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About Urauloth

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  • Location
    Old Albia
  • Interests
    Doom metal, coffee, horror, folklore, etymology, Soviet history, skirmish games and dungeon crawlers
  • Faction
    Death Guard

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  1. Really like how the muddied up Catachan green looks. The colour pops without being too bright, and it's just vibrant enough for the weathering to stand out.
  2. Váfri It was, he reflected, really very simple when you stripped it back to its basic elements. He was in this situation because he had commited the most fundamental error, a pup-foolish mistake the Old Ice would have culled him from the pack for: he had failed to heed his instincts' warnings. He knew the Inquisition for a viper's den of snake-tongues and oathbreakers, and he had walked into their midst anyway. "They destroyed the brain." Váfri saw Asterius considering the mannaetu rite, and made the observation aloud without thinking. "They wanted to ensure no one could eat of his memories if his body was found by his kin." It wasn't a particularly astute observation, he knew, but it struck him as evincing the depth of betrayal they faced and the degree of forethought behind it. "Is it him? Is it Skaayn?" He directed the question quite generally, since it was largely rhetorical. "If it is, who or what have we been calling by that name?"
  3. This might actually be the coolest thing they've ever made. I'm sure he'll be insanely expensive and I also hate resin, but I'll make an exception.
  4. Váfri Zedemi had a point: Eldar were strange creatures, but even they wouldn't hoard items in a treasure vault unless they had some value. As he followed the Salamander, it occured to him that what was valuable to the Xenos might not be useful to anyone sane, but it would be a pity to pass up the chance to see what these pirate creatures had accumulated. The Wayseeker's mention of plunder made him grin. "Plunder is the right of a victorious warrior" he said, partly in reply and partly as a simple statement. The fight had done a great deal to improve his disposition, and with the Eldar defeated he bore them no particular ill-will. That would change abruptly in the face of treachery should they try anything underhanded, of course. He was wondering what among the strange and slightly repellant array of alien artefacts might even be worth plundering when he saw the helm the Salamander had found. "Morkai's blood," he swore. "Is that what I think it is, Zidemi?"
  5. Mr Hobby brand plastic glues are excellent but can be a real pain to get in the UK. Mr Cement S is similar to the Tamiya extra thin, while Mr Cement Deluxe is a brush-on goop you can use to fill small gaps as well as sticking things together (that one stinks, however). It's really hard to beat Revell Contacta as a general purpose glue though. I don't think I ever assemble plastic minis without using it somewhere.
  6. Like everything in the Nomad range, I want these to make into swamp-dwelling Nurgle cultists. I feel like my thunder has been stolen a bit on that front though, because they're almost too perfect for that already, especially with the green colour scheme the studio painted them in.
  7. I'm basically late for everything at the moment due to irl busy-ness, but count me as interested as well.
  8. Hmm. I'm pretty rusty and I barely get painting time these days, but I also want to enter the Death Guard kill team I've got built... I'm going to give it a shot - it's possible I'll only get one guy done by the deadline and he might look like a grot paintball team used him for target practice, but you don't know until you try!
  9. Ok, so I've been away for a while, and maybe I missed something, but I don't see a thread about this book and I'm surprised. This was pretty long-awaited, no? Anyway, I'm partway through it, so I don't have a complete set of thoughts about it yet, but I'm enjoying it a lot so far. Double Eagle is one of my favourite 40k novels, and I'm very happy with this as a follow-up. Maybe there isn't much talk about it because it's so... polished? There's none of the odd plotting choices or experimental prose here that's made Abnett such a locus of discussion recently, he's just doing the thing he did so successfully for so long: this is a Sabbat Worlds book, and it does what it says on the tin. Anyone else read (or reading) it, and if so what do you make of it?
  10. Absolutely fantastic conversion work. Also I love that green!
  11. Awesome! I'll catch up before we get started again.
  12. I've barely had time to see anything of myself, honestly. I got your message though, thanks! I'd love to come back, and making a bit of hobby time in my schedule would do me good.
  13. I like him. Depending on how expensive he is, I'd like to add him to the retinue of the heretek Magos I'm making. He'd make a good Horrid Little Minion.
  14. Stunning work. Very characterful Iron Warriors, but the most impressive thing is that Obliterator: It's the only time I've ever seen one that captures the essense of that piece of codex artwork (you know the one, you posted it in this thread!)
  15. I liked The Emperor Expects a lot, I think it's still a cut above anything else I've read by Thorpe. I enjoyed it more than Slaughter. If Gav ever writes a standalone Imperial Navy book, I'll snap it up.
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