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  1. Once more I return to the Liber. I really need to stop disappearing as I've done in the past but I can't stop real life. Anyway a while back I vowed to create a chapter for the Brotherhood of Angels (nice little link here for the thread) and so I intend to complete that before I move on with some penitence for all the other vows I've failed. Anyhow, enjoy and any C&C would be great: The Blades of Truth “"In truth, we rise." Summary ▪ GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): Dark Angels ▪ FOUNDING: Unknown ▪ ALLEGIANCE: Chaos (Presumed), themselves ▪ CHAPTER MASTER: Lothen ▪ CHAPTER WORLD: None ▪ FORTRESS MONASTERY: The Strike Cruiser. “Lions’ Truth” ▪ MAIN COLOURS: Black edged in red ▪ SPECIALITY: Hit and run ▪ BATTLE CRY: “Destroy their lies!” ▪ CURRENT STRENGTH: Barely two companies of space marines, human numbers unknown ▪ KNOWN DESCENDANTS: None ORIGINS The day Caliban was destroyed. The day lies descended on the Dark Angels Legion and turned brother against brother. This day proved a catalyst for Sergeant Lothen and has squad. Loyal to their primarch, Sergeant Lothen had been taken prisoner along with the rest of his squad for defying Luther and the path they had chosen. When the Lion rained wrath on his own planet, the squad escaped the bars only to be confronted by a lie. Believing themselves saved, they were shocked when the Lions’ forces opened fire on them, believing them to be traitors and like many marines that day, Lothen and the surviving members of his squad were thrown into time and space. Having now become Fallen Angels it wasn’t long, to Lothen at least, for their brothers to hunt them down and began readying themselves that was sure to come. The Fallen Angels soon began work preparing themselves, working their way into the criminal hub of the outcast world and working their way to the top of the foodchain. Soon enough, supplies along were possessed and their numbers had been boosted not only by the mortal mercenaries but by renegade space marines who had been rejected by their chapter for one reason or another. Then they arrived. The Dark Angels reborn in the form of the Angels of Vengeance. Their forces? A battle company aboard the Strike Cruiser ‘The Lions’ Wrath.’ On patrol, they had heard reports of pirates and the possibility of a base hidden away in the system. Easy prey for space marines. The hunters were in for a surprise once the ground assault had been issued. Tough fighting ensured. The Angels of Vengeance were caught by surprise by the mercenaries appearing out of thin air from the deserts only to disappear again. In the end, the space marines had been wiped out with their battered strike cruiser now in the hands of Lothen and his forces. What resources the planet still had were used in repair the strike cruiser and then left to become ruins. PRESENT ACTIVITIES Recently, Lothen and his ‘Blades of Truth’ as he called them have been on the hunt, taking supplies when needed and hitting the Dark Angels and their descendants whenever they can. The Lions Wrath has been sighted during the 13th Black Crusade most recently, seemingly helping the forces of Chaos in their goal to cause havoc. Reports suggest that the Blades of Truth have been known to fire on chaos forces and that the lure of Chaos may not have taken them as well. RECRUITMENT The Blades of Truth lack the means of creating their own space marines with ease. Instead, renegade space marines or outcasts have been recruited to help increase and replace any marines lost during combat. There are rumours however of marines being captured and forced to serve, though the methods used are not known. It is very likely that because of this, the Blades of Truth have focused themselves on using hit and run tactics along with going after easy targets that ensure success with minimum lose to life. It is possible Lothen is planning on getting a more secure way on creating marines. This can be concluded from Unforgiven gene seed being missing from fallen brothers. One of the biggest reasons Lothen has managed to succeed this is that because of his mistrust of Chaos and of its taint, he will not reason with the Dark Mechanicus or any similar force willing to offer the required services. GENE-SEED While the Fallen Angels of the group possess Dark Angel gene seed, their renegade brothers possess gene seeds from most legions such as World Eaters, Imperial Fist and so on. Those recruits that have been made appear to use stolen Dark Angel gene seed. This can be concluded from the remains of Unforgiven space marine corpses having their gene seed missing on recovery. BELIEFS “I will not damn ourselves so we can destroy our foes!” From what can be gathered, it appears that the Blades of Truth believe to have been wronged by the forces they served. This reaches down in to the renegade guardsmen and mercenaries that follow them. Brotherhood is also an important belief, the most likely reason why the group has stayed together and not stabbed each other in the back. This has led to them always trying to keep each other alive and forged a bond of trust amongst themselves. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is all I have done so far and I'll try and update this as much as I can before the deadline. As I said before any C&C would be greatly appreciated.
