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Call to Arms 2024 - 5th progress report





Hi folks,


I will not make it.

My target of completing the last unots of my CTA24 first vow before end of week will not be achievable. Current temp rise and high humidity make any painting or modelling attempt catastrophical. paint dries on the brush and in the pot once opened, gets thick, crackle while drying... 


Anyway, I have been able to complete the painting of the separated items of the Skitarii just before this hot summer time really appeared, so I have been left this week only with the final assembly and glueing. Which went quick and fast doing it at 6:00 a.m.




As one may notice I am well above the number or arc guns than allowed in the dataslate (3 vs. 1!). This is in fact the final step of my legalization/optimization of my Rangers units. I indeed already field 2 units but fitted only with Arquebus and plasma. I will therefore swap 2 mundane gunmen (one in each previously owned unit) with these arc gunners. Et voila! 3 fully kitted Ranger units


I also managed finishing the Watch Master - as most of the model was painted already, missing only a few details such as cables or so, fast paint drying has not been an issue there.




It is a regular result for the latter. I have been quite demotivated by the news about Imperial Agent and I managed completing this model only because it was pledged. It almost ended up into the waiting list of stuff reprogrammed-to-a-latter-yet-to-be-confirmed date.


So here is the updated progess status: 64oo69 pts. Close to finish line.


  • 1 Admech Patrol box inc.
    • 1 Manipulus (5pts) - Completed
    • 3 Serberis (6 points) - Completed
    • 10 Skitarii (10 points) - Completed
    • 5 Pteraxii (5 points) - WIP
  • 1 Master of the Watch (5 points) - Completed
  • 1 Archeotechnologist (5 points) - Completed
  • 1 Engineseer (5 points) - Completed
  • 1 Marshall (5 points) - Completed
  • 10 Negavolt cultists as proxi Electropriests - Completed
  • Admech scenery inc. 3 small machines (3 points), 2 big machines (4 points) and 1 generator (6 points) - Completed


Weather forecast is showing an improvement from Thursday afternoon (which is today´s by the way); may be I will have enough time tonight to tresume these Pteraxii... Afterall, most of these is done. But I often need more time for details that for main areas.


See you soon. 

Edited by Bouargh

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