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I've just read Several Concerned Cricketers' brilliant article on his Brazen Claws and the "Do's and dont's" of Chapter making. Now I'm hooked.


In the DIY no-no's thread two chapters were mentioned as examples of DIY Chapters, namely:


my name is tudor:s War Fists and Brother Sergeant Casius:es Spears of Garm


I also remember reading about the Fiery Lions.


Now the links to those chapters weren't working, (maybe lost in the dreaded Lightning Strike?), but I endeavour to ask if people with DIY marine chapters would care to post a link to their fluff or post it here, to help me and possible others find the stuff that we crave.

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My friend, you need the entire Liber Astartes. It will be better to search through there then to get people to post individual links. Some other good IA's are -


Molotov's Martyrs of Elysius


Molotov's Castigators


daeothar's Fiery Loins (sorry, it had to be done)


ironloki's Sons of Serapis


My Own Imperial Castellans


I'll move this thread to Liber incase anyone can think of any other good articles.



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Liber Astartes should have my own DIY chapter in it, someweres in the past year or so... Crusading Lions, just like the signature line below.


If you can't find the background I wrote there, just PM me, and I'll forward the text file.



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I'll repost an old version of the fluff (although it haven't changed since): Original post


++ Warp Jackals:



++ Origins:

Chapters founding date is unknown but is thought to be in the late 32nd millennium or early 33rd.


++ Geneseed:

Unknown heritage, possibly Ultramarines or successor chapter. Slight mutations include a reduction in the efficency of the omophagea rendering the marines unable to gain knowledge through ingesting flesh. The chapter also suffers from a shortened lifespan compared to other chapters, marines over 200 years are uncommon. This has resulted in an increased specialization, especially notable is the almost complete absence of assault squads in favour of squads armed with bolters and close combat weapons able to perform multiple tasks.


++ Doctrine

The chapter is undoubtly very old, it's own records stretch back to the 35th millennium and other imperial organizations indicates that the chapter may have been founded as early as the 32nd millennium. Even so the reduced lifespan of the marines, most evident among it's veterans, make it a young chapter in practical experience. This has forced the individual marines to specialize in their assigned weapon from an early age, usually during their scout training, to achieve full proficiency. When the marines are divided into squads after their training there are very few marines trained in the use of close combat weapons, so the chapters assault squads are commonly replaced by experienced marines who have mastered the bolter fully and is able to use it in a close combat situation.

Even though individual marines compare favourably to other chapters due to their specialized training the officers are comparatively young and inexperienced. This has led to the chapter preferring to put themselves under the command of other chapter commanders when possible and occasionally even experienced imperial guard officers. They also regularly send small forces of marines to aid other imperial organizations such as the deathwatch and Adeptus Mechanicus explorators where their lack of strategic skill is unimportant and their ability to cooperate is valued and reinforced.


++ Beliefs:

The chapters beliefs are similar to other chapters of the Adeptus Astartes. Since they do not know of their own primarch they venerate each equally and observe holy days for the ones who have remained loyal as well as celebrating the day of the Emperors ascension.


++ Battle cry

Varies, one is usually selected before the battle by the chaplains. Alternatively they may use their allies battle cry if appropriate.

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Niiice Brother Tubal.


As for my DIY Chapter. I have started a new thread with updated background data. I have to fix a couple of things pointed out to me by other Frater, but that's merely a bit of corrective creative writing and easily accomplished.


Seems my original thread posting was before the Dec 24th, 2004 deadline, and thus NOT part of the recovery files used to re-start the board. Ah, well... at least I kept my archive copies of my background, and other text files I've written (it ALWAYS pays to burn data to CDR/W discs!).


Blessings of the Holy Great Lion of Terra upon Thee,



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