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About thunderturd

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    Black Templars

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  1. atm i run him as a standard contemptor with 2 CC Weapons. But i am working on a Datasheet for him atm to use him as a HQ Unit. He will probably be somewhere around 400-500 points though
  2. So, since i moved the pictures of my EC conversion to a different folder on photobucket, i will repost some pic of him since i am too lazy to edit my previous post xD I know it is not a finished model, but the amount of time and love i am putting into this conversion makes up for that ^^ So, here he is: Emperor´s Champion Bayard the Fallen http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad268/L0rdNikoN1/warhammer%2040k/temporary_zps90279d41.jpg http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad268/L0rdNikoN1/warhammer%2040k/temporary_zpsb44ff7d1.jpg http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad268/L0rdNikoN1/warhammer%2040k/WP_001022_zpscb2b451b.jpg http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad268/L0rdNikoN1/warhammer%2040k/WP_001019_zps90c51abf.jpg
  3. thx =) i didn´t worked on his datasheet yet. that will be done when i have the model finished. and yes, more bling will come aswell ^^ i recently found a small metal chain in my desk which i will add here and there, similar to the weapons from the BT Chapter Upgrade kit.
  4. thx ^^ that was a pain in the ass to make, i tell ya that ! it was made out of dried paint only and nothing else. i used revell clear red to do it
  5. hey everyone, i am quite new to the whole converting and painting models thing (doing it for about a year and half now) and i wanted to share one of my models i am working on atm with you guys. PS: sry if the pics are a bit blurry or overlighted. i am still trying to figure out a way to make a good photobox. critics are welcome and wanted unfortunatly i cant post pictures here for some reason, so here a just the links: http://www.flickr.com/photos/101115243@N07/9647068767/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/101115243@N07/9650309620/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/101115243@N07/9650320520/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/101115243@N07/9650331690/
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