Another digression - This time about Drukharii
Hi Folks,
It will maybe be no surprise for you if you follow time to time my entries: I was planning including some Drukharii element to my old Aeldarii army in order to align an Ynnarii faction. I bought some stuff, made some test models (Archon) and even completetd some units (Mandrakes, Incubis and Kabalites). More stuff is on top of the Pile-of-Shame, such as Scourges and the 2 Vehicles from the Patrol box, waiting to be painted.
Archon as Test Model
KT Mandrakes
Now what happened? The new Aeldarii codex hit the internet (shelves latter). I comes with all the shaking impact more or less expected from the rumours and annoucment of last Nov. big preview event. Sadly Ynnari are hit. or at leaest changed vs. what they used to be... Main changes are dealing with the reduction of the units the Ynnarii can access to into the Drukhari rooster. This made my plans of using Mandrakes, Scourges and Ravager useless. Shame.
As I have the models already, what remains as options? The usual "Sell-on-Ebay-or-any-other-place", the "Keep-it-in-crate-who-knows-what-you-will-do-latter", and the "New Year/New Army". I will go for the second option, even if, as I am weak, I may eventually keep it on my painting bench, but not on the top list of stuff to be painted. Waiting has a benefit: it allows to wait for the Drukhari Codex and eventually revise my position latter.
BTW, how will this Codex be? No idea. No rumour. No programmed release communicated in a foreseable future (2/3 quarters). This leaves grand opened the wishlist door!
Bad things may happen. They are synonym in that case of stuff we have and that may change in substantial way or disapear. I expect mainly models being phased out.
in this case I see as being under threat:
- The Court of the Archon
- The Beast Master
As range rotation already hit Drukharis badly, the disappearence of these models will probably only affect Old timers that own and use them...
FW range has already be hit nadly (but anyway Drukhari resin vehicles were a low count already) and Tantalus may also be a serious victim.
"Nice model, Interesting tactical apportation, 150€..."
At the level of mad dreams that will not come true, I will consider the inclusion of YNNARIs into the Drukhari Codex. A kind of mirroring effect vs. what was done in the Aeldari Codex. I do not think thiis will happen as it looks like, to me, to far away from the philosophy of the Dark kin army list structure. Should they get something following such mechanism, it will be distinct.
In the same vein, I expect a Codex released under "light" conditions. I mean, very low new or redone models. I would bet mainly on a reopening of the range rotation and one or two models redones. My top list for stuff more likely to be redone is limited to the Archon. This model is Mheew... It may deserve a better incarnation.
In that category, and in echoe to the Ynnari inclusion into the Aeldari Codex, I may perfectly see a special treatment for Corsairs. There are some rumours for a Corsair Faction, but even if it might look like a dream, there are otehr rumours or opinion stating that this might in fact be a second Corsair unit included via Kill-Team. I might tend to belive that option. In that case, the Corsair might align up to 3-4 units which might be enough if a special character is included too (Yriel). Limited release, backed by an another game mainly, and rule incription into the Dark kin book...
Other aspects, more previsible, are the Detachment to be expected:
- Kabalite
- Gladiator/Wytches
- Fleshmongers/Wracks
Other ones might be less oriented in direction of one of the 3 main pillars of the Drukhari society and may be the one covering interaction such as:
- Harlies into DE
- The Corsairs I mentionned previously
This is the part where I dream while awake.
- A plastic Tantalus in form of a dual kit, allowing to build Asdrubael Vect - ´nough said. But it is worth mantionning that Drukhari lack a Primarch/greater daemon class of unit
- Another Elite unit, for example based on True Born. We need another hard hitter beyond Incubis, even if I see True borns as a concet better oriented to a trait/enhancment for a character. Indeed the True Born are either destined to be leaders of asssinated. In a sense I doubt the KT court of the Archon will survive, even if it might be a "mild" candidate for such a role.
- If (another) Primarch level character should be neede, I would perfectly see a Arhra model, solvng the riddle of Drahzzar, with the latter being only his Herald.
- A Drukhari minor level character acting as a bouty killer/assasin; Lone Operative. Either a Champion Level mandrake or (better) an infiltrating cold blooded murderer paid to eliminate competition from other Archons.
This is not that much but it might already be a good shaking...
What is your own wishlist made of?
Edited by Bouargh
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