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About SilverShire

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  • Location
    London, UK

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  1. I’ve loved the look of VCs since their release. Want to pick up a few for my alpha legion to run as bodyguards/distractions for my disco lord.
  2. I liked AoD as it showed that there is a great potential for successful 40k series. However, I think the episodes need to be longer. 15 minutes is just too short in my opinion. If a true plot is to be created (and it needs to be to encourage people to subscribe), then episodes need to be longer. Trying to fit the Ship mistress's story arc, tech priest's, tactical marine's, captain's, Ad Mech's and GSC stories into such a short time isn't easy. Agreed there needs to be more battle reports. I would also like to see more lore masters, even if it was 1 40k and 1 AOS per week.
  3. Perfect, thanks for this Marshal
  4. I am wanting to use the FW Space Wolves Legion Varagyr Terminators as a base for various kit bashing and was wondering if anyone has bought these models in the past as I want to know how the models broken down in the set. i.e. are torsos separate from the legs or arms/weapons, heads not attached to body?
  5. I really rate wolf guard in terminator amour. I load them up with 5x combi-plas, 4x storm shield, 1xThunder hammer and a cyclone missile launcher, and these guys score me a load of VP if they can land on an objective or I place them I a way that means the oppo has to deal with them. Yes a power fist would be more cost efficient but I think thunder hammers are so much cooler and rule of cool plays a part in how I like to play, sorry not sorry
  6. I used a spare bald head I had in my bits box (I think it may have been a spare head in the indomitus box that I mixed up with my other spares) and then I sculpted the hair and beard with green stuff
  7. Here is my conversion. I used the shield from the storm wolf kit as thought it looked a bit more of a relic than the Red Dread one. That being said, like others I already have enough HQs (for now) so he is more of a pack leader
  8. Thanks QP! As you say the model is already really characterful and I didn't want to add too much and risk it looking cluttered
  9. haha thanks. I was watching Vikings the other day and really liked the warpaint look so thought I would try it out.
  10. Well its been a long time since I last painted a model and ironically building up to blue Monday my motivation to paint again started to grow. So here is the first model I have painted in a very long time!
  11. Curious as to how you guys are running your Wolf Lords? Also has anyone used the Wolf Lord with Relic shield and MC Power Sword? Pairing him with Armour of Russ gives him a 2+/4++/4+++ which should make him pretty tanky
  12. yeah thats fair enough I just like the idea of dropping in on turn 1 to help remove a priority target
  13. I quite like the idea of dropping in 10 grey hunters in the Pod with WGBL. SS on WGBL and morkai's teeth on the GHPL. re-roll 1's to wound on an important unit could be really clutch IMO and the 9 other bodies could be enough to keep the relic alive for another turn and if not the a moderate amount fire power will be needed to wipe them out
  14. Does the sergeant strat give the relic to the normal pack leader or the wolf guard pack leader?
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