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Codex Supplement: Exorcists (9e) (homegrown) 21 February 2021

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About This File

The original version created for 4th edition is v 4. This version includes the original three characters that I created, pre-dating the Badab War campaign books and the introduction of Silas Alberec.


V 5 was a revision for 5th edition and saw the removal of Chapter Master Leopoldus Kane (my homegrown character), replaced with Silas Alberec.


V 6 was a revision for 6th edition.


V 9 is the current revision for 9th edition, pre-dating Index: Exorcists in issue 462 of White Dwarf Magazine.

What's New in Version 21 February 2021


  • Updated Chapter Tactics portion about Sanctic Discipline (replacing GREY KNIGHTS keyword with EXORCISTS keyword)

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