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12 Months of Hobby - A plodding along completion



Hi Folks,


For this year endurance challenge of 12 months of hobby I enlisted a Plodding Along vow that is now complete



The vow consisted into:


  • 1 x Moroch set
  • 1 x Necromunda Market
  • 1 x ooP Fronteris Killzone
  • 1 x Bheta Decima set
  • 1 x Ork Workshop


The work started with the old KilZone - Sector Fronetris. A bargain at 80€. It defined the main colours for the rest of the stuff as the plan was to develop a compete and cohesive table around STC Bunker-habs modules.







The Ork Workshop and the Bheta-Decima terrain followed. The latter is not especically cheap, and not so qualitative. Yet it is a nice addition to get a silo in the table and add some heights. Yet I did not plan to use the Gantries on this table, Or only anecdotically. They will be better reserved for my Sector Mechanicus Table.







The rest of the Sector Fornteris was completed by the addition of the Moroch set, which increase the number of bunker and add some characteristic buildings and fences..





Finally, and in order to develop the idea of a sump town slowly growing around the initial inhabitation core (a la Far West movies), I used the Necromunda Market as a source for some "tent like" stuff. I already commenetd all the pleasure (insert sarcasm here) that caused the painting of this set. And once comes the moment to store it safely.... Even worse.




In the end I added to my terrain collection a serious amount of plastic chunk. More than necessary as the differnt item associated to the completed kits is already more than what is required to cover a table at 3000 pts. Next challenge will be hosting a game now.


The Plodding Along was completed on june 14th or alike, before embarking on a sea trip to and back from Cornwall on the 21st of the same month. SO I fitted into my target window of 1 semester. Hooray!


At one moment I felt like I was going to increase the challenge adding some more Slumptown structures with some cut and converted Munitorum Armoured COntainers. But I gave up. Similarly I resisted into buying some Hab modules from Necromunda. Characters, they have. But cheap they are not. And I spent too much, more than I wanted, on the "Terrain" stuff.  


Time now to come back into business with Standard Monthly Vows and CtA 2024 of course!


See you soon  ...




And now some  scenarization!


1. Welcome to Dust Glutch, Ultimate Frontier Quadrant. West of Nowhere.




Well known place for its booby traps...




Locals wandering in the market, looking for something (or someone) to eat




I feel alone... Is there someone here?




I had better be left alone finally...




This Pad looks small once compared with an already not-to-scale SM aeroplane:




CAST (Removed at final cut) - rest of Plodding alone stuff unused there:



Edited by Bouargh


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