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Hobby Challenge Diary 01

Well, something happened this week.




Deciding to throw caution to the wind, I sat down with the Sternguard and drilled some holes.


I did (guess I should say, tried here) the pilot hole trick with my craft knife, then, got to work.


The results speak for themselves...aka an obvious first attempt.




Little bit of history here. At no point in my hobbying career have I ever used a drill...or done any real converting. The closest I got was swapping heads like the Thousand Sons Rhino I made way back in 2003 (no picture exists sadly) where I stuck on a Thousand Sons head on the chaos space marine body that goes on top of the tank. I remember I also had plans for a Tzeentchian Demon Prince using the superb 2002 Chaos Space Marine Demon Prince as a base with Lord of Change wings and a staff...no, I don't know how 2003 me was going to pull that off.


2025 Me, on the other hand, far less ideas and ambition. This is why I did the barrel drilling.


One marine though, suffered for my folly.




Live and learn I guess.


With the exciting new bit out of the way, the Sternguard got several coats of paint on them. Sadly they weren't finished this week like I wanted but couldn't be helped. They only need armour highlights and robes. Definitely done by next week, I've got Infernus Marines stood waiting.




That's enough for now I think, so I'll just say thanks for looking!


Recommended Comments



Yeah, barrel drilling can cause some headaches. Should be an easy enough fix, though, either with a little greenstuff or, like I did after messing up the barrels on one of my Terminators, snipping it off completely and gluing a new barrel on instead!



Drilling Barrels is such a great step, it adds so much to the models! Welcome down the path of conversions and kit-bashing! There will be more mistakes but making a model  entirely unique in the world to your army is a feeling hard to replicate



Yeah great suggestion from wormwoods. Looks like your drill bit was too big. Always use a smaller bit than you think you need.



Once you start drilling you don't go back! They're looking great - I always try to drill a small pilot hole first with like a 0.5mm bit, then move on to the 1mm when I think I've got the first in the right place. 

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