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What if HH Mechanicum units stepped into Indomitus era? - Part 2





Hi Folks,


As fantasied in a previous instalment of this blog, I tried to play to the "What-if HH minis were introduced in the 40K SKitarii setting" game.



I short listed the potential candidates, and, after cooking some rules adaptation I reached a point where some custom datasheet can be shared. Without pretention.


The design process has been anything but playtested. I indeed started with a kind of rule of 3, leading to start from the diferencial perfiles from the Mago and Myrmidons (as I will start with these) in the HH rules, and then translating them, with an offset, to the 40k era using the Dominus perfile as a base case. Once done, I went though a small statistic simulation of performance and yield agianst usual standards: the Good, the Bad, the Ugly (a.k.a. the Primaris Intercesor, the fool Fire cast xeno and the Grot); all credit to MSExcel. Result were... Well, just consider that it did not make the cut. So back to the workbench after some key learning:


1. HH is repleted of special rules that are not so easily transposable.

2. Perfiles differences in HH are quite extreme if transposed to 40k just by proportional rating, especially for Mirmydon than would become beastial beasts

3. 40k datasheet Factions and Core abilities, even if they represent a painful amount of info to remember and to manage (as literally every and each unit has something special to claim), are in fact a most rationnal way to balance a set of datasheet without bloating too much stat lines. It is still however impossible to rate pointwise in a smart and mathematically simple way.


Result has been a full revision of the design (pompous) philosophy: making the Myrmidons eguals to Mago Dominus but i) working in band and ii) shifting their features for some more cult specific abilities rather than leadership features.

What is a cult specific ability one may ask? Well, on the first hand the Myrmidons are probably more heavily augmented with tooling oriented toward war and survivability. Rather than more Svg or T increase I dealt with this through the Feel-no-pain system.  On the second hand they belong to sects such as the Secutor (HtH) and the Destructor (kill-shoot-kill). To be reflected in gear and abilities.

For weapons, stats were taken or adapted fom baselines of other Admech, Knights or others existing datasheet, adjusting the BS o CS only.


The delivered product ended-up (with a fancy Warhammer - Home-Cooked datasheet format (Thank you Paint.net)) as these 2 wannabe-a-40k guy-too datasheets:







Point wise I set both at 210 pts. It is not cheap, and it will not really compete with existing legal entries (Kastellans for example). Also, most probably, Destructors as I set these will have a lower battle yield than Secutors. I did not repeat the extensive simulation attempted with my own elected triumvirat for mortality evaluation. Neither did I extend these to vehicles. But It has been a fun stuff to produce at lunch time.


What do you think?


PS: I also have some dessert slowly cooking for the other units I short listed, maybe, with some extra sugar and colourful topping, they migh end-up in that format too someday. 


See you soon

Edited by Bouargh


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