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Call to Arms 2024 - 4th progress report



Header Adeptus Mechanicus.png


Hi Folks, 


It has been a busy week. I managed to progress quite a lot on my pledge, although it is not yet 100% completed.


At the moment I can had to the rooster the 3 Serberys and the Manipulus. The latter was supposed to be the last miniature to be painted but in the end it took over the Pteraxii.


The Raiders were configured in the standard tooling for a unit of 3: sticking to the manual. I have some others on their way and when I will expand the gang, the 3 additional raiders will be only gunners.




The Manipulus has been fitted in the exact opposite of the one I already have. So, the second head option and the railgun/ray of death stuff.




Is it all I did? Not really. Most not to say all the other entries are started and at various completion levels. Rangers are progressing and are at something close to 80% finished.

Pteraxii have received all their base colours and I am starting the detaling steps.

Watch Master is also well engaged, even if I left him aside after publication of the Imperial Agent news. Felt depressed by the dirrecion DW is probably going to...


Here is the resulting progess status: 49oo69 pts. So a little bit more than 70%


  • 1 Admech Patrol box inc.
    • 1 Manipulus (5pts) - Completed
    • 3 Serberis (6 points) - Completed
    • 10 Skitarii (10 points) - WIP
    • 5 Pteraxii (5 points) - WIP
  • 1 Master of the Watch (5 points) - WIP
  • 1 Archeotechnologist (5 points) - Completed
  • 1 Engineseer (5 points) - Completed
  • 1 Marshall (5 points) - Completed
  • 10 Negavolt cultists as proxi Electropriests - Completed
  • Admech scenery inc. 3 small machines (3 points), 2 big machines (4 points) and 1 generator (6 points) - Completed


I have to amnage to close some stuff this week, as coming August is rather busy and will send back the stuff uncompletetd to a latter date in the month. And if I want to enlist a second vow, it is better trying out to manage the time left as a rare and key ressource...


See you soon. 


Edited by Bouargh


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