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As the Call to Arms 2023 Challenge is getting close to its end, I will share here some family portraits of my contributions.


In the Xenos Stronghold - running for Aeldari Forum - A Saim Hann War Host.






Except the Wraithlord (Edit) and the red WS that have been painted prior to the Challenge but that I cannot leave away from their amtes, all the models have been painted in 2 distinct vows.

Special note of the converted Venom, that is enlisted for Master of the Forge.


Still in the Xenos Stronghold - running (as a proxi) for the Leagues of Votann Forum - a lone Squat trike




Enlisted as a single and lonely vow


In the Imperium Stronghold - running for Space Wolves SubForum - a column of Rhinos




All belonging to 2 distinct vows


In the Imperium Stronghold - running for Astra Militarum - some isolated SW auxilaries investing an abandoned outpost




All belonging to 3 distinct vows


And, finally, still in the Imperium Stronghold - running for Adeptus Mechanicus Forum - Part of an Extermination Maniple




This vow was initially planned to be my main contribution to the Imperial Stronghold, but, because of shipping delays, it happened being the last one, the rest of the Imperial troops being the activated contingency plan.


In total this represent a Grand Total of 201 Points:

- Aeldari - 102 pts

- Votann - 2 pts (but so far accounted as 2 extra points for Aeldari in the List of vows)

- SW + Astra Militarum (as they are all included in SW vows) - 58 pts

- AdMech - 39 pts


Nota: Ruins and Scenery are inc. in the Imperium related vows.

Edited by Bouargh
typos + exclusions


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