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Call to Arms - Week 12 Progress Report





This week progress report  will be the last one before the conclusive date of the Challenge. I am on the way of closing my third vow, even if the tick tocking of the count down is still present. 


Todays' issue was getting short of primer. By chance some other comitments led me close to a DIY store where I took the first can I found. It is enough to get the 2 remaining pieces of scenery painted. While it dries, I will focus on the Skitarii. So next (and last) week will probably be a quick and dirty scenery painting.


The big achievement is that Cawl is done. A nightmarish model to paint even if it is worth the effort. The final result is not too bad. Or at least it is of the same level thant the rest of the Admech army of mine. Clearly I was afraid that this complex model would be too much for me and would end up being a kind of wart...

But I am quite satisfied of the final result. 








In the background, you can guess the presence of the Rangers - bodies, back packs and heads done. weapons are WIP. Final assembly probably this WE.


And as a desert, the pile of tires.




What remains, beside of the 10 rangers, are therefore the Proxy container and a sand bag (large) barricade.


....tick-tock, tick-tock...


Edited by Bouargh


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