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Evil Eye

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Evil Eye last won the day on October 20 2024

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    The middle of nowhere
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    40K, modelling, drawing, anime and manga

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  1. I'm firmly of the opinion 6' X 4' was the norm for ages for a good reason, but that said I'm not a particular stickler for precise board size, as long as it's a rectangle and is big enough for the size of game. I never understood the obsession with following the official guidelines for table size to the letter, especially given they're supposed to be guidelines and not hard-and-fast rules anyway! As Xenith said, if the board needs to be smaller just mark the edges off or wall them off with terrain to get the right size. I will say though something that can be made of 2' X 2' squares is good as it enables easy modularity.
  2. Good lord. That sounds frankly brutal. Though given the legendary lethality of FFG's RPGs you'll probably need them! But yeah, the Deathwatch would be the perfect place for shotguns- I seem to recall one of the Overkill guys has a frag cannon which is basically a gigantic shotgun.
  3. Right, that's kinda the issue, isn't it? The whole "mini-RPG" aspect of bolters does make a lot of other weapons utterly redundant (not that that's stopped GW from slapping stubbers on Marine vehicles for some ungodly reason...); my reasoning for "why would a Marine be carrying a shotgun" beyond "shotguns are cool" being a Marine-grade shotgun would be, ironically, lighter and easier to fire on the move than a bolter, and also mechanically simpler and thus less likely to jam or be damaged in a melee (not that Marines are careless, but even the most elite troops in the world/galaxy would agree if you're regularly using your gun as a blunt instrument then the less moving parts or delicate optics or whatever the better). For a Tactical squad they're pretty redundant as for medium-range firefights you want the range and accuracy of a boltgun, but for scouts and assault squads, who are likely to be getting up close and personal and thus would appreciate something a bit easier to wield at short range/whilst moving and less likely to be fouled by the rigours of assault jumps or moving through dense cover, I can actually see them having a niche. As for veterans, obviously they're likely to be using more unconventional weapons than a standard rank-and-file Marine, and alt-ammo for the standard boltgun is something Sternguard already do. And, of course, as mentioned a Marine shotgun would be a far cry from a standard Imperial boomstick; simpler and less versatile than the bolter perhaps, but nonetheless would have its place in the armouries. Also, presumably they would be much easier to manufacture and supply with ammunition than bolters, which would make them especially suitable for more inexperienced Marines (scouts) or those performing high-risk strikes where the chance of damage to a weapon is greater (assault squads). Gotta save the Imperial Credits for extra metal polish and vellum! Then again, shotguns are fairly limited in use in actual militaries in the real world, so there's that. (Though to be fair, I don't seem to recall that armoured ambulatory iron lungs with rotary cannons are especially popular in modern service either...) Of course, there's some precedence for non-Scout Marines using shotguns (the Boltgun game has them IIRC) so maybe some day?
  4. It occurred to me that as iconic and cool as the humble shotgun is (just ask Doomguy!), it doesn't get much love in 40K. The main users of it are Genestealer Cultists, but the only Marines who really use it at all are Scouts, and even then the rules were always lacklustre. Which seemed odd to me; you'd think the Astartes would have specialized mega shotguns that would make a 12-gauge look like a pop-gun. I even get them being mostly used by Scouts due to the whole infiltration and close-quarter-combat roles they have, but they've never had particularly interesting rules, effectively being just worse bolt pistols. Speaking for myself, if I were revamping the Astartes shotgun, I'd make them accessible to Scouts, Assault Marines and Veterans (and their Primaris equivalents) with Veterans getting access to special ammo for them. In terms of rules, I can only really think in terms of pre-8th mechanics, but the standard shotgun would be able to fire with two profiles (tentative names): "Suppression Shell": S4 AP - Type: Assault 2 "Penetrator Slug": S4 AP - Type: Assault 1, Rending The idea being that they can either fire a volley of shells for dealing with lightly armoured foes or single, powerful slugs that can pierce even thick armour with a lucky shot. Veterans might be able to upgrade their shotgun to use one of the following specialist ammunition types: "Chem Munitions": Grants the Poison (4+) special rule to both profiles. "Thermobaric Rounds": Cover saves cannot be taken against wounds inflicted by either profile (in the same way as a flamer). "Shocker Shells/Slugs": Both profiles have the same effect as a thunder hammer; any model wounded but not killed will be reduced to Initiative 1 until the end of the next assault phase. I'm sure the basic idea would be easy enough to translate to modern rules, I'm just putting it in terms I understand. Mostly though I just think shotguns are cool, the Astartes shotgun design is cool and I'd like it to get more love.
