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As I embarked in the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge for 2024, I was not really expecting getting a huge volume of projects related to 40k or HH eras.

In reality I was planning painting some old WFB stuff (to get them for the Old World for using or selling) and eventually getting one or two stuff for the Space Opera universes.


This was without counting on a combination of external factors suchas Winter sales, Shop closure, stock cleaning, and burning Credit card. 

The usual suspects. It looks like this is a typicial vicious circle indeed. ¿Indeed?


So, you think you see the end of the tunnel (a.k. Pile of Shame), while in fact you mismatch with the beams of light of the delivery man truck bringing you more material.
Sales are a damnation. Or is it my own lack of moral strenght?


In a nutshell, while planning a quiet year, as introduced in my previous Blog entries, the plan has already blown away. And my collection of terrain is growing strong.
Let´s see what went in:
- Mekboy Workshop - more piles of scraps and a Ryza pattern ruined workshop...
-... ruined workshop that will fit perfectly with a full Nachmund set.
- And as the ruins means people living under tents, so some Necromunda market stuff makes the deal


This is a good base to go with my home mad edragoon teeth, piles of scrap, sand bagged container and derelicted IG vehicles trapped in sand.


Yet it is not a complete picture as there is :
- More Ryza Pattern bunkers, from ooP Kill Zone: Sector Fronteris. This will almost close the loop and will allow a full Fronteris village
- Bheta-Decima terrain, mainly for the mid-height platforms but the REactor will be a good silo for the Fronteris township too.   




I was aiming at more Armoured containers, to cut them into improvised shelters / dump town habitations and  one (or two) Thatos Hab, but fortunatly I recovere reason before...

With all this stuff, the small (old West) Ash desert township will result being an amalgam of the STC habs, ruined stuff and the usual add-ons from newcomers, Refugees and wanderers

I guess with might be a good Plodding Along vow project for S1 in the =]12Months of Hobby 2024[= challenge, excluying the Bheta-Decima atm as it is no really fitting well into the plot...




The main topic is now defining a painting scheme. In a perfect case, it should fit with the plastcrete colour of my exisitng buildings. Yet the design of the Ryza STC is closer of Mechanicus Sector gantries... Shell the latter apply, a simple black dry brushed with metallics will match.
It may eventually be a little bit too dark. But I do not feel like I am ready to go to radical coulour changes such as rusted metal or brownish reds... Any suggestion?



Recommended Comments

5 hours ago, iplay40k.com said:

Why did you have to introduce me to the Mek Boy Workshop? Now I have to go on eBay to try and get one for myself!


:devil: "Tell me what you want, what you really really want" :devil:

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