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  1. File Name: Adeptus Arbites in Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (KT 2018) File Submitter: Brother Tyler File Submitted: 11 Apr 2019 File Category: Kill Team Complete rules for collecting and using the Adeptus Arbites in Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team Click here to download this file
  2. View File Aeldari Corsairs in Kill Team (Homegrown Rules) (KT 2018) Homegrown rules for playing the anhrathe (aeldari/eldar corsairs) in Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (includes commanders and elites) The file can be discussed here. Submitter Ioldanach Submitted 02/14/19 Category Kill Team  
  3. ​ The Dawn Blades 2nd Company veteran Shonar was the first of the Dawn Blades to receive the Primaris upgrade by unanimous consent of his brothers. +++-----------------------------------------------------------+++ "Company veteran Shonar, your presence is requested in the Company mess within fifteen minutes. Do not be late." Shonar glanced up from his desk at the announcement, shrugged, and replaced his quill in the inkwell. Gesturing for his serfs to follow, he left the room, leaving the poem entitled "Death and Rebirth" unfinished on the desktop. +++-----------------------------------------------------------+++ Shonar arrived in the 2nd Company mess to the sound of 108 clashing pairs of ceramite boots, and 108 fists slamming against their breastplates in salute. Chaplain Katz stepped forward and began to speak. Arrayed around him were Shonar's brothers in the command squad, Daimyo Lenoch, and all 10 squads of the 2nd Company. Behind him stood the three dreadnoughts of the company, strangely silent but unquestionably watching. "Company veteran Shonar," he intoned. "You have been selected by unanimous vote of your brothers to be the first of the 2nd Company to have your wargear and biological functions upgraded to the Primaris baseline. In concordance with this honor, you are being promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, an ancient rank resurrected by the Primarch Rouboute Guilliman. Step forward and receive your honor." Shonar looked warily about, seeking jest in his brothers' eyes. Finding none, he walked to the head of the hall and stood in front of his brothers. "Shonar," Lenoch said, "you have no idea what this means to all of us." "No, captain. You don't know what this means to me," he replied, fighting tears. There was little a marine could hope for, other than the respect of his brothers, and this proved he had the respect of all of them. And that was something powerful. Smiling, Lenoch snapped his fingers. Four serfs approached the center, bearing a suit of power armor. "Lieutenant Shonar, it is my great honor to present you with this suit of MkX Tacticus armor. May it serve you well." He raised his voice. "Warriors of the 2nd Dawn! Come and armor your brother!" Each marine from each squad swarmed the slab, dismantling the armor, taking one piece each. Then they each placed their piece on Shonar, and then went to their squad's table. Within ten minutes he was armored. "Our ceremony is complete, now let us feast in our brother's honor!" Lenoch called. A great "HUZZAH!" went up from the 2nd company, and the serfs began to bring in food for the feast. Lenoch smacked Shonar on the shoulder, seeing the apprehension behind the helmet. "Don't you worry, brother. You're the most righteous and pious of this company, even above me. You won't let us down, I know it." Shonar nodded as he stumbled. This armor would take getting used to. "My thanks, Daimyo. I'll try and be worthy of the honor." "So I trust. ​ +++-----------------------------------------------------------+++ Lieutenant Shonar exited the Apothecarion after three months of surgery, bio-reaccomodation, and physical therapy. He was a half foot taller than what he had been when he had walked into the Apothecary's domain, and 12 percent heavier. His bones felt tougher, his muscles stronger, and he swore his hearts beat slower but more powerfully then they ever had. And...he had this strange sense of immortality, back when he was a teenager and began to become a marine, but this felt...more real. Like he really was invincible. This would require meditation. His serfs began to armor him when he returned to his quarters, and soon he was wearing the new Tacticus suit. It felt just like his old armor did not three months ago, a second skin that would never fail him. Shonar proceeded