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New Year / NO New Army - a 2024 (tentative) plan(ning)



Hi folks, hope 2023 ended well and that 2024 will reserve some nice hobbying surprises for all of you.


As far as I am concerned, 2023 has been a very busy hobbying year. As much or even busier than Lock-down period. The Call-to-Arms 2023 Challenge is certainly partly responsible of that state of fact ( :biggrin: ), even if no one forced me to enrol myself. Yet it has been a really good (and potent) catalyst.


But back on the topic disclosed in the tieel: How will 2024 (potentialy) be on my hobby Agenda?


First of all - It will NOT be a New Year/New Army. I have not reached the state I want for the stuff started last year (AdMech) and I want to finish it. I also want to close the loop(s) with the Saim-Hann force I mustered in the early 2000´s and painted this summer. Plus getting my IG auxillia filled with a couple of units more in order to get it playable on its own. So, no, no new army this year (even if my IG force might be based on minis kit bashed from GSC, Necromunda gangs or other things...). 


Second -  No planification. What a word. What a concept. I will certainly not dress up a Primavera Planning. I am indeed a kind of compulsive buyer and newly released miniatures that were off radars may bend the trajectory of my critical path. So, no Planning. No Roadmap neither, as I am not a master of the clocks. But not getting any Planification does not mean that there is no Plan.


So third and last - the Plan (a.k.a. January Wish List):

  1. on Top of the List - Keep in mustering more AdMech. I wish getting some additional supporting units around my Rangers/Vanguards and Kataphrons core. To give some relief to the whole stuff, the new Patrol box could be a good start, plus a Freeblade (either an Armiger Talon or a FW AdMech Knight - just because it is cool looking)
  2. on Second place - Paint all these tiny marines and squats from the 90´s.
  3. on Third position - The Old World - Start cleaning my pile of shame from my WFB time - But this is part of a different journey that will not belong to this Blog.
  4. on Fourth position - Keep on feeding this Blog - Let´s try to target 25 to 30 contributions for 2024, i.e. a minimum of 1 every 2 weeks.
  5. and Lastly -  From an opportunistic point of view, gather some aditionnal units to fill the ranks of the embryos of Saim-Hann and IG forces I already have. 


This is the master plan that will probably suffer some changes as the weeks are passing by and as new releases will see the light. Or if I step in a FLGS... I am already lurking on the mid height platforms from the last KT environment and I saw a pair of old Kill Zones boxes forgotten on a shelf. This may be a source of distraction... But in all case the Master will be my wallet. And I may need to change the car this year, so...


As the only thing sure is that (battle)plans rarely survive the first encounter with the enemy,  every thing above is likely to be obsolete by tomorrow.


And you, how are you planing your 2024 hobby year?

Edited by Bouargh

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personally the 40k virus hit me like a (insert titan reference or something) point is it came out of nowhere after 3ish years without. I'm going to be mostly painting when I feel like it but mostly listening to lore on every Warhammer topic imaginable. by years end I hope to have a kill team and if I'm very dedicated and I keep getting the painting feeling, maybe a combat patrol.

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