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  1. THE ARGENT FORGE " We are all the sum of our actions, young one. Every act, every deed we perform in this wretched existence defines whom we are, how we are remembered, what legacy we leave behind. None of us escape this pitiful mortal coil alive, initiate. It is up to us to define who we are and when the time comes for us to pay our final dues and leave behind our mark it falls to us if our story will be a glorious chapter of Man-kinds history or an oft forgotten foot note that merely highlights the folly of Men," Brother Kristoff Argent - (Former) Master of Sanctity, Star Leopards Astartes Chapter now assigned to the Legio Bolter and Chainsword The Preamble So its that time again. Time for Brother Argent to start another hobby butterfly log. I've tried this a few times and always failed for various reasons. My most recent attempt, when I meant to tackle the Imperium, didn't necessarily fail as falter. Whilst I kept up with the models my intent to deliver fluff for each issue made my get bogged down on posting and I stopped updating entirely. That's not to say I am giving up on that log, I just feel with the amount I flutter around between armies I think perhaps a central spot to share everything would be warranted. And so here I go again, launching a log that, if I am honest, updates will be sporadic and the quality somewhat lacking but I will give it a red hot try. End of Year Goals So, with the end of the year fast approaching I intend on completing a Path of Penance as I have done in the past. With multiple painting challenges failed in the later half of the year, either due to poor time management, mental health or other commitments, I have quite the list of models I had hoped to complete by years end. Whilst this is a huge undertaking and likely impossible given past records the following is the list of what I hope to achieve and the challenge they relate too: 12 Months of Hobby: 1x Seraphim Superior 1x Sister Superior 1x Sister with Simalcrum Imperialis 2x Battle Sisters 2x Repentia 1x Arcoflagellant 1x Repentia Superior 1x Penitent Engine 1x Chaplain 5x Intercessors 1x Redemptor 1x Repulsor 1x Repulsor Executioner Call to Arms: 1x Screamer Killer 1x Psycophage 3x Neurotyrant and accompanying Neurolids 12x Neurogaunts 10x Termagaunts 1x Warpsmith 1x Maulerfiend. Imperium Subscription 2x Ruins 1x Triarch Stalker 3x Battle Sisters 1x Repentia 1x Arcoflagellant 2x Seraphim Thermic Plasma Conduits Other Non Challenge related stuff: 1x AoS Steelhelm minature of the month (also know as Dame Not Appearing in this Log) So, as you can all see, one hell of a lot and likely impossible, but I am going to give it a red hot go. I have colour coded them in terms of priority. Red being highest priority, then orange, yellow and finally green. With any luck I can get this stuff done. I also have some bits and pieces I want to rework from the Call to Arms. If that happens this year or not is to be decided... A Taste of What is to come... So, finally, a blog isn't a WIP blog without some images. So, whilst these models have been seen before, here is a few images to show the schemes that I am goijng towards a a few lines about each army: Adeptus Astartes: The Interdictors Forged from the geneseed of the Ultramarines the Interdictors mostly embraced the gift of the Rubicon Primaris. Known for their tenacity and brutal uncompromising nature they strike in hard and fast, launching assault from drop pod, Thunderhawk and armoured vehicle, cutting off enemy supply routes and digging in at surrounded strongholds. The Interdictors I paint for now are mostly around what is coming with the Imperium magazine as well as my Plodding Along Vow for the Twelve Months of Hobby and will be, for the most part, centered around the 3rd Company. Adepta Sororitas: The Order of the Martyr Redeemed Formally known as the Order of the Penitent Martyr the Order of the Martyr Redeemed has been known to attract the penitent and those seeking redemption. Seen as far more compassionate then many similar orders they are a shining beacon in the hopelessness of the 41st Millennium. It is perhaps because of this, or possible in spite of, the order has a large compliment of Repentia as well as often accompanied by many arcoflagellants. Again the Sisters will be mostly done from the contents of Imperium, at least until later when I shall attempt to get another sister squad completed and, if I win the lottery, more Repentia and arcoflagelants. Tyranids: Hive Fleet Koios A splinter fleet of Hive Fleet Titan cast adrift from the warp storms of the birth of the Cicatrix Maledictum Hive Fleet Koios are possessed of the same hyper intelligent nature of Titan with perhaps less of the propensity for close quarters fighting. Their shadow has only just started to spread, with first contact noted about the same time as the resurgence of Hive Fleet Leviathan. Just how much of a threat this new splinter will be has yet to be seen. Koios (The Titan of intelligence and known as one of the conspirators in the betrayal of Uranus) will be to begin with the rest of the contents of Leviathan and then, in the new year, will move onto a lot of my older models including an old pewter Hive Tyrant and