to the company forge, where he was greeted by two brothers on guard duty. They saluted, and as he strode through the door he saluted back. He located an empty anvil and drew his combat knife. Pressing it to the anvil, he muttered a prayer to the weapon's warrior spirit, set it aside, and began to construct a power field generator. +++-----------------------------------------------------------+++ Six days later, the power field was built and it was time to attach it to the knife. He took a drill and began to carve a small space in the hilt, just below the crossguard. Here he inserted the field generator, with two smaller holes to run the emitter prongs through the guard and up the blade. He attached the emitter prongs, and sealed them in, then attached the switch for the field. Shonar refilled the remaining dead space in the knife and then muttered a prayer. Taking the new knife in one hand and the ritual knife from the anvil base, he pricked his neck, just where the progenoid was, and began to speak the Litany of Modification. "Oh great machine spirits, I beseech thee, come to my weapon and enter it. Accept this offering of the blood of Ferrus, a pure sacrifice to anoint a holy weapon of the Solis-Imperator." The blood from his neck dripped down to cover the blade, and Shonar flicked the switch. The blood boiled off, leaving an iron-red residue as the power field activated. "May this blade bring vengeance to the slain and death to mankind's enemies. Let it taste the blood of a to rest at the feet of the Solis-Imperator." He felt the blade vibrate and watched it glow as the field generator accepted a machine spirit, and he grinned. He mag-locked the knife to his leg and walked out of the forge, and took from a forge-serf a brand new and shining bright stalker bolt rifle, with his Marksman's Honor badges already attached. Shonar stretched once and then walked to the firing range to test his new weapons. It was a good day, and he would do his best to be an example for his brethren. +++-----------------------------------------------------------+++ Lt. Shonar, 6 power, 100 points (with wargear) Lt. Shonar uses the Primaris Lieutenant rules and statline, with the following modifications. LD9, W6, and A5. Replace 'Company Heros' with the following rule: "Most Righteous and Pious of the 2nd": all models with the <Adeptus Astartes> and <Dawn Blades> Keywords that can draw line of sight to Shonar, or are within 6 inches of him, add 1 to their LD stat. He is armed with a power knife, master-crafted stalker bolt rife, bolt pistol, and frag and krak grenades. Power Knife: Type: Melee|Range: Melee|S:U|AP:-3 Master-crafted Stalker Bolt Rifle, Bolt Pistol, and Frag and Krak Grenades: see Primaris Lieutenant datasheet
  4. Alright, inspired by Eddie's comments in the Codex Wishes thread, here's my take on Sisters cyborgs basically (the idea I have is that their limbs are more or less gone, they're basically just their vital organs and head implanted into this robotic body). RULES PDF (my plain formatting version) Rules and initial concept: Servant of Dante Datasheet formatting and concept art: Ezr91aeL ORIGINAL POST Hidden Content EDIT: The issues below have been addressed in one form or another, but feel free to leave another sugestion anyway - I don't have a name for the unit yet, so suggestions welcome - I'm not sure they should have both the vehicle and infantry keywords, but Sister vehicles don't usually have AoF . . . - I wanted to represent that the pain the Sisters feel from the neural connections of the body kinda wash out the pain from wounds, but just giving them the FnP ability felt a bit off. So it has a downside. A rather steep one, but I think it's pretty fluffy. - The Praesidium Protectiva's rules are based on how it worked in 2E compared to the Storm Shield. For reference, here's how their respective functions are paraphrased in the Battle Bible: Storm Shield: “Model receives an extra armour saving throw of 4+ against shooting or hand-to-hand combat (32) which cannot be modified and applies only against attacks from the front 90 arc. May be used to parry (33).” Praesidium Protectiva: “Requires a free hand to use, and may parry (33) a close combat (32) attack in the character‘s front arc, and provides an unmodified 4+ saving throw on a D6 against close combat attacks. If a roll of 6 is made for the save, the attacking model receives the hit instead. Has no effect on shooting attacks.” Comments Appreciated
