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  1. Version v.1.2


    An Index Astartes article detailing the homegrown Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes, the Heralds of Light.
  2. INDEX ASTARTES: HERALDS OF LIGHT 'Cut through the night' CHAPTER MASTER Kostas Savvor ______________________________ FOUNDING 3rd [001.M32] GENESEED Rogal Dorn ______________________________ PREDECESSORS Imperial Fists HOMEWORLD Lucerna (Lost) ______________________________ FORTRESS-MONASTERY The Watchtower (Ruins) The Heralds of Light are steadfast defenders and servants of the Imperium. As members of the Astartes Praeses, they were created with the express purpose of guarding the regions surrounding the Eye of Terror, and have taken their task to heart. Where other Chapters are free to seek fame and glory, these unsung heroes have stood valiantly against the darkness since the thirty-second millennium. Even now with the galaxy split in half and their homeworld in ruins, the Chapter keeps fighting and refuse to abandon hope. ORIGINS "Let us light the way, Brothers!" – First Chapter Master, Alcaeus Rex On the first day of the thirty-second millennium, the historical 3rd founding was initiated. Completely new Chapters were created from the genetic material of the old Legions, bolstering the numbers of the overexerted Adeptus Astartes. Spurred by Abaddon the Despoiler’s first Black Crusade, several of these Chapters were drafted into the Astartes Praeses, tasked with reinforcing Imperial forces in the troubled Segmentum Obscurus and protecting the Imperium from further invasions from the Eye of Terror. One such Chapter was made from the gene-seed of Rogal Dorn's Imperial Fists, chosen for his Legion's unflinching bravery during the defense of Terra. They were named the Heralds of Light and would bring the Emperor's radiance to the darkest corner of the galaxy. Gifted with a mighty Battle Barge, the Undying Light, a cadre of Imperial Fists veterans lead the new Chapter towards Segmentum Obscurus on a glorious crusade of reclamation. After nearly two centuries, their initial campaign came to an end with the First Defense of Lucerna. The battle saw the entire Chapter deployed on and above Lucerna, a planet cut off from the Imperium during the Horus Heresy, now occupied by a large warband of Word Bearers. Although the losses were grievous, the Heralds were victorious and recognized as saviors by the Lucernan people. The Lucernan had been defiant in the face of Chaos and fought bravely, despite their inferior training and equipment. Impressed, the Heralds took Lucerna under their protection and claimed it as the Chapter’s new homeworld. Since that time the Heralds have made their name in the fight against Chaos, fulfilling their duties as guardians to such a degree that they have teetered on the brink of destruction many times. During the Age of Apostasy, the Heralds were nearly wiped out fighting the traitor hordes taking advantage of the internal power struggle. The Chapter was spread thin during the Gothic War trying to contain the invading forces, hunting down bands of Raiders who managed to slip through the Cadian Gate. For nearly nine millennia the Heralds of Light have stood their ground, and Lucerna has been a bulwark in the defense of the Imperium. Unyielding as a lighthouse; a symbol of humanity in a dark tempest. Yet when the Thirteenth Black Crusade poured out from the Eye of Terror, the Herald’s resolve was not enough to save their homeworld. HOMEWORLD “This world shines with the light that guides us.” – First Chapter Master, Alcaeus Rex. Lucerna is located in Segmentum Obscurus in the galactic north, south of the Eye of Terror in the Turbatus sub-sector. A beautiful terrestrial planet covered in wide oceans, deep forests and high mountains, similar to Holy Terra of ages long gone, Lucerna stood in stark contrast to much of its surrounding systems. To the Heralds, Lucerna was the very symbol of everything the Emperor fought for and made it their sacred duty to forever protect the world. Settled during the Great Crusade, this prosperous civilized world became a testament of the Emperor’s vision for the human empire. Due to its isolation during the Heresy, Lucerna was unscathed by the fires of war, and remained a tranquil world until it was rediscovered. Even in times of conflict between the various Lucernan states, the people raised great leaders, able to unite the whole population and uphold the harmony. The great Lucernan library, cherished by both the people and their Astartes protectors, contained art, relics and documents from the times before the Heresy, ensuring that knowledge of the Imperium survived. Lucerna never forgot about the Emperor, and in time the people came to believe that He would one day return. Fully aware of the Astartes presence on their world, the Lucernan populace looked towards their guardians with great reverence. To have a member of the family join the Chapter’s ranks was an immense honor. The Heralds rarely involved