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About jester_prince

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  • Location
    UK, Worcester
  • Faction
    IronHawks GK Black Templars

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  1. I've been inspired by some fan art recently and wanted to see if I could recreate some into miniatures. Neither are finished, as is my scatter brained experimentation. Sorry for bad photos, camera is smashed and takes barley in focus at best coupled with poor lighting equals bad photos.
  2. So this is a thing I made. My cobbled together out of random bitz, Magos ready to lead his Heretek Cult in his gigantic warframe, Inspired by the cover of the new Adeptus Mechanicus codex. I originally intended him to be about the size of a primaris dread or a hell brute to proxy him. However he kept growing so now I am not sure what he can be played as. I still have a couple of Las cannons or Plasma cannons to mount to the left shoulder. I wanted to capture the weird gangly and slightly odd proportions of the artwork and the horrendous integration of what I assume is the original human body with the secondary head. Still alot of cleanup required and its going to be a nightmare to paint. Oh and heres a knight.... And I guess because I think my combined thread has been removed... Here's some custodies stuff too I got for my birthday so I guess I started a new army...
  3. Thanks, this was really informative. Applies well to skin and cloth well (unfortunately not alot of it on my guys) a little less appropriate for hard reflective surfaces like Armour plates, but there was some good takeaways from it.
  4. Well I got sidetracked again, I guess my other armies can wait. Really enjoying the results of these guys so I had to start the next guy.
  5. Perhaps, I was aiming for a sort of hammered metal, my intend was to give the impression of a texture and I will attempt to pick out scales with the paint job.
  6. Well as that's two requests now, I guess I will have to make one.
  7. Thanks guys, I am very happy with him.. I spent a long time playing with the right pose, including shooting a plasma pistol and pointing. I opted for simple, glad it paid off. My only concern is he is very bulky on the back.
  8. I used a primaris model as a base (I wanted him to be a bit bulkier then the rest of the guys to stand out, not because I wanted him to be a primaris), shaved off all the extra armour plates to reduce his chest a bit and remove the hip plates, knee joints that make him obviously primaris. It would work on any model, just trim off any iconography that will get in the way. The scales I just layered down a thin sheet of Green stuff over his armour then pushed the tip of an exacto blade into at a slight angle in a layered pattern left to right, top to bottom. Pretty simple, just takes time and a bit of practice. I've done it on a few models before this to varying degrees of success and I will probably do it again so I will take pics next time. Waited for that layer to dry (mostly so I don't squish the previous hard work) before trimming off the excess (leaving space for the rim) and adding the outside trim just by adding a thin sausage and flattening it with a silicon tool. Other components I have sculpted separately (hydra heads, the leg iconography and the leather loin cloth thingy) then waited until they were kinda tacky but not fully set before I tried to manipulate them into the model. I've learned the hard way that trying to rush green stuff and sculpting the entire model at once just ends up in squished bits. The Rhino trim I unfortunately cannot tell you the exact thickness, I have had the plasticard for years and years and came in a mixed amount but its pretty thin (less then a 1mm probably 0.5mm), feels almost like quality thick paper to handle. But its basically just narrow segments glued down with poly cement with the occasional triangle to add a spike, usually at a corner or edge of a plate, you can easily figure out the construction from the pic above there is no trick. Then I just took a blade to it to carve chunks away to give it a bit of battle damage and wear.
  9. Yet another side project (because who can have just one army on the go?). My Alpha Legion/Dark Mechanicus army. Quick summary of my head cannon for this army: Alpha Legion operatives have started a rebellion and ultimately a chaos incursion on a Forge World in order to divert Imperium forces en mass to the system so that they arrive ahead of a hive fleet that would otherwise consume the planet before the Imperium can arrive. They need the planet to survive long enough so that another operation elsewhere can be accomplished. So this is my justification for scratching two itches at the same time. Some Dark Mechanicus (or is it Mechanicum?) and an Alpha Legion army. Apologies for lack of basing, I want to do it all at once to keep it consistant and I promised myself I would get the cultists completed first. Leading the rebellion and the first operative on the ground: In my headcannon my Alpha Legion warband (cell?) will use deamons as tools but will not allow possession or corruption in their own ranks (its hard to infiltrate imperial operations with a tenticle arm or horns). So any demons in the army will be converted from mechanicus parts and in mechanicus colours (hence why the helstrider is mechanicus red). Second heavily adjusted venom crawler Sorcerer with Jump Pack Standard Sorcerer Lord with Jump Pack With a bit of paint My hastily painted cultists (because I am lazy and painting 50 odd cultists to the best of my ability tires me out just thinking about it) I guess I can go back and re-paint them as and when I feel like it (Yeah right keep telling yourself that). I really wanted these guys to be a mish mash of workers and gangers, adeptus mechanicus and re-programmed servitors to show that this is a rebellion. The bases will show signs of protests and I really wanted to try to capture what a rebellion (one that has been manipulated by chaos) on a forge world looks like. Rhino Not photographed (yet) but painted 5 chosen, 5 chaos space marines, Alpharius (the Alpharius) and 5 not warp tallons (because i like jumpy dudes with lightning claws and damn it I am having them in my army) Built but not painted: 5 Havocs with chain cannons 5 Chosen 5 Chaos Space Marines So so many cultists Yet to be assembled/bought: 1 Chaos Knight (because its cool so why not) 2 Oblitorators (using Kataphron Destroyers as a base) 1 more Rhino Any suggestions/ideas/criticism would be welcome.
  10. Thats a real compliment, thanks. I have always loved the John Blanche Black Templar and Sister of battle artwork and they definitely played a massive inspiration to this army (is a handful of guys an army yet?). My intent is to perhaps get some sisters and some imperial agents to expand this army. But that's way down the road.
  11. Okay so I attempted to take some better photos. Have at it. The Gangs all here. Any all advice, about painting or photography is welcome. I think I shall take a break from OSL for a while so this might be the last update for a while. I need to assemble more of the Indominatus box first anyway before I can add any more to their army.
  12. Well subtle went out the window with the shield... I am not sure so I will take a fresh look at it tomorrow. What do you guys/gals/genderless skitarii think? Keep it or take another bash at it? I think the rest of the model is all but complete. Edit: I need to learn to take decent photos, the colours are all blown out.
  13. It's hardly my forte either haha. I was tempted to do the halo but I suspect that might be too many sources of light and I'd lose the effect. I did however get somewhere with the power sword, its not quite right but I think its heading in the right direction. I am having a hard time of it tonight, the weather is muggy as hell and the paint is getting gloopy even on the wet pallet and I can't seem to get it right, especially the gold trim. I shall call it quits and have another bash at it when its less hot.
  14. That was the plan, though I have never been a huge fan of the ultra glowy power swords, so whatever I want it to be at-least half way subtle. I really like the energy crackle that GW painted their indominatus minis with but it may not be enough to make the lighting interesting.
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