  5. Reposting this from my thread on the Sisters forum :D I'd appreciate any comments you might have. Please though, if you suggest a change to a particular part of the datasheet, read my notes on that particular rule/part to get a bit of an idea of why I did what I did :)
  6. Alright, I just finished adapting Helena's 2E rules to 8E I've got the rules and notes in pdf form, and I'll post them below. I'll also link my 7E adaptation of Helena thread. I feel like there was other stuff I was going to say . . . but I really can't remember what it was Feel free to ask any questions (actually I'd enjoy answering them). I plan on doing the other 2E characters in the future too, any preferance on who to do next (does anyone even care? I'm thinking of Praxedes or Armandus Helfire). 7E adaptation thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/324975-helena-the-virtuous-7e-adaptation/ 8E adaptation PDF: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6I7dUBoJLwfVFp2ajNhQTZ2X3c ----- Helena the Virtuous is an HQ choice Helena the Virtuous M 6" WS 3+ BS 3+ S 3 T 3 W 4 A 4 Ld 10 Sv 3+ Helena the Virtuous is a single model armed with a boltgun, the Rod of Grace, frag grenades and krak grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. Faction Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Ministorum, Adepta Sororitas, Convent Sanctorum Keywords: Character, Infantry, Helena the Virtuous The Rod of Grace (Shooting) Range 6" Type Assault 1 S 6 AP -4 D D3 The Rod of Grace (Melee) Range Melee Type Melee S x2 AP -4 D D3 ABILITIES Act of Faith, Shield of Faith Rosarius: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save Mantle of Ophelia: Once per game, at the start of any Battle Round, you may declare that Helena is using the Mantle. For the duration of that Battle round you may re-roll Rosarius invulnerable saves for Helena. Sacred Rites: You need not roll a D6 at the start of your turn for the Act of Faith ability, you are always assumed to have rolled a 2+. This does not affect further sources of Acts of Faith, such as the Simulacrum Imperialis ability of the Imagifier, for which you must roll as normal. Holy Radiance: Friendly units within 12” of Helena halve the number of models lost each time they fail a morale check. Round fractional models up. Additionally, all friendly units with line of sight to Helena may use her leadership in place of their own. Revered Leader: The first time Helena loses one or more wounds, even if this results in her being removed as a casualty, or when Helena is removed as a casualty without having lost any wounds, all friendly units gain the Hatred ability for the remainder of the game, as described below. When Helena is removed as a casualty, each friendly non-Character unit must immediately make a Morale test as if it were the Morale phase and four models from the unit had been slain that turn. Helena’s Holy Radiance ability grants no benefit to units making this Morale test. The number of models slain is treated as four even if more models from the unit have already been slain that turn, and models lost to Morale tests caused by this ability do not count toward models slain in the turn for Morale tests made during the Morale phase. Hatred: Units with this ability add 1 to their Leadership and can re-roll hit rolls in a turn in which they charged, made a heroic intervention, or were charged by an enemy unit. Additionally, units with this ability may not Fall Back during the Movement phase when within 1” of an enemy unit. Prioress of the Convent Sanctorum: Helena must be your Warlord. Additionally, your army must contain a unit of Celestians as Helena’s bodyguard. This bodyguard unit does not take up a force organization slot, and it can never fill a mandatory force organization slot. This unit may never voluntarily end the Movement phase 3” or more away from Helena. If, in the Movement phase, Helena moves so that her bodyguard cannot end its move within 3” of her without Advancing, they must Advance and move toward Helena by the shortest possible route. ----- NOTES To keep with the rules presentation style of 8E (even if not in terms of formatting) I have not included any flavor text. It’s worth reading though. I did refer to my notes on the 7E adaptation of Helena as I made this (I made rather extensive notes). The 7E adaptation and notes are linked at the top of the thread. Profile: Adapted using the profiles below. Move is 6” like all humans, and have been omitted from the profiles. The Canoness profiles were used as a baseline for how