hormagaunts still in plastic wrap from 2009. Necrontyr: The Almwat Dynasty A recently awakened Dynasty the Almwat have woken to find their Dynasty and its worlds shattered and scattered. The Sons of the Phaeron are moving to reunite their broken forces. Should they succeed they will have a force that, with eldritch energies and ancient malice, will no doubt challenge any and all whom face it. My Necrons are a rebuild of my early force back from when the army first started being an army and you had a whole about ten units across the whole codex. They will be mostly built from the Imperium contents with only the yet to arrive Triarch Stalker for this year. Next year there will be a fair bit more but for now they are mostly resting. Adeptus Mechanicus: Forge World Milivia Secondus Milivia Primus was a forgeworld cursed from the days of the Heresy, its ancient machinery infected with a dreaded techno-virus known as the Scrap-Code Malaise. Despite this they continued to survive with the aid of the Iron Heralds Space Marine Chapter. Following the birth of the Great Rift as well as the predations of Hive Fleet Titan upon the world the Mechanicus decided to purge the world, salvaging what machinery they could and relocating them to the next world in the system, Milivia Secondus. Secondus was, much to the Imperium and Mechanicus' chagrin, discovered to be a sleeping Tomb World of the Almwat Dynasty. The awakened Necrontyr quickly drove the Mechanicus forces back. Rather then fight to the last the forge worlds forces instead returned to their ships, where much of the surviving machinery from Primus remained. Knowing they would face censure for their failures the fleet left, becoming a mobile forge World in essence and set out to try to rebuild and find what arceotech they could so one day they could gain retribution on the Necrons as well as the Mechanicum they feel betrayed them by destroying their world. My Admech will be silent for now. I've painted the Imperium detachment and likely wont revisit them till late next year. But they will appear in here so figured they needed a brief. So it Begins... So without further adieu I should get into it. I have been working on my Sisters as well as starting to assemble the marines for my plodding along. With any luck I will get some new models up shortly. Those whom follow the 12MoH will see most of this stuff as well but hopefully I will get more details and my processes in this thread. And with any luck I shall get regular updates. Wish me luck... EDIT: Well just secured myself some more time. Just tested positive to the ol 'Rona... again...
  2. "That's the issue if you keep digging down. Eventually you are going to find something you don't want. Or, even worse, it will find you..." Rogue Trader Terena Deveaux on the mines on Incipios The Cicatrix Maledictum had cut a viscous scar across the breadth of the Imperium. The galactic north had been declared the Imperium Nihilus and was cut off from most if not all of the golden light of the Emperor's Astronomicon as well as support and supplies from Terra and the heart of the dominion of man. As the enemies of humanity, the heretic within and the traitor without as well as the ever present insidious threat of the xeno, push these isolated and fractures worlds greater then they ever have the Imperium is forced to more and more draconic measures in an ever desperate attempt to push back the darkness of oblivion. Forge worlds are pushed to produce more and more equipment for the Imperium's many wars and their vast forges are the hungriest they have ever been for the raw materials to meet the demands. On mining worlds across the Imperium more and more criminals and citizens are drafted to the great mines to churn out more and more to meet the demands, the human cost a mere inconvenience when compared to the horrors that watch the failing light of humanity. Incipios was one such Mining World. Once a verdant agri world its fertile fields were found to hold a far greater worth beneath their grassy vales. Following the discovery of rich mineral deposits beneath the planets surface it wasn't long before farms were replaced with great open cut mines and the planets waters were transported onboard great ships to be sent off world. Stripped of its vegetation the planet soon lost much of its atmosphere, becoming a hot and arid place, a hellish nightmare for those brought from off world to work its vasts mines. But even with Incipios's mineral stores its greatest wealth was when its was discovered to contain great reservoirs of the life blood of the Imperium, promethium. Despite its nightmarish living conditions, or perhaps because of them, it was also a highly valuable world to the war machine of the Imperium. Its vast space port was surrounded by great factories and manufactorums that turned much of the planets raw materials to vital components to be sent elsewhere. The space port became a common stopping ground for Imperial forces enroute to far flung conflicts across the breadth of humanities realms. It was for this reason that the forces of the Star Leopards and what would become to be known as the Incipios Crusade would arrive in the early days of M.42 ******* When mighty Cadia fell and the Great Rift was born any