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Death Guard kill team, Chapter four: A dull, mounting headache...



I guess you're wondering how I'll have managed to put off the oil paints for another day, huh? Well, the answer is easy: I told myself I'd better get the texture on the bases ready, as well as doing some more detail work on the trim and weapons, before moving on.

Finally, when I couldn't think of anything else, I realised I hadn't primed the heads (I almost never paint the heads separately, as I generally finds it's more hassle than it's worth, but this time I thought it might make sense at least for the bare heads, if I was going to experiment with oils and so on).


So, just to kick it up a notch (bam!), I decided I might as well prime the bare heads and the helmeted ones separately, so I primed the helmeted heads with the Leather Brown/Bone White rattlecans and primed the bare heads with a purple primer that I mixed from a redbrown and blue primer + a drop of purple ink and then I gave it a zenithal with a "Skeleton Bone" airbrush primer. It's going to be interesting how much difference this actually makes, but my idea was that if I just painted the bare heads with a regular pale skin and brownish shadows, there'd be very little contrast from the armour, so I think I'll try to give them really unhealthy, almost zombieish skin and theoretically, purple shadows should work well with greenish skin.
Annoyingly, my airbrush had a bit of trouble spraying the skeleton bone primer smoothly, so there is a bit of "dustiness" to it, although not as bad as the picture makes it look (mental note: don't get freaked out by how bad things look when zooming so much that the objects appear bigger than they actually are - based on this picture I thought there was a huge mould line on one head and there... really wasn't, no matter how much I looked :smile: ). Once I paint on top of it I think it should be fine...

Edited by Antarius


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