themselves with matters of planetary rule, preferring to serve, only intervening if requested to or when it was absolutely necessary. After rejoining the Imperium, the planet became the primary source of recruits for the Chapter and the Lucernan Planetary Defense Force evolved into a formidable military organisation. The PDF has fought side by side with the Heralds on many occasions, even off-world when necessary, defending the Lucernan system and beyond. No matter how capable the Lucernan PDF was, it would not be enough. As the Thirteenth Black Crusade laid waste to the Segmentum, the Heralds divided their forces over several battlefronts. In the turmoil that followed the opening of the Great Rift, Lucerna was cut off from the bulk of the Herald’s strength. Contact was lost and only a handful of Astartes remained on the planet. The Heralds themselves never learned the exact details of what happened, but when they finally returned to Lucerna, the planet was overrun by Chaos forces and warp storms threatened to consume the system. Although bled dry from the Black Crusade, what remained of the Heralds of Light charged into the fray in a desperate attempt to save their people. They managed to temporarily secure their Fortress-Monastery, evacuating as many as they could from all over the planet while turning ancient cities to dust with orbital bombardment to keep the enemy at bay. Stubborn as they were, even the Heralds realized that staying would mean their doom. And so they left Lucerna, their home for millennia, barely escaping with less than three companies’ worth of Astartes, spread among the battered remains of their fleet. The Watchtower, the now ruined Fortress-Monastery of the Heralds, sits dark and silent surrounded by ice and rock near the northern pole. Built in the architectural style of Rogal Dorn, undeniably inspired by the defenses of Terra, the Fortress-Monastery was an impressive sight. The outer layers consisted mainly of massive walls and defense mechanisms, while most of the Chapter facilities were below the surface, as an added protection against orbital bombardment. But in the center, on the highest point of the Watchtower, a great fire burned for millennia, kept alive by a constant stream of a natural gas that produced a bright blue flame. Reflected by the ice of the surrounding tundra, melding with northern lights, the Fortress bathed in an ethereal aura. Known as the Flame of the Emperor, this fire was of great symbolic importance to the Heralds, representing the light of Mankind in the darkness of space. Though the great fire atop the Watchtower has gone out, a remnant of this flame still burns in the inner chambers of the Undying Light, fueled by a dwindling supply of gas from their lost homeworld. ORGANISATION “They will be remembered! They will be avenged!” – Current Chapter Master, Marcus Savvor. Following the fall of Lucerna, the Heralds of Light became a fleet-based Chapter. The Undying Light, the ancient flagship of their fleet, once again serves as the Chapter’s home. This venerable Battle Barge bears the scars of countless battles and is one of their most valued assets. Of the rest of their once impressive fleet only four Strike Cruisers survived and a handful of support vessels. Aside from the few artifacts they managed to secure during their escape, many priceless relics of the Chapter's long and glorious history were also lost. The Chapter might have been disbanded at any other point in history had it not been for the arrival of a Torchbearer task force from the Imdomitus Crusade, carrying Primaris Astartes and technology. The Heralds embraced the reinforcements as what it was called – the “Primarch’s Gift”. When presented with the opportunity to cross the Rubicon Primaris, all who could did, seeing it as the final test to prove themselves worthy to continue as a Chapter. The Heralds of Light remain a Codex Adherent Chapter, having followed the traditional ten company structure for most of their existence. While still under strength, the companies are recovering their numbers, and the Chapter is also supported by a sizable remnant of the Lucernan PDF survivors who swore their short lives to serve the Heralds. Even a handful of Lucernan refugee children have joined the ranks of the Heralds themselves. Little time has been wasted on licking their wounds, as Chapter Master Marcus Savvor has declared a crusade of atonement, vowing to restore their honor by reclaiming lost territory and avenging their fallen brothers. Some quietly hope to one day retake their homeworld as well. COMBAT DOCTRINE “We are the Wardens! We are the Walls.” – Mantra of the 2nd Company, the Radiant Ramparts. As members of the Astartes Praeses, duty requires the Heralds to frequently fight alongside other Imperial organizations. They have gained a reputation for throwing themselves into combat to support their allies, occasionally forgoing comprehensive planning in favor of providing aid as fast as possible. As a consequence, the Heralds do not always