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"I am His sword as He is my armour."





Trying to get back in the swing of painting has been tough. I have been dealing with the stress of being a new  (step) dad, wedding planning, normal life, and work. While it is not depression or it may be a slight depression, it kept me from getting motivated in the hobby.  It also could be the pile of Grey plastic sprues, base coated models and boxes of unbuilt models.  So with Imperial Agents coming out I knew I would be going to the LGS to pick up my preorder, I figure why not get a game or two with my group in the few hours I would have to play.  Since my Grey Knights are mostly painted it makes the most sense to pick a 1,000 pt from them.  Along with the upcoming Crusade Campaign for my group I would figure run a list I would want to run.  The only model I don't have painted is a Nemesis Dreadknight... for now


Sunday- Blocked Colors





Monday- touch ups and washes




Wednesday- highlights








Edited by WAR


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