Sisters profiles have changed since 2E. The WS is the tricky one for me, Helena’s was slightly weaker than the base Canoness, but the 8E system of WS is less granular than in previous editions. Celestine and the basic Canoness are the only models in the Sisters army that have a WS of 2+ in 8E. In order to maintain that Helena has slightly worse WS, I have set it to 3+, though it really should be a 2.5+ (if that were possible). Her BS was even more less than the base Canoness, so a BS of 3+ makes sense for her. On the other hand, both BS 7 and 5 hit on a 2+ normally, but again, 8E does not offer us the granularity of previous editions. I am erring in favor of preserving Helena’s stat differences with the base canoness, at the risk of statistically widening them. Her 2E incarnation had 1 less toughness than the basic Canoness. To represent this (as well as to perhaps balance out the power of her abilities), I have set her wounds to 4, 1 less than the base Canoness in 8E. This is one of the few stats in the 8E Canoness’s profile that is high enough that there is some wiggle room. Helena ignored psychology and break tests in 2E, and she’s quite the important, influential person in the Sororitas, so I have set her Ld at 10 even though in 2E it was equal to the base Canoness’s. (Profiles in PDF, I'm not going to retype them here, sorry . . . ) Weapons: Targeter and purity seals remain dropped as they no longer have rules. Krak grenades added since they are standard for all Sisters. The Rosarius is an Ability now, rather than a piece of wargear or a weapon. Abilities: Act of Faith and Shield of Faith added as standard Sisters abilities. The Rosarius is an ability rather than a piece of wargear now, so it’s listed here (standard rosaries rule for 8E). Helena’s other abilities are described individually below for (relative) ease of reading. Mantle of Ophelia: Since this isn’t a weapon, and the Rosarius was moved to the Abilities heading, I moved this here too. Since Instant Death is no longer a part of the game (invalidating simply copying the 7E version of the Mantle), I have adapted the original 2E functionality, since it’s quite quirky and fun. I’ve not restricted the reroll to failed rolls, to avoid issues with the application of modifiers forcing a reroll of what would be a passed save after modifiers, or keeping you from rerolling what will be a failed save after modifiers. Sacred Rites: In 2E, this ability inhanced the Sacred Rites roll of the unit Helena was attached to (but Canonesses did the same thing, just with a slightly smaller modifier, so there’s no reason for Helena to magnify nearby units’ AoFs since Canonesses don’t in 8E), as well as improving the Sacred Rites rolls for her entire army. I feel that the most simple, elegant way to represent this is to have her let you automatically pass your 2+ AoF roll. Holy Radiance: The radical changes to the morale system in 8E make this one quite tricky. Originally it caused Imperium squads with 12” of Helena to automatically rally, and gave Helena immunity to psychology and break tests (I approximated that as Fearless in 7E). And it let units with LoS to her use her Ld, which is not problematic in 8E, so hardly worth mentioning here. What we have seen so far for morale mitigation (not ignoring it entirely) is simply capping the number of lost models. A negative modifier might sound thematic, but that is no different from simply adding to her leadership since she shares her Ld with those around her (and Ld 11+ is no longer impossible, technically). So, I think halving the number of models lost to moral, on top of sharing her Ld (to those in LoS at least) is a decent solution and approximation of the 2E effect. Since Helena can’t be allied with non-imperium units (she lacks any non-Imperium keywords) except for perhaps the fallen (and at that point, it’s not my responsibility to clutter up my rules to keep you inside the fluff) I’m not going to worry about restricting her Ld buff to just Imperium units. This makes her an interesting character, since almost all characters in 8E only buff their own faction. Since I’m trying to preserve the letter of her 2E rules, I’m ok with this design discrepancy. Her morale sharing effect is probably her most potent attribute in my version of her rules, but I want to maintain this functionality, so she’ll just have to be costed accordingly. The 2E rule also made Helena immune to psychology and break tests, but since Helena is a single model unit she never takes morale