fight on their own terms, having participated in numerous defensive operations as well as other tasks unusual for Astartes. This approach has proven to be very strenuous and often stretches the Chapter thin as they strive to answer every call for aid. The Heralds themselves see this as a natural part of their responsibilities, not a strategic weakness, but a tactical challenge to overcome. Whilst they have been known for their lack of planning, it is in the heat of battle the Heralds have gained their renown. The Heralds have always been a flexible fighting force, able to quickly react to an ever-changing combat situation and have become famous for their ability to adapt and improvise. Cooperation with allied organizations has always been important to the Heralds, and to effectively work together with another fighting force, one must be able to take advantage of each other’s strengths. As such, they strive to excel in all areas of combat so that they may better support their allies. Like many descendants of the Imperial Fists, the Heralds have inherited a reluctance to accept defeat. This can sometimes blind the Heralds to risk, as they fight on where other Chapters would fall back. The Heralds themselves view it as absolutely necessary for a servant of the Emperor to be willing to die in battle, and the Chaplains constantly preach of self-sacrifice. Only by the supreme sacrifice of some of the greatest Imperial heroes, like Rogal Dorn or the Emperor Himself, does the Imperium still stand. Their resolute nature has frequently put them at risk, but is also what keeps them fighting on where others would give up. BELIEFS “We fight the battles others cannot win. We suffer the pain others cannot endure. We face the horrors others cannot withstand. For we are Astartes; This is our duty, and we embrace it.” – Chapter Teachings. The cult of the Heralds places great emphasis on humility, self-sacrifice, and loyalty. They see themselves as servants of the Emperor and therefore protectors of humanity. All who live under the light of the Emperor are worthy of their protection, and the Heralds are known for their tolerance of both ordinary humans and even ab-humans. Unlike many Chapters, the Heralds are not exceedingly proud or self-absorbed, but humble and reserved. They exist to serve mankind, not the other way around. The Heralds value the division of power in the empire as absolutely necessary, but they also strongly believe that if mankind is to be victorious, the forces of the Imperium must work together. Their humbleness and willingness to collaborate has earned them many allies within the Adeptus Astartes and other Imperial organizations. During their existence, the Heralds have developed a conviction that the Emperor will one day rise from the Golden Throne, and unite humanity against Chaos. Their duty is to keep the Imperium safe, until the Emperor returns and leads them in a second Great Crusade. With the advent of the Indomitus Crusade and the Psychic Awakening, the Heralds belief has only strengthened, fueling their actions with a near zealous fervor, unlike anything they have displayed before. However, this is undoubtedly influenced by their recent losses, producing a deep thirst for vengeance as well. The Heralds of Light bear an intense hatred for Chaos in all its forms, and it is abhorred for its corrupting touch. Falling to the Dark Gods is the greatest betrayal to the Emperor and cannot be tolerated. They consider the Ruinous Powers to be the ultimate threat and the Heralds show no mercy when it comes to the annihilation of Chaos. They have been especially vigorous during the various Black Crusades over the millennia, and this in turn has earned them the hatred of many Chaos worshipers. To them, Lucerna was the greatest provocation; a torch burning with the flame of the False Emperor. GENESEED “Cut through the night.” – Chapter Motto. The zygote cultures required to grow both the Betcher's gland and the Sus-an membrane have been lost or damaged over the millennia, but like all sons of Dorn the Heralds do not mourn these losses. Despite their proximity to the Eye of Terror, the Heralds' geneseed has remained remarkably stable with no signs of mutation. Now, with the integration of the Primaris technology, the geneseed’s integrity has been solidified. The Heralds are once again ready to fight against the endless horrors of the universe and bring light to the darkness. INSIGNIUM ASTARTES: HERALDS OF LIGHT 'Friend or foe, let them all know - we carry His light for all to see.' – Reclusiarch Zuros. --- Original Discussion Topic
  3. View File Index Astartes - Heralds of Light An Index Astartes article detailing the homegrown Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes, the Heralds of Light. Submitter Codex Grey Submitted 03/16/22 Category Background (Lore)  
