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Desert Eagle

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Everything posted by Desert Eagle

  1. You've designed and hand cut all those trims? Wow, thats insane! Bravo! The tanks looks awsome.
  2. Mate, those gems/lenses look spectacular! The dread is really neat and good looking too. I would consider painting the barrels of the ac black or metallic over the current white, but it isn't the end of the world if you keep it the way it is. This is a really interesting thread to follow...specially since i'm also a sucker for anything forge world does.
  3. No need to blush, this is brilliant suff. Simple and clean, yet really facinating and intriguing. I love it. I have ordered that librarian myself from forge world. Now that i've seen him in black i think i have to paint him up that way myself. There just is something very Darth Vader over Dragomir. :tu: Alongside the running missile marine, he's my favourite... But i'm not truly sold on his force weapon. I know the original one looks a bit tiny, so i understand why you'd want to replace it. But i think the main issue i have with yours is the colour. Looks too woody and not futuristic enough for my tase. I'd give it a metallic colour, or even black to match the rest of the mini, perhaps with the runes or whaterver it is picked out with a bright blue. Just a thought.
  4. Just thought i'd post mine here as well. The dread has been finished for a while, but i just recently took some good pictures of it. http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p35/tjuven52/dread1.jpg http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p35/tjuven52/dread3.jpg http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p35/tjuven52/dread4.jpg http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p35/tjuven52/dread5.jpg http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p35/tjuven52/dread2.jpg Cheers!
  5. I belive this is about the coolest thing i've seen for a while. Your own casts, awsome! I like the name, it has a nice ring to it.
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