  5. That's a seriously nice looking guy. DG definitely have a surplus of characters (which would be less of an issue if these were following the older philosophy of each character sculpt being an "example mini" for a build for the unit, rather than a unit entry in its own right) but that IS a very cool sculpt, easily my favourite of the Death Guard lords. Gives me FromSoft vibes, actually. Would definitely build for using with the 3.5E Codex.
  6. The Vindicare comparison doesn't quite work, if only because Vindicare Assassins are supposed to be the best snipers in the entire galaxy, and are also frightfully rare (they're unlikely to take to the field unless the High Lords REALLY need someone dead). An Astartes sniper is going to be very good at their job, but even Telion isn't going to be on par with a Vindicare; quite aside from anything else, a Space Marine has to be a well-rounded warrior who can adapt to any battlefield role (with some specialization in certain fields) whereas a Vindicare's existence begins and ends at "makes people dead from very far away". As far as Eliminators getting bigger unit sizes, I think 6 is the maximum you'd want anyway. Snipers aren't really meant to hang around in large groups after all! The issue of fixed squad sizes definitely doesn't help them. If we do get new Vanguard Vets (and I see no reason we won't) I'd rather they not be in Phobos and instead just get the same treatment as Sternguard: a straight port of the design concept to Primaris. Well, obviously I'd rather they just got a proper upscale but kept their Mk.7/Mk.8 armour but them's the breaks I guess. To be honest the biggest loss for them getting updated will be the jump packs. I hate the Primaris jump packs. Multipart Outriders would be nice, seems weird that bikes are stuck with ETB. Would be nice if they added a proper attack bike update; they could make the Marine-o Kart less redundant by giving the attack bike the option of a heavy bolter or another gun (autocannon maybe?) so they're filling slightly different niches. Suppressors meanwhile can go straight to Legends. They're just silly both conceptually and in execution.
  7. "We don't want to go to war today, but the lord of the lash says "nay nay nay"!" Anyway, fantastic looking model, I can see that being a great conversion base for a 40K era Chaos Marine (or particularly brutal looking Loyalist).
  8. One other thing you CAN do is a trick called "resin welding". Decant a very, very small amount of 3D resin (preferably the same you used to print the model) and using an old brush spread it onto the surface as you would with glue. Join the parts, then blast it with a UV curing lamp, and it'll set the resin solid. Depending on the joint it might be best to superglue it first and then fill any gaps with resin-welding, to avoid any chance of pockets of uncured resin (which can offgas and crack the joint open again) but for gap-filling it's pretty great.
  9. Whilst I'm not sure a full standalone system needs to be made, having HH expanded into a "historical battles" game for 40K, with updates of Mk.7 and Castraferrum dreadnoughts and support for Xenos would be very nice, and the Badab War would be the perfect jumping off point for pushing beyond the Heresy itself- in fact it'd actually get me back into modern GW rules if they did that. They could pull a TOW and release new kits where appropriate whilst reissuing older sculpts to fill gaps.
  10. Honestly I'd rather Marines didn't get mass-produced jetbikes. Sammael being the only one with one, and Custodes being the only force with access to them as part of their regular arsenal makes them feel more "special". A plastic Sammael would be cool (providing they don't "update" him too hard). A Captain on bike would be nice, as would a new model for Kor'sarro Khan on Moondrakken. If we are getting a new Lysander, I hope he's good, the metal one was a classic. As mentioned prior, new Assault Terminators would be nice too; they could possibly get away with an upgrade sprue for the existing kit, to be fair.
  11. That is a fantastic Iron Warrior! Side note; I saw someone on eBay selling a 1/18 headsculpt of Robert Downy Junior as he appeared in Tropic Thunder, and I might need to give it to one of my Marines as an alt-head now. "You went full heretic. Never go full heretic."
  12. I seem to recall in earlier editions, Troops were the only ones who could capture objectives?
  13. It might not fix things by itself but it would certainly help. Hell, back in the day you used to have certain units that were capped at 0-1 (Obliterators in Chaos 3.5e, Zoanthropes and Biovores in Tyranids 4E etc) to avoid spamming, which would also be helpful. Though a lot of this discussion seems to be depending on the idea that competitive/tourney play is the ideal way to play, which of course it definitely isn't. Said it before, will say it again; The tourney crowd will bust the game wide open regardless, it's best to leave them to their own thing and otherwise ignore them for the purposes of game design. MAke a fun game for the narrative/casual level first and foremost, let tournmaent-goers do what they will with the system.
  14. I believe she's from the HH books, though it's possible it's just JoyToy giving a name to a nameless generic to avoid "Space Marine 1" (which they often do with this line).
  15. I don't normally like named characters but Jenetia Krole looks amazing, I might need her. Also the Contemptor Dreadnoughts look incredible.
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