  4. INDEX ASTARTES: VOID SLAYERS 'Weak minds beget weak deeds' CHAPTER MASTER None (The Consensus) ______________________________ FOUNDING 3rd [001.M32] GENESEED Ferrus Manus ______________________________ PREDECESSORS Iron Hands HOMEWORLD Naraka ______________________________ FORTRESS-MONASTERY Steeldome With strength of will valued above all else, the Void Slayers have become machines in all but flesh, constantly seeking to steel their minds. Their hatred for the weak willed and distaste for personal glory makes the Void Slayers a highly unforgiving Chapter, executing their duties as elite Imperial warriors with ruthless efficiency. For millennia, they have tirelessly protected the Desolus Stars from all manner of foes and continue to do so even in the Dark Imperium. ORIGINS ‘Forget their names - remember their weakness.’ - First Chapter Master Bash Tchelik. In the aftermath of the Horus Heresy and the death of their Primarch, Ferrus Manus, the Iron Hands were a fractured Legion. Heated arguments over their future raged for years and continued long after the second founding. While the Iron Council had decreed that the Iron Hands would forever strive to purge themselves of all weakness, philosophical disagreements on exactly how to achieve this goal endured, both between and within the Clan Companies. Iron Captain Bash Tchelik was an outspoken veteran who fought against the Chapter’s growing hatred of flesh and obsession with bionics. He argued that in their pursuit of strength, the Iron Hands had fallen to the weakness of the mind. He was always opposed, and over time, pressures from other Clan Companies and within his own made it clear to Bash that his views would never win through. When the historical third founding was initiated, the Iron Hands were requested to oversee the formation of an entirely new Chapter created from their geneseed, in honor of Ferrus Manus. Bash Tchelik quickly nominated himself, seeing an opportunity to bring his vision of true strength to life. The Iron Council did not object, as the exodus of Bash and his followers’ beliefs would help unify the Iron Hands in theirs. Wasting little time, Bash left Medusa with his most trusted brothers and set out to forge a new generation of warriors with minds of pure steel. The new Chapter took the name Void Slayers and made the Desolus Stars their home, ordered to protect its systems, patrol its trading lanes and to seek out all its enemies. For millennia, the Void Slayers have fought with machine-like discipline against countless xenos and heretics, in the Desolus Stars and beyond. Early on, they spearheaded the White Fire Crusade to cleanse the entire sector of Orks. During the Age of Apostasy, the Slayers kept order with an iron fist and constantly pursued Drukhari pirates taking advantage of the galactic turmoil. Through great victories or major losses, their single-minded focus has never wavered. Whether celebrated or feared by the ones they protect, their ruthless methods only change when forced to by other Imperial authorities. To the inhabitants of Desolus, the Chapter may not be their guardians of choice, but in the dark days of Imperium Nihilus, the Void Slayers might just be who they need. HOMEWORLD ‘Your mind shall be diamond. Hard. Clear. Flawless.’ – Teachings of Bash Tchelik. The Void Slayers homeworld, Naraka, is within the Desolus Stars, not too far north of the Great Rift in the Ultima Segmentum. These systems are home to a variety of worlds and institutions key to the Imperial machine, all in need of the extra security that comes with the presence of an Astartes Chapter. Bash Tchelik spent many of his early years as Chapter Master securing alliances with Imperial commanders in the systems. Forming connections with a more pragmatic wing of the Adeptus Mechanicus, he was able to come to a mutually beneficial agreement with the local Forge World. In addition, he claimed recruitment rights from several planets as payment for their protection. The strength of these alliances have waxed and waned dramatically over the years, but in the times of the Dark Imperium, several worlds in the Desolus Stars have ceded their authority to the Void Slayers. The Slayers built their home on the small, dead terrestrial world of Naraka, the only planet in its system. Aside from long depleted deposits of metals, Naraka has no inherent value beyond its strategic position in the sub-sector, its landmasses empty but for the vast training grounds and defenses of the Chapter’s Fortress-Monastery. Named Steeldome after the largest visible structure above ground, the Fortress-Monastery is an immense and formidable structure if unremarkable in its design, housing all the vital facilities of the Chapter deep below the surface. The only facility not within the defenses of the Steeldome is in a small base built on Naraka’s moon, Yama. While the base also works as an additional layer in their orbital defense systems, Yama serves a different and far more important purpose to the Slayers. In fact, many of the closest defense systems are by default pointed at this base. It is here the many recruits come to prove their worth to the Chapter, in the ritual known as ‘The Clearing’. During 'The