's thinned down. Given that, I wanted to look at an easier way to do it. I tried Army Painter Lawful White (and ran into the exact same problem). Then I tried store brand paint (in this case Wilkinsons) and found it even worse. Until I can get a different brand White again, I'm stuck using 4-6 layers of White Scar.

Friday came, and with it...



That's 10 Termagaunts and 3 Barbgaunts based which brings the Call to Arms total to:



I'm officially half way through!


Next weeks update will probably be a short one as I've still got plenty of gaunts to get through!


Till then,

Keep on hobbying!


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