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Call to Arms 2024 - 3rd progress report



Header Adeptus Mechanicus.png


Hi Folks, 


After 5 weeks of challenge, and a welcomed holiday break, I am back to the brushes since last week.

these past 10 days I managed to have some progress, although less lighting fast than it isued to be last year at the same period in the previous challenge. But, hay, it is an endurance run afterall, and I may eventually boost up my productivity latter.


I started with the Serberys mounts. I have been excesively enthusiatic and I did not consider prepainting at all. Big mistake. these model require being as much painted as possible befor being glued together. Their sheer complexity makes that many parts are hard or impossibkle to reach with the brush once assemblied. anyway, after a lot of corrective touches to cover paints spots left here or there during the contorsionist´s exercices needed to paint the bellies of the cyber horses, the mounts are done. Next job will be the riders.




I also spent time on the 3 minor heros, completing them all.

The Marshall and the Technoarquelogist went rather fast, keeping the usual pallet of colours. It makes that the Marshall does not stand out much. But it is a cyborg and is not supposed to have any personality, so I guess it fits the big picture. Getting some more baroque stuff and a cloak is probably much more a sign of the ego of his master than wants a shiny puppet to show to his mates.




The last figure is the kit-bashed Mining Priest, with hydraulic claw and mining laser, I previously introduced in a blog entry (May 9th). This one went even faster. 6 hours gran total inc. basing and drying, and a quite long drive to and back from  the supermarket to fill up the fridge. 




Here is the resulting progess status: 38oo69 pts. So a little bit more than 55%


  • 1 Admech Patrol box inc.
    • 1 Manipulus (5pts)
    • 3 Serberis (6 points) - WIP
    • 10 Skitarii (10 points) - WIP
    • 5 Pteraxii (5 points) - total 26 points
  • 1 Master of the Watch (5 points) - WIP
  • 1 Archeotechnologist (5 points) - Completed
  • 1 Engineseer (5 points) - Completed
  • 1 Marshall (5 points) - Completed
  • 10 Negavolt cultists as proxi Electropriests - Completed
  • Admech scenery inc. 3 small machines (3 points), 2 big machines (4 points) and 1 generator (6 points) - Completed


Not too bad, but there is still some work ahead. Riders and rangers have received the black and metal drybruch and I will focus on them next. The Master of the Watch is waiting for some attention now that it has his black and his maatal done. but I keep him for dead times.

Manipuls will the the cherry on the cupcake once Pteraxii will be done. These look rather complicated to assemble. I do not want to screw up so I am thinking on the best way to do.


See you soon. 



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