  2. 413th Lucius Extermination Legion ForgeWorld: Lucius Colors: Red Cloaks (Khorne Red) Scorched Armor (Eshen gray) Cream leggings (Dheb stone) and Metallic Weapons (LeadBealcher) Specialty: Heavy Armor, Mechanized Infantry, Vehicle Destruction Battle Cry: “All shall bow before the law of Ohm.” Founding: The 413th Legion, founded in M32, was created in response to a need of arms in a Crusade under the command of Electro-Cardinal Ohminious Volt. The Crusade was to pierce the flank of a traitorous system near the edge of Segmentum Obscurus, and began it’s march when the Beast began his assault on the galaxy. With the galaxy in flames and with no way of returning to the Hollow Forge, the crusade stalled before it could even begin… until it heard the desperate cries of a little agricultural planet called Lorem, home of Household Cibus. The crusade turned it’s eye to the imperial aligned Knight world that was under assault by a vast fleet of Greenskin cruisers. With no junk moon in it’s orbit Lord Ohminious had free reign to smash through the Ork fleet and land his forces in support of the Knight household. The battle was a victory, and from there the Mechanicus began liberating the other planets in the system. The 413th Legion lead the counter-attack, and with the superior designs of the Omnissiah’s tanks they blasted apart the rolling junk heaps of the Greenskins. The holy energy of the motive force destroyed the engines of the Orks and lit up the worlds of Sector Lorem, bringing a new age of energy to the dark times of this galaxy. The Crusade spent all it’s energy in the defense of Sector Lorem, but gained the eternal gratitude of Household Cibus and added more worlds dedicated to Forgeworld Lucius. Since WAAGH! Beast, the 413th have battled across the galaxy under the command of many generals. The Onager divisions and the mechanized vanguard Maniples brought many worlds under the Imperium’s wings, and saw many forces left to rot under countless suns. They are among the longest lived legions lucius has, having been lost and reforged many times in the past centuries but always proving their loyalties to The Hollow Forge and to the Adepts Mechanicus. Forge World: Lucius has been named a marvel of the imperium, a jewel of human ingenuity and amazing technology. This strange world was hollowed out by forces unknown and in it’s center a shackled sun powers the industry of an entire world. Lucius has been known to have some of the most advance tech the universe has seen. The Teleportation technology widely used by the Warp Runners Titan legion being one such example, but some Skitarii legions have been fortunate enough to have transport ships equipped with such wonders of science. Honors: The Motive Crusade has shaped the foundation of the 413th since their founding. They bare the honors normally associated with Electro-Priests, namely the weapons of the Motive Force and the intense power they provide. This in of itself is an honor to the men of the 413th, one they wield into battle to strike down the enemies of the Mechanicus. They also take part in the Scorching of their armor and vehicles normally associated with the Skitarii of Lucius. Their armor and hulls of their vehicles are scorched under the artificial sun of the Hollow Forge, but their weapons and power packs are left out of such a ritual, as the intense heat could damage the delicate circuitry. Recruitment: The 413th draw their number from the millions upon millions of serfs that dwell and work within the hollow forge of Lucius. Many are willing to offer up their children or their own lives to be recreated in the image of the Machine God. Augmentations are mostly what passes for standard among the Skitarii, except for one little detail. Following the designs of Ohminious Volt, their augments are designed to be thoroughly insulated from the dangerous static weaponry and Arc Rifles the 413th favor so they will not suffer from the massive amount of Energy flowing through them. Built in Capacitors and Diodes are even capable of sending the excess energy of their augments into the