Clearing', a Neophyte is escorted by the Master of Sanctity into a chamber devoid of light and sound save for the soft glow of a candle and the rasping chants of focus, carried and recited by the Chaplain. As they move to the middle of the chamber, the Chief Librarian stands waiting in the darkness. The Neophyte kneels before the psyker, who lays his hand on the young warrior’s head and pierces deep into his mind. Any lingering longings or fears are exposed and exploited. Memories of days long gone come rushing back to the neophyte, but twisted and terrible, as the smell of brimstone assails his nostrils. Friends or family he knew and lost come back, only to die again in gruesome ways. For what seems an eternity, the Neophyte’s mind is tortured. He must do what he can to retain his sanity, focusing on the increasingly louder words of the Chaplain, until only the chant remains. Many fail the ritual, either by simply dying or by developing severe brain damage, the latter of which are repurposed into servitors, if possible. Those who harbor psychic potential are even more at risk, as their version of the ritual is even more demanding and dangerous, which is why the base itself is kept under watch. Those who survive are allowed to start their training, though the ritual may happen several times over a Slayer’s career as they climb through the ranks or as penance. Whether or not the ritual has any positive effect on the Chapter's capabilities is hard to quantify, but the Slayers have sworn by their methods for millennia. BELIEFS ‘Weak minds beget weak deeds.’ – Teachings of Bash Tchelik. The Void Slayers hate weakness, but believe the source of all weakness is the mind. They have made it their unending quest to steel their minds and to rid themselves of fear, emotion or any corrupting thought that might interfere with their effectiveness as Astartes. While no doubt similar in their beliefs to other gene-cousins, they view the Iron Hands’ hatred of the flesh as a heretical distraction, an obsession born out of mental weakness. Replacing lost limbs with bionics is tolerated by the Chapter, but any sign of mechanical fixation is not. On the other hand, if a battle-brother openly shames another for using bionics, a Chaplain will in turn reprimand the brother for manifesting weakness through shaming. To ensure that all Void Slayers follow the same mental doctrine, a strict code of conduct was created by Bash Tchelik and his cohort in the early days of the Chapter. This code is enforced and upheld by both Chaplains and Librarians who constantly screen the minds of their fellow Slayers. All emotion except for hate is to be suppressed, but even hate is tightly controlled, only to be used within certain parameters. This code is embedded into the litanies of hate that the Chaplains chant and every Slayer knows by heart, constantly repeated both on and off the battlefield. The Slayers’ disdain for weakness also extends to their allies. While they don’t expect them to adhere to their code to the same degree, they have no problem expressing their displeasure and have on occasion gone to extreme lengths to punish what they see as treasonous weakness. To the Void Slayers, there is no such thing as personal glory or honor, as only the glory of the Emperor matters, who they view as nothing more or less than the greatest man who ever lived. They wear few ornamentations, except for those that are justified with battlefield utility, like rank markings and fear inducing imagery. They care little for history and less for revering it, focusing more on the cold facts of campaign reports, battle analysis and weapon telemetries. They acknowledge Ferrus Manus as their gene-father and a great warrior, but no more. Instead, Ferrus serves as another example of how even the strongest and most capable of the Emperor's sons can lose their head. ORGANISATION ‘Trust the Consensus and act without question.’ – Teachings of Bash Tchelik. The Void Slayers are mostly organised along the lines set out by the Codex Astartes, with a few key exceptions. Partly due to their distaste for personal glory, the Void Slayers have no dedicated Veteran Company. Instead, they employ five highly independent Battle Companies that are constantly on the move. As in most Chapters, a Slayer will join the Scout Company then progress through the Reserve Companies as they receive their training, but once they join one of the Battle Companies they usually stay there for life, imparting their wisdom and expertise to every new generation. Similar to the Iron Council of their progenitors, the Chapter’s ruling body is called the Consensus, consisting mainly of ten mighty warriors, usually former Captains. There is no Chapter Master, instead one member of the Consensus holds the position Voice of the Chapter, which rotates every ten years. The Voice acts as the Chapter’s face outwards and has the deciding vote in Consensus stalemates, but for the most part the Consensus act as one. Librarians and Chaplains share a heightened importