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About Nicorex

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  • Location
    Deep in the Indiana woods..
  • Interests
    All kinds of weird and wacky stuff.....
  • Faction
    Prophets of Perdition

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  • Armies played
    Chaos Marines

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  1. What model glue is your goto? I have been using Plastaweld brush on for years. but lately it just has not been doing the job. Arms and guns pop off a whole leg fell apart on a Tiatanicus warlord. Some friends swear by GW's plastic glue but they have to put a lighter to the metal nozzle every 5 minutes to keep it flowing. So whats your favorite?
  2. Cool thanks. Great work BTW.
  3. http://i1255.photobucket.com/albums/hh627/EberiousTemplar1/DSC09601_zps0d6513ab.jpg Where is the "engine" piece from that you used here?
  4. Everything is comming along nicely. Keep up the great work. I cant wait to see this army finished.
  5. Absolutly amazing work. I cant wait to see what you do next.
  6. Well here is my 1850 "Prophets of Perdition" WordBearer Army. Im not much of a painter cause I got no paitence for it, I can spend 100 hours on a conversion, but I cant stand spending an hour on a paint job lol! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v107/Nicorex/Wordbearers029.jpg Some closer shots. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v107/Nicorex/Wordbearers030.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v107/Nicorex/Wordbearers031.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v107/Nicorex/Wordbearers036.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v107/Nicorex/Wordbearers033.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v107/Nicorex/Wordbearers035.jpg And here is the Defiler I would add if I could ever get it painted to bump the army to 2K. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v107/Nicorex/DSCN0399.jpg
  7. Thanks Zgar. But it isnt original, It was my blantant attempt to steal Boltmans sense of motion from his dread. While I went for more of a stomping through the city to get to you than chagrging straight at you Like Boltmans Hellblade, you can clearly see the influance. I am posting a link to Boltmans Hellblade just as a refrence. ;) http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/Bolt...lbladeFront.jpg
  8. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v107/Nicorex/edwards_jim_b.gifHere is My Word Bearer Lord Lord Deacon Ignatus
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