enemy to stun them so they can massacre them in combat. Present Deployment: The 413th Legion is now under the command of Tech Priest Anguis in his crusades of vengeance across the cosmos, bringing destruction to those who think themselves safe and returning worlds back to the ever resource hungry machine of the imperium Combat Doctrines: An Armoured Company, the 413th Legion of Lucius uses a strange deployment that differs from most other skitarii legions. Using the vast resources of the Hollow Forge, the 413th have been known to field their vanguard inside the Rhino assault tanks, using the speed of enhanced engines to close with the enemy and deliver troops right to the front line in the relative safety the armor provides. This deployment is usually backed up by squads of Neutron Onagers and Dragoons, a mass of armor powering up the field to grab any objectives and deliver furious salvos from Arc rifles into the enemy. Though they favor this style of deployment the 413th legion have been known to utilize the usual method of the skitarii; marching up the field and pounding the enemy to dust. A particular quirk of the 413th lies in the style of frontline troopers they use. Instead of equipping vanguard with the all consuming destruction of rad weaponry, the 413th uses a type of Carbine that takes static electricity and transforms it into a potent anti-infantry weapon. Each round shot out of the Carbine carries an electric charge that releases energy upon impact with the target, and though the amount of energy is small when compared to the Arc or Galvanic Rifle, the amount of shots the carbines fire can electrocute even the glorious Astartes with the combined electrical shocks. The amount of electricity released with each salvo have been known to cause arcing between targets, sending the holy energy of the mechanicus through wholes squads. if the enemy manages to close with the vanguard, the skitarii can blast out energy much like electro priests can, paralyzing foes in place so they can be unceremoniously beaten to death by augmented fists. Champions of The Legion: Electro-Cardinal Ohminous Volt: The one who demanded the formation of the 413th and the creator of the Motive Crusade. He was a Giant, towering over even the most heavily augmented tech priests around him. Reports were made that he even towered above the legendary Astartes, but that is up to debate amongst his followers. He was odd compared to most tech priests, as his body had little modifications besides the Circuitry laid beneath his skin and the Metal Spine that ran up his back, along with the usual modifications most of his Order possess. Due to his immense size he could channel and command a A Large amount of Electricity, greater than most other Electro-Priests could ever dream of knowing. He commanded the large crusade known as the Motive Crusade, one that was meant to bring light to a fallen forge world, but instead rescued the Knight Household of Cibus when the Beast Arose. After he secured the world of Lorem he made it his personal home, Creating a monastery amid the mountains of the world. In the perpetual lightning storm amid the clouds did Ohminious made his home, and to this day Electro-Priests make the pilgrimage to see the final resting place of Electro-Cardinal Ohminous Volt. Alpha Prime Rhombus-23: During a past life, Rhombus-23 was an overseer on the Orbital Docks of Plinett. He lived a peaceful life, had a wife and two children, had a nice home near his job, everything an honest man of the Imperium could ask for… And then his world was destroyed when an Ork Waaaagh invaded the planet. He had tried to get his family to the evacuation zones when a group of storm boys attacked. After getting tossed aside like some worthless hive juvie, he watched as his family was brutally slaughtered for no reason other than the Ork’s entertainment. He stood, ready to end his life if he could only kill one single greenskin that grinned at him with malicious glee. Before he could join his family, however, the Orks exploded into clouds of blood and torn metal. A young neophyte of the cult mechanicus had directed his servitors to end the green skins, killing them so casually when the man’s own strength couldn’t stop the slaughter of his children. He saw then that the flesh was truly weak, and in that moment he knelt before the neophyte, pledging himself anew to the Mechanicus and the might of the Machine. He took the augmentations with a glee few surgeons could understand, and he was sent into his first battle amid the ruins of the same city he spent his life in. Through passion and cold determination he rose through the ranks quickly, ascending to sub-alpha, and then to Alpha of his own squad of Static