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Warhead01 last won the day on December 11 2020

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About Warhead01

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  • Location
    Crescent City Fl.
  • Interests
    Painting & Orks.
  • Faction
    The Deleted.

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  • Armies played
    Orkz, Darkangels, Space wolves, Imperial Guard, Necrons.

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  1. Thank you. He was painted several years back. I'm having some difficulty getting back into painting after my long time away. I was intimidated at the process of swapping the chain fist he came with out for that sword. The sword was on a different model as well. it all worked out nicely. I was always a big fan of the gritty pictures forge World used in their books so it seem like the right way to go about painting my stuff. I prefer a gritty look. It's honestly like a cheat mode for me as far as painting goes. And I finished this guy up in the early hours this morning. Chooom!
  2. Finally got around to adding the huge sword to this guy. Kinda fiddly but it works.
  3. We saw how fast units were being picked up off the table so we figured heck why not! It's all about who you play with I guess. I kept my list fairly small for 4000 points, which I did intentionally as I have a must leave to drive home time. I honestly thought my army would seem OP as it's not a build I would usually want to field. I really enjoyed it though. Right now I'm thinking about how to recycle the 705 points the super Heavy costs back into Terminators and a Spartan transport. though I could easily find the points for 3 leviathans. One though I have is that 3 predator's so armed are just one tank too many. I'm planning to bash up a Cataphractii praetor or rather recycle the one with the chain fist slightly. He needs a really big sword more than I need that chain fist I think. We're discovering all the rules we got wrong now too. And it's more than a few. I'm finally motivated enough to read the rules and work on models a gain.
  4. So far this is the best I can do for army pictures. The second one was provided by Rayray. I don't recall the mission name but each player, and in this case team, chose a unit type to target for more victory points. we chose infantry they chose vehicles. The First legion lead the Sons of Horus to a victory. All Glory to the first Legion isn't moto it's apparently a life style. I joke of course. I was struggling to keep up with what was going on and what my own units would do. The Plasma Predator squadron. My lord! way better than I had realized. I hadn't even looked at their stats until I was ready to shoot with them on turn two of this last game. They managed to collect a big chunk of an Imperial Fists squad and their warlord due to him having taken a wound and some failed INV saves. I gave up next to nothing which felt super weird. The Glaive was destroyed on turn 3 if I recall. It had decent showing. if it just made the other side give pause then that was a very good bonus. We're still learning rules and it's been fun and fairly casual. Good times. I've just put the rule book on order this morning. I have it on pdf but that's just a pain. I prefer hard copy. Now that we're playing I see buying the book as the best call. Hurray ebay! We're planning one game a month as best we can. Noting has been set up for next month yet but I'm sure it's in the works soon. Until next time . All Glory to the first legion!
  5. Dude1 They were just way meaner than I expected. We'll have to team next time. I only got 18 pictures from the game doesn't really tell the whole story. Hope you took some. I couldn't remember the name of my blog because it's bee so long but I have it now. And for a laugh I forgot it was in my signature block here on the B&C. The good IG posts start December 2020 and on even pictures of the first Legion. Big full army pictures. I hope to find the motivation to set all the IG up for another full army pictures set because old pictures feel incomplete to me now.
  6. Update. We have another game set up for this Saturday the 28th of December. Not sure if all of us will be there but I hope so. 4000 points per player. After the 1500 point game we last played we're excited to step it up some more , really push down on the gas if you will. I've struggled to build this list. I have a fair sized collection but I still have a few units I "need" to one day buy. Specifically Rhinos. I have none. I've moved away from what I think of as how I usually build an army to focus on what I want to bring to bring a good showing if not a victory. The last game was fairly casual as far as how competitively we played and I enjoyed that. We moved the models and let the dice do the talking. Well, we were trash talking but ya know. I'll post a picture of this army before Saturday. It's so small. 8 vehicles 5 squads and two HQ. A Pride of the Legion meets the Dreadwing/Ironwing mash up. as far as my models it looks like I need a new Cataphractii Hero with a really big shward.. er.. Sword. A real Sledgehammer, I hope. Pictures in the next post.
  7. I'm not really liking these models. The Death Rider mounts look too un natural due to the lines. Digital sculpt failure in my opinion. Soulless. I don't like the uniform change for the engineers either. The short coats were better. Over all meh. GW should go back to using sculptors who sculpt physical models. Or some kind of hybrid between the two. Swing and a miss.
  8. Quick progress picture. Just some detail stuff left to do. ( and some color checking.) It's coming along quickly.
  9. It's wild. The group is humming with life again we're all very excited. It's early days still but I am really impresses with 2.0 so far. I guess my only gripe is needing to know more than I wanted to just to put my army on the table. I didn't try very hard on the army building. Having to pick which wing each unit would belong to for example. I thought it was odd to field fire wing, storm wing and Iron wing all in the same little list. It seemed like the long way around to get some where to me. Early days.