checks anyway, and I’m also using this as a justification for bumping her Ld up to 10. Revered Leader: With how every unit spells out all its Abilities in 8E, I’ve decided to make this work more-or-less verbatim, though I have toned down the effects of hatred from what they were in 2E, the Hatred ability given here is derived directly from 2E, rather than relying on a current incarnation (since it doesn’t exist anymore). This ability is quite clunky and requires a good bit of book keeping, bit I am more interest3e in maintaining the function of Helena’s rules than making sure she’s not a bit tricky to play. Unfortunately, once again the massive changes to morale create a translation issue. Previously, the rule forced all units to pass a Ld test or fall back when Helena died (and those that passed became immune to break tests for the rest of the battle), but units no longer fall back against your will ever in 8E. The solution I’ve come up with isn’t an exact representation, but I’m taking GW at their word that losing additional models is the extent of how morale works in 8E, and this is supposed to be a morale check. They treat themselves as having lost 4 models, since Helena has 4 wounds. I think it’s a rather clever parallel to include, since it makes the morale check an actual threat, but it doesn’t hit units that have taken casualties previously the same turn any harder than it hits units that haven’t (it doesn’t consider the actual casualties the unit has taken that turn). Thematically, it helps play up the fact that the units are discouraged because Helena has fallen. I’ve dropped the “ignore break tests for the rest of the battle” thing since that would be too powerful. The wording on this ability turned out to be quite a mouthful, but I wanted to make sure it was clear and consistent with the wording of the morale phase in the main rules (all 5 sentences of them). Hatred: In 2E this let models make Break tests with Ld 10, gave them what we call Zealot in 8E, and made them use their follow-up move to get closer or engage the enemy. I tried to approximate this for 8E, without making it have too large of an impact on gameplay or be too powerful. I decided to stick with granting Zealot, along with +1 Ld (a strong buff, but you did just lose Ld 10 for everyone who could see Helena) and losing the ability to Fall Back from cc, period. This is a major disadvantage, but Helena gives plenty of advantages. I think this is all very thematic. None of this is too hard to keep track of, so I think it’s ok. Prioress of the Convent Sanctorum: Helena’s 2E rules required her to be your army’s commander, so I required her to be your warlord. I know this isn’t something we’ve seen in 8E yet, but I want to keep the functionality of the rules from 2E as much as possible and this bit is easy to do. Next, she was required to take a bodyguard (it was an option for any Canoness to take a bodyguard unit, but it was mandatory for Helena). In my 7E adaptation, I made her join a Command Squad, but now characters don’t join units, so this could get a bit wordy. Celestians, with their “bodyguard” ability, make them the obvious choice, and the Canoness could take a unit of Celestian Bodyguards in 3E anyway. I went back and forth on whether to require the bodyguard to stay close to Helena. In the end I decided I didn’t want people using her bodyguard to protect other characters and not Helena, so I would have to either add a restriction the Celestian’s bodyguard ability, or require them to stay close to Helena. I decided it would be easier to make them stay close, but I made the restriction only apply during the Movement phase. Trying to word it to work in the Assault phase as well would have been far too verbose and confusing. The Rod of Grace: Since we’ve gone back to Damage and Save Mods, I can just use the 2E rules! 2E also had range mods, but the Rod of Grace just was straight dice with only 1 range band, so I’m lucky in that regard. And I’m not going to worry about the armour penetration stat (for use vs vehicles) since vehicles just have T now. Warlord Trait (lack thereof): I thought about giving Helena one, but why not let her be tactically flexible and pick? Also, I really can’t think of one that screams “Helena the Virtuous” now. In any case, I don’t think she really needs one, especially since Celestine just picks from the generic ones now too. ----- Comments appreciated Thanks to anyone who read all that crap.
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