Vanguard. Before every battle he replayed the memory of that moment he lost his family to the enemy, to remind himself why he gave up his humanity one augment at a time. After his a battle against the ruinous powers resulted in loosing 75 percent of his body, he took the final steps to becoming a true weapon of the Mechanicus and was remade into a Thallax. Thus he stripped away the last of his humanity, and soon he rose to the Rank of Alpha-Prime, second only to the Tech Priests that command him. Even in this state he plays his memories on a loop, never forgetting his one goal in his service; So that one day no other father may suffer the same pain as he did on that bloody day. Tech Priest Anguis Diode: The current commander of the 413th had a humble start. Born to the Forge workers who barely managed to support themselves, Acidus was found to be a young prodigy when he completely disassembled and reassembled his family’s cognitor for fun. He was quickly offered to the Tech Priests of Lucius to taught, and though many disdained his lowly start none could deny his ability to repair machines. He was taught how to repair bigger and stronger machines, each challenge he met with an enthusiasm his old teacher found perplexing. In no time he risen to the rank of Enginseer, and rather than be attached to a guard regiment, the young, peaceful Anguis was sent to the Agri-world of Siligo. There he tended to the great tractors and harvesters that belonged to the farmers of the world. It was a paradise, with wars that were far away and endless machines he could fix for the citizens of Siligo. The Paradise did not last, and after 8 years of doing his duty to the people of Siligo, the fertile world was turned to ash. The legions of the Archenemy descended on the world on wings of fire, slaughtering the families that Anguis befriended and burning the vast fields of nourishment as a sacrifice to the dark gods. Anguis and the rest of his mechanicus brethren managed to escape on the last grain hauler to leave the system, watching the chaos ships blast the earth from orbit. Anguis took a vow of vengeance as they left the system, promising his machine god that he will make every enemy of the Imperium pay for every live they took. As soon as he was transported back to Lucius Anguis began his transformation from simple engineer to a warlord. He Studied under the vicious teachers of the Ordo Reductor, and learned all he could about the great war machines that belonged to the Legio Cybernetica. He transformed himself, his enhancements and augments turning his once human form into a snake like creature built only for war, a legend of the Apex Predators that were native to Siligo. He became the apprentice to those Tech Priests that commanded the skitarii legions, and after half a Century of war he rose to be the commander of a great Ordo Reductor Matrix, and after three successful campaigns he was given command of the 413th Extermination legion. Finally, with the tools he needed he waged holy war against the enemies of the imperium as he had vowed almost 200 years before, and through his crusades he rescued countless technologies that would have been lost to the countless enemies of the Imperium. Honored Engagements: Battle of Lorem Prime, 544.M32: The 413th's first Battle in their long history. Under command of Electro-Cardinal Ohminious Volt, The 413th broke the invasion of the Knight World of Lorem prime and sending the Greenskins running. Because of this battle the Knights of Household Cibus pledged new oaths to the Forge World of Lucius, and the Lorem System was saved from the xenos barbarians. The Incident at Calhix-3: The 413th and a successor chapter of the blood angels allied together to battle against the nefarious Eldar, Taking to the field along side the sons of Sanguinius in a hit and run campaign when a tech priest had noticed the peculiar tank designs the marines were using. In a fit of anger he ordered the 413th back when the marines charged forward to meet the Xenos. They had prevailed over the enemy, but not without losses that could have been avoided. The 4th company Captain of the {REDACTED} turned a part of his force around to confront the mechanicus force. The messages and questions over the Vox were ignored, and as soon as the chapter’s Baal Predators got into range of the 413th’s arc rifles the mechanicus attacked. The skirmish was short but bloody, with many marines either dying or succumbing to the Red Thirst, and an entire battalion of Vanguard perishing under their blades. The Captain himself was slain by a neutron laser, but the Marines were able to protect the designs of their Baal Predators and force the Mechanicus to retreat. After the Execution of that tech priest