  10. Angry Machine NOISES. Spark! Spark! Clank! Kicking sounds. That should do it. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ New activity reports +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I got to play my first game of HH2.0 over the weekend. It was a blast! We hadn't gotten together in maybe5 years.. Maybe more. I can't remember our last gettogether. 4 players 1500 points for a team game ( 2 players a side) I enjoyed the game and the hangout. I've known these guys for going on 24 years now. Nothing like old friends rolling dice talking trash and laughing till it hurts. But I digress. Take away's. Units evaporate when exposed to...Sweeping advance and cross fire. ! Hurray! Old rules that speed up the game are back and that's a good thing. I like this way more than how 40K 8th and on ward have handled thing. I didn't think plasma would be as good as it turned out to be. I'd only glanced at the rules before the game. I feel like plasma was balanced really well. It's nasty or it not so nasty. Nice. Running. Like it. I really like the huge movement on legionaries 7 inches to a possible 11 inches of movement. Very clever. Movement wins games some times. Making that touch down in the opposing deployment Zone for example or just running off to keep the unit out of los for a turn. Like it a lot. Terrain. -2 to movement when crossing difficult terrain. Turned out to be solid. We played with a very healthy amount of terrain. This helped my very very basic list have a very nice showing and even helped my team win the game buy one point. I love a close game. I'm not sure what else I learned just now. We played at a casual pace and looked up rules the whole time over about 6.5 hours. It sounds like a long time but it flew by. I'll be ordering a rule book now that I've played the game. I had to give it a try first. We plan to get together once a month as best we can. I'll be back to building a few models and all that good stuff as we roll into the new year. I was gifted a Spartan so I'll be back to painting some time this week. Pictures and all that stuff as well. ALL glory to the First Legion!
  11. The FLGS I would frequent a few times a year never had any models I was looking for. Best I could do was buy snacks, paint and brushes if I could find them.
  12. If I were playing 40K now I would not have any issues with non wysiwyg armies as long as it could be made clear as to which models had what or were what inside of units and all that. 40K as far as models is now imop extremely low effort. If you could manage* your non wysiwyg army reasonably well and no cheat then cool. What ever. My armies are all painted and wysiwyg. My expectations of ever new person I might meet any play against are incredibly low. GW's more or less killed the hobbyist and creativity side of the hobby. As a player now your high bar is simply assembling models and putting a coat or two of paint on them. *By managing I mean things like this one heavy bolter over here in this squad is really X, I needed an extra model. when I take a casualty I'll pick that model up first. For example. It could be something else. The more convoluted a persons list the more difficult that would be to manage.
  13. Depending on what kind of surface you like to roll on, MDF sheets aren't bad, Maybe some kind of foam matting I believe I have seen these as small as 10 inch squares on amazon. they are multi colored so you might paint them or put a mat over the top. Foam sheeting for insolation comes as thin as 1/4" as well, you might be able to use that under a mat. Not really sure what else to recommend. The only other thing that comes to mind would be a, I think it's called, a motorcycle mat or something like that. I know those come in a wide selection of sized and thickness.
  14. I prefer playing with and against painted armies. I'll take the points. There's always a hand full of people who will say they don't like painted models or some reason they can't or other people shouldn't have to paint their models. This is a given, it will happen in any conversation about this topic online. To which I would say, find don't paint your stuff. you do you. But if it's a rule in the game, the 10 points thing, don't cry if the other player wants that 10 points. What's silly about it is having to monetize painting with 10 points. it's very very sad when people can't be bothered for any reason to paint their armies. and I get it, I have a friend who is color blind. He would just buy painted units from Ebay. There's a whole can of worms around that as far as how the army wouldn't look quite right. But are the models painted or not. I don't even think he plays any more and it wasn't a rule when he was playing. and back in the day, when he was playing, our house rule at that shop was a painted army got one dice reroll per game at tournaments, or one per turn, if the army was fully painted. Which was just a 3 color minimum as was the style at the time. Also, I don't get mad about another player who is slowly painting their models. It's going to be obvious if you keep playing with them as you will see unit after unit come to completion and there's no shame in that. it's about the effort put in. And to complete this tangent, this is one reason I would be for pre painted kits. Just so people would have painted armies even if they didn't want to paint them. I'd still paint my own but I'd be looking at a lot less grey plastic across the table.
  15. I can't say for sure at this point my first army was Dark Angels back in 2nd. I started with Space Marines given to me from a starter box and had nearly no concept of how to grow that army for over a year, or who knows how long. I recall adding 5 Terminators a few characters a Leman Russ Demolisher some plastic scouts and an assault squad and maybe a land speeder at some point. My collection sucked. My next army came together faster Chaos Space Marines dropped and I got one of each kit fairly quickly. I have no idea how I afforded all of that. I'd move on the imperial Guard after that and that was easier, again I have no idea how I rounded up those models. Each of my armies would hit 1500 points over 2 to three years total. After that I was employed and would bring in 18 armies in 3 years, between what I would buy and trade for. I didn't maintain that many armies I think I had two or three and these would be in the 2K to 2.5K range. Later I was trading and selling armies hand over fist at a game store and reaching a 2K army size was dead easy. My Orks would grow to over 21K over about 15 years. My Space Marines would be traded off every now and then but I would reach a company level size for a few years. Most of my friends were collecting like mad as well back then. My imperial Guard was an off again on again idea I did have 300 Cadians in the boxes at one point but parted with all of that. The next two IG armies were just brought in as collections I wanted to repaint but I only traded models and painting services for those. Trade and painting was a solid way to bring in new armies for several years. In the game shop I was a regular at I would trade and sell armies but I usually took some cash and kits off the shelf as well. this just kept things going and no one was upset about it, the owners were not mad at all. Now days I can put together a 2000 point army in 4 to 6 moths and have it all painted in about that much time with no trouble and under the newer points systems it looks even easier. I regret having bought more than two armies. I should have stopped at two.
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