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Everything posted by alex567

  1. alex567

    other stuff

    Other stuff either temporary or the like
  2. alex567


    From the album: other stuff

  3. alex567

    ultramarines 3rd

    3rd company ultramarines
  4. From the album: ultramarines 3rd

    My ultramarine captain.
  5. Loken, nuff said... I wanted to do the word bearers at first after reading aurelian, but after HH: betrayer came out I couldn't resist the urge to collect an army strait away, also the grey of the word bearers was a bit off putting, so I decided on Sons of Horus, because of loken who is my favourete Horus Heresy character out of all of them, and also because Horus himself is such a badass (like I imagine(emphasis on imagine) myself to be :nuke:). So I now have a beautifully un-painted sons of horus army sitting half bit on my desk :D (thanks chistmas)!
  6. Can you change the rules for ignoring wounds inflicted on models you can't see? OR My purgation are made of win, so why can't my psycannons penetrate walls?
  7. Hey, Alex here, Just one thing....WOW, the havoc launcher looks EHPIKKKKK, It kinda reminds me of the kinda thing that you see on a futuristic plane where it opens out from under a wing from previously being hidden only to rain hell upon an enemy! It makes me want to convert a valkarie soooooooo badly, but yeah, nice, real nice, keep up the good work for evil? Always a pleasure to read your blog!
  8. Hey, Alex here, I like the design and "simplicity" of the havoc launcher you have made, it looks nice and would look evan better mounted on a tank I recken, the only thing I dislike about it, well dont like as much as the rest I should say, is that it looks to loyalisty, nothing realy sais, look at me I'm chaos, mabe add something to it to give it that little "in yo face"-ness? some of that superbanding that you made would look nice although it would be realy difficult to make banding that small to fit in with the rest of the tank, i suppose. But yes, it looks nice and I am envious, if I ever do a chaos army, this will be the first thread I look at for ideas and help (and most likely the last!), keep up the good work.
  9. Hey, alex here, like the idea for the daemon prince and the jump pack is cool, I have a suggestion, mabe the jump pack will look better mounted on his back then on those extended parts, you could remove them and mount the pack where the extended parts are supposted to go and then mabe do some sort of sculpting onto the back of the daemon prince to show that his skin has grown into the pack but part of it is still there. Just my thoughts! Also, jimmimellows I believe the forge world dread heads are to big to fit onto the contemptor, those ones are quite big and the contemptor one is marine sized (bit bigger mabe?), but yeah I dont think it will fit. Keep up the good work!
  10. Hey, Alex here, great mini's my local hobby group have never been a big fan of the black legion cause their colours aint that nice, but this army is what makes people go "hmm, I was wrong that the black legion don't look great" it's a lovely army and you should be proud (and kick anyone who sais otherwise :lol:). But yeah continue the greeeeeaaaaaaat work!
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