and a generous donation of a new battle cruiser the two forces parted ways after the Eldar were driven from the world, and both sides keeping a weary eye on each other as they parted ways. Raid on Arcus 44, 900.M40: The 413th were sent to deal with the Dark Eldar incursion that came upon the unsuspecting world of Arcus 44. The Armored Transports of the 413th proved vital in protecting the Skitarii from the poisoned weaponry of the raiders, and the Onagers of the 413th were all but untouchable, striking down Eldar transports and murdering blasphemous Talos Engines with ease. Battle of Cavvix, 200.M41: A detachment of the 413th was sent to fetch a fallen relic on the outskirts of no man's land in the battle against the Iron Warriors. The 413th slaughtered the armor sent against them with the holy force of their Arc Rifles, and the Khornite Champion fell to the Volkite of the Dominus overseeing the extraction of this prized relic. Admist the confusion a single marine almost made his escape with the ancient cognitor, but he was vaporized with a precise blast of a neutron laser, turning him to dust and leaving the cognitor intact from the blast. Reaving of Lorem 310.M41: The Lorem System came under attack by the infamous Rak'gol, and once more the 413th were called upon to protect the system they defended millennia ago. The 413th’s war fleet engaged in a running battle against the Xenos Pirates, with the 413th defending their mighty technology from the monstrous Rak’gol. Many ships were lost, as well as thousands of skitarii soldiers, but in the end the 413th was victorious when they sent the Rak’gol flagship into the gravitational pull of Lorem’s sun after a daft tactic that sent boarding parties of the 413th’s Onagers into the scrap ship. The 413th lost a full battalion of Onagers, a massive blow to the armored company that was the 413th. Curiosity on Damocles 740.M41: A battalion of the 413th was sent with Tech Priest Quid to the Damocles Arena to bring back some of the curious tech the Tau created. The small force managed to track down a tau garrison force manning an outpost on a backwater moon, and soon met in battle. Tech priest Quid was logged as laughing hysterically when a Tau commander inside a suit that made him fly like a Lightning fighter was shot down from a single icarus missile, resulting in the suit crashing and the commander liquifying upon impact. In all the 413th managed to recover two Neutron hollowed out wrecks of the Tau grav tanks, 4 stealth suits, a Ghostkeel and about 20 or so rifles, returning back to lucius with the prize and an amusing story to share with his fellow priests. War of Umbra Aqua, 990.M41: An echo of their first engagement against the Hordes of the Orks, The 413th invaded to the former ocean world of Umbra Aquad to regain it's resources for the mechanicus. The force was lead by Tech Priest Anguis, who planned the downfall of the Ork Hive known simply as "Brawltopia" and sent the Freebootah turned Mayor Kaptin Klawjaw fleeing back into the void. Slime Dog's Uprising 997.M41: When the infamous ganger known as Slime Dog got control of a las-rifle cache he started a worker revolt in the lower levels of the Hive World Lucius, planning on trying to catch a ship to take his criminal empire elsewhere. The 413th were sent down into the depths of the forge to eradicate the Gang overseers and those they forced to take up arms. Only 40 skitarii and 3 dunecrawlers where sent in under the command of Rhombus-23 against a horde that numbered over 100. They were destroyed within the hour by the crackling Static-Carbines and blasts of cleansing Neutron fire, with Slime Dog getting cut down during a duel with Rhombus. The fleeing gangers where traced back to their base of operations, and a KillClade of Ruststalkers were sent in to slaughter every last one of them. Wall Breakers of Obscurus Unknown.M41: The 413th Legion, under Magos Reductor Anguis Diode, joined the Iron Knights during the Constantinus Iconoclasm during the 13 years of the war. Their combined expertise in Siege warfare laid many bastions to ruin and turned many cities into rubble. The 413th's most famous battle was during the pacification of borite-99. Fanatical chaotic cults under the command of fallen blood angels strapped demolition charges to their bodies and charged against a Cohort Cybernetica the legion was supporting. The streets soon ran red with blood as Castellex robots turned their bodies to shreds and their vehicles to scrap. only two of the enemy managed to escape the battlefield out of the hundreds that charged the mechanicus lines. Archived Battle Reports: Battle of Lorem Prime, 544.M32: War of Umbra Aqua, 990.M41:
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