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Call to Arms 2023 - Countdown to Sept 30





A small and short update as the sand from the glasshour is slowly but surely flowing down.


As of today, Sept 25th, all the Skitarii are painted, based and ready to be dispatched in their new units. Indeed this batch of 10 was meant to legalize my previous Rangers so that they may fit the new Index rules. To be understood as being closer to legality than they used to be in the past (No more pair of Transurannic arquebus in a single unit of 10, I am afraid).


So I painted 2 plasma boyz and I will reorganize the diferent rangers in 2 units.

Probably one on the march and one in firing position, at least in terms of majority of poses.


This also makes me think that I will not use the numbers on the decals when time will come to set some. Only cogs and skulls, so that Rangers can be reorganized on demand. For example, if I want a datatether and a scanner in the same unit, as the lack of arms holding a single gun prevent you from doing it in all units: so its is not possible to get both options at the time unless getting as much rangers as vanguard units of converting some radguns with the spares left... As far as I am concerned I have prefered using a spare gun to do an Alpha pointing out a vengful finger and spending bitz in convertions, kitbashes and custom scenery during era of 9th Ed... 






So in terms of progress I have painted so far in my third vow:

- Cawl - 10 pts

- 2 Kastelans and their datasmith - 11 pts

- 10 Rangers - 10 pts

- one scrap pile - 2 pts


Are still to be completed:

- a second scrap pile - 2 pts

- a proxy armoured container - 4 pts


So 33oo39 pts completed. I guess it is achievable...

Edited by Bouargh
tipos and details


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