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Joint Progress Report - CTA24 and 12 Months of Hobby



Hi Folks,


I had a dream, a dream where I could enlist different stuff for CTA24 and the 12 Months challenge. It will remain a dream.

Time being what it is, a rare and limited ressource, I had no choice than enlist a comon entry for the 2 challenges in July. This common entry is the Negavolt Cultist unit (x 10), to be used as a proxy for Electropriests.

I will call them Corpuscarii Zealots. They are designed as something inbetween the electrofists and the power staff, so, upon games they could be used either as one or other unit. 


As a scheme I have been tempted to add some "variety". I already did it with some Legend Secutarii Hoplite, breaking my Custom Forgeworl Colour scheme. I repeated the process this time again. Afterall, Electropriests are not related to Skitarii Legions. They are rather allied factions within the Mechanicum. So, why should they follow exactly the same painting patrons as the Skitariis and their Leaders?  

OK, they belong to the same world, so maybe a series on common points could be welcomed? Let´s check

- Red armour pieces ? - No, Negavolts run almost naked

- Grey tabards - Possible, but I am not convinced

- FW Symbol - I cannot imagine where one can fiend enough free spoace available on Negavolts miniatures to put a decal on...


Looked like a dead end alley. I finally opted for a distinct way, let´s call it "inverted scheme". Instead of getting a grey major with red as upgrading colour, I went for main dark red with greyish details. "Main" should be understood as Tabards and "Details" as wrist amd anckle bands.


It sorted out not too bad. To my taste.




The alectric blue coils really help to create the contrasting point these crouching minis needed. As there are only 2 poses, the diversification comes mainly only by mean of disitnct distribution of the Medusae cables and plugs snaking from the heads. 

Being snap minis, no prepainting was done. Of course it limits accessibility to internal details and an accurate eagle eye watcher with miniatures in hands will see that they are globally one level bellow the other skitarii of my army.




Only stuff wrong: Base size. I Ebayed the miniatures without bases and I did not checked which base size comes with the Electropriests. As a consequences these are mounted on 25 mm bases instead of 32 mm. I am not obsessed by this theme, yet it might eventually requires a future correction with diameter extansion rings. Fortunatly, my basing is simple enough to allow that potential modification without screwing up everything.


That´s all for the moment. Let´s now assembly Seberii from the patrol box enlisted in CTA24. I feel like this will not be a quiet journey.


See you next time.



Edited by Bouargh


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