number of worlds across the Imperium were lost to the ravages of the Warp. The Star Leopards home world of Argentum was once such world. Spared from complete destruction only by the machinations of the enigmatic Aeldari the Star Leopards were cut adrift and left decimated far from the ruin of their homeworld. It was only that arrival of the Indomitus Crusade and the Primaris reinforcements that saved the chapter from utter destruction. Although some could say the Primarchs gift was as much a curse as the mysterious origins and nature of the Star Leopards geneseed meant that the Arch-Magos Belisarius Cawl's primaris works didn't mesh and the Primaris assigned to the chapter were instead scions of the Ultramarines. Even later attempts to raise new recruits to primaris met with horrible failure and hugely high fatality rates amoungst its inductees. With the Chapter's numbers already decimated there were few willing to undertake the procedures required. Despite this the Chapter had broken up and divided its remaining forces into forces known as Redemption Crusades, each responsible for its own surrpl and recruitment. Led by the remaining Captains of the Chapter each set off to redeem their Chapter's name and, perhaps in doing so, find a new homeworld and perhaps even their lost Chapter Master whom disappeared at the fall of their homeworld. It was one such force that arrived at the mining world of Incipios, looking to resupply from its recent actions against the tyranids of Hive Fleet Titan. When they arrived at the mining world rather then be met with Imperial hails they were met with deathly silence. Drawing closer to the world they saw the ghostly silhouettes of shattered Imperial ships left adrift in space, their hulls open to the cold vacuum of space. High Captain Valis Dune of the remnants of the Star Leopards 5th Company wasted no time sending his forces to make planet fall. They were met with the same scenes of death and devastation. Doom had come to Incipios, it seemed, and it was up to the Star Leopards to find out what and why. What was left of the world was shattered ruins and empty streets. There were no bodies to by found, either loyal or enemy, but the signs of battle wer everywhere. What little defence forces the planet had been able to muster had clearly put up a valiant fight. Against what was unsure to Imperial forces. All they were able to detect was the occasional unusual energy reading from deep below the planet surface that would show for a while on auspex scanners before disappearing before augers could get a lock. No life signs were detected in the twisted ruins. Incipios was a dead world. ****** Okay so Fluff aside this is my newest project, the Incipios Crusade. For those whom know me I have tried to, on multiple occasions, attempted to make work in progress logs on my various armies, including my Tale of X Armies, with the number of armies varying over the years as I have found other armies (I have been in the hobby for 20 odd years, I have lots of unpainted armies floating around). So this time I am focusing on a fluff heavy log. And indeed will continue to do so for all the armies with my "Warzone" idea where I am dividing my various armies into separate conflicts. Anyway I recently acquired this: Which turned into this: Which in turn turned into this: And this: I must say it was a roller coaster of emotions assembling these models. The Assault Intercessors were an absolute dream to assemble and are amazing models. I will add in some other bits to make the first five different from the second five. The Outriders were a nightmare and I dont like the look of them at all. The Captain and Lt were again quite fun. The Necron warriors were fine once I got the hang of them but finding the parts on the sprue was a nightmare, with often getting the wrong part due to the number 1 of 18 etc being almost off the sprue resulting in constant muck ups. The scarabs were just a couple of bits so nothing to note. The Destroyers were easy and again awesome models. The Overlord and other character were fiddly and un-intuitive and although I like the end model I didn't enjoy building them. The pipes and buildings were the same, with the ruins and pies easy but the Thermo Exchange Shrine was a bit 50/50. Not sure how much I will go with Necrons but I did start an army back in the day with old school warriors and a lord and scarabs but none of them really fit the new Necron look. Heck I haven't even read the new fluff but I know it has drastically changed. And if I am honest the recent release of 40,000 new primaris units has left a very bitter taste in my mouth with marines. Indeed this latest wave may mark the end of a 20 odd year stint of marines for me as I feel GW has somewhat screwed over long term players. Thats not to say I don't like the look of primaris, I actually like the look of most of their models, but I think they would have been better as a rework of marines rather then the shoe horned it replacement for everything monster they are. For now I will work what I have and the things from Conquest as I have been working on the relaunch of this Chapter for 15 years but afterwards I may move on to my other love, the Guard.
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