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"Armoured in faith, shielded by devotion and armed with purity of purpose."



My previous blog post I talked about getting third of my  6 kids the start to their Armies (Blood Angels, Genestealer Cult, and Death Guard).  The remaining 3 are a little too young still. 


Well Saturday was preorder day as we all know. I had a huge list of what I wanted and only missed out on 2 things.... both the Daemonbreaker and Oath of Damnation novels.






I will get the soft cover or audible versions eventually.


While that was what I missed out on here is the score:


From my local LGS I was able to preorder:

my Imperial Agents codex, dice, cards and Ordo Malleus box









Unfortunately there was an issue with preorders and the store and I had to get these from GW directly


Celestian Sacresant Aveline 



Boarding  Actions



and after running around all day after work on Monday, Tuesday, & Friday, Plus all day Saturday Fiancée and I had a relaxing day Sunday so I busted out the paints and started painting a Grey Knight for the first time in 13 months.........




colors are blocked out for washes and then highlights and finish base. Need him for a game on 08/24



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