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Call to Arms 2024 - 1st vow complete



I Folks,


After a small break to recover my sanity after almost completed Pteraxii decided to take q shades bath (leading to a full stripping and repaint for 2 of these bat-cyborg-men) I finally completed my vow. It took me quite much time than usual in fact. But these Serberys and Pteraxii are really really requiring calm and concentration for... everything - from painting to assembly to detailling...

The final result is OK, the models are gorgeous but it is definitively not a Combat Patrol box for people without a decent hobby experience.




I painted 69 pts.


  • 1 Admech Patrol box inc.
    • 1 Manipulus (5pts)
    • 3 Serberis (6 points) 
    • 10 Skitarii (10 points)
    • 5 Pteraxii (5 points)
  • 1 Master of the Watch (5 points) 
  • 1 Archeotechnologist (5 points) 
  • 1 Engineseer (5 points) 
  • 1 Marshall (5 points) 
  • 10 Negavolt cultists as proxi Electropriests 
  • Admech scenery inc. 3 small machines (3 points), 2 big machines (4 points) and 1 generator (6 points)


I set the Pteraxii as Sterilizors. just for the look. And the idea to get some welding lamp holding bats on the field is somehow attractive. So steampunk.

I wonder how they will rend in gaming performance. One sure thing is that they span is so wide that, in respect of other jump pack troops, they have a serious handicap. Screening and COver will be difficult to get. I was eventually thinking into expanding the unit to 10, but this will probably be, for survivability of these mostitos, a bad idea.




It is now time for a second vow!


I, bouargh, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint:

  • 6 Serberis (12 points)
  • 2 Sydonian Drqgoons (6 points)
  • 1 Regiment attaché (1 point)
  • 2 Plasma Generatorums (8 pts)

For a grand total of 27 points for the Glory of Adeptus Mechanicus and the Imperium Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end




I learned quite a lot with the 3 Serberys from my first vow, so I think I cqn get these 6 new ones faster done. I will go for 3 Raiders, to complete the previous unit, and 3 Sulphurhounds.


I now go to priming station (a.k.a backyard); see you soon with some progress (hopefully)


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