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About Corswain

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  • Location
    Brisbane, Australia
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    IVth, VIIIth & IXth Legions

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  1. Not much interested in either Kill Team (although, ovjectively, they're nice models) but I think I need that statue. And I want to see the desecrated conversion. Maybe I will need two....
  2. Been thinking Siege of Terra themed force. The YouTube video where they've done the metallic purple is pushing me even closer.....
  3. Yeah, I just watched that too and it is a very nice orange.
  4. That and the eyes make it instantly better. I'd probably still switch it out for another head so you can get closer to the Thor Ragnarok hair cut. He might look good with one of the character heads that have the rebreather. Lot of potential to the model with some small tweaks.
  5. There's a lot I like but he's not as sinister as I had imagined. I always liked his Night Lord in XIXth Legion clothing vibe but it's not quite hitting the mark here. Still, it's a nice model and I wouldn't have any problem picking him up if I collected Raven Guard.
  6. I was determined to do some orange in an oily grimdark kinda scheme covered in streaking grime but just wasn't satisfied with the result. It looked good but I just wasn't excited to paint it and that's the goal for me. Then I showed my three year old an orange tester and a pink tester and he chose pink. He knows what he's doing - I really like the pink. I do think the orange can be done though and I really like that it's not a Legion colour so it has it's own identity.
  7. Nice. Not on my shopping list for now but when I eventually get round to Dark Mech these are right at the top.
  8. Love his work and it's wonderful to see some new stuff. I got into the hobby with Lord of the Rings but Adrian Smith pulled me into 40K and, even more than Blanche, his work set the tone, visually, for what Warhammer is to me.
  9. Exactly this. Use whichever one you like best. Problem solved.
  10. Too rich for me. I was happy with the last lot of made to order terrain but these just don't have enough value for me. Shame. They're nice kits.
  11. I like it a lot more after having had time to check out the video. The price would probably still dictate that I would purchase the 40K one though.
  12. Well that was unexpected. I think I'm in the camp that prefers the 40K one but I get why they might try to distinguish them more from their 40K versions. Lotara is interesting. I hope she is Astra Militarum rather than World Eaters.
  13. Looking good. Sand bag piles will always look good in a ruined city. The old City fight codex was good for ideas too if you can get a look. Or take your inspiration from Inferno and put some random tourists in there.
  14. Bit of a photo dump but haven't posted for a while. Starting with an assault squad. A Dawnbreaker squad. And a Kratos. Essentially finished these but I am waiting for the decal sheet to come back into stock to add those last details. Next on the Blood Angels job list is some Angel's Tears.
  15. Very nice Heresy Thursday. I already have a Thanatar but I want a Krios and a Karacnos. Do I just need a second Thanatar!?!?
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