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Everything posted by wokkers

  1. i live in the south of sydney so i am not familiar with the northern areas. chatswood and city store will have lists i should think. good luck :)
  2. welcome to sydney mate :P :tu:
  3. St George area Sydney. Been painting for a long time, i rarely play these days. My local GW is Hurstville or Miranda. I've sold a lot of my stuff lately but at the moment I have; Legion of the Damned (Play as C:SM) Khorne Warhost (only 750pts) My current project is a modular gaming table so no new army until that is finished.
  4. worth the wait? most definitley! :P thanks Aerion
  5. most excellent <_< i am particularly fond of the oblit "weapon teams". they look great and they are a perfect fit for this army. look forward to seeing more
  6. didn't he only have one eye after his ascension? According to fluff Magnus wasn't cyclops literally, he had two eye-sockets but had one eye (if you understand me). But the way Aerion pictured Magnus is even better: the third-all-seeing-eye!!! That really shows his arcane nature!!! As always, Aerion, you did the awesome work!!! right! that clears it up for me. thanks Gv0zD :tu:
  7. didn't he only have one eye after his ascension?
  8. so very well done Aerion. its another winner :blink:
  9. as far as painting UM the best color is UM blue. i can think of no reason why you would have read otherwise (however, i was never a big thinker :lol:). i do a basecoat of straight UM blue over the armor areas. i then hit it with a very dilted wash of regal blue. go back and pick out the armor in UM and finally highlight with 75/25 UM and fortress grey. the reason i do it this way is that its quick. this of course is just another recipie to add to what ounds like an an already large collection ^_^
  10. the citadel spray gun is rubbish. get a cheap (in relative terms) single action air brush. they work very well for batch base coating and you can get a cheap compressor so you don't have to waste money on 'air-in-a-can' which is highly unreliable and expensive.
  11. i have been painting ultras since rogue trader. if you need any tips please do not hesitate to PM me :)
  12. i might walk to Brisbane just to see this kudos to you and your grand plan - and i sincerley wish you the very best of luck. *off-topic* where were you based when you were drving 113's?
  13. nicely done :D
  14. my bezerker dread http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i266/wokkers/WoK/Dreadnought_A_01_thumb.jpg
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