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Call to Arms 2024 - 1st vow and progress report



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Hi Folks,


CtA 2024 has been launch and it is time to set a first progress report.


For the moment, I decided to focus on my AdMech. This New Year New Army project started in 2023 still need to be strengthened. My first pledge is therefore oriented i order to egt some supporting troops that were missing on the rooster. The pledged models are:


  • 1 Admech Patrol box inc. 1 Manipulus (5pts), 3 Serberis (6 points), 10 Skitarii (10 points) and 5 Pteraxii (5 points) - total 26 points
  • 1 Master of the Watch - total 5 points
  • 1 Archeotechnologist (5 points), one Engineseer (5 points) and 1 Marshall (5 points) - total 15 points
  • 10 Negavolt cultists as proxi Electropriests - total 10 points
  • Admech scenery inc. 3 small machines (3 points), 2 big machines (4 points) and 1 generator (6 points) - total 13 points


For a grand total of 69 points.


Although I usually keep scenery as a "snack" between units, I decided, this time, to start with them. My time table is rather busy and I only managed saving some minutes everyday for hobby. As I treat these models mainly by dry brushing, the perfectly fit in my agandea. When Technicity meets time constraints...


Without saying much, here are the first victims of my marginal contribution to this year contest:


The sigil of Adeptus Mechanicus is watching you:




I sticked to my usual scheme of bone gantries amd greyinsh structure, There is more metallic parts though on this model. More details bellow:





The machineries are also from KT set - but these were Ebayed. Once agian I kept it simple and aligned with all myprevious stuff for Sectro Mechanicum:




And that´s it for these few days. 

Next progress report will touch some of these new units. Only stuff I am sure of is how I will assemble the models:

- Vanguards

- Serberys raiders

- and Pteraxii Sterylizors


Except Vanguards, all these models will require that I adopt some variant for the paint scheme in order toa dadpt it to the specific features of the sculpts. Same will apply to the Negavolt cultist used as Electropriests proxies...


But we will see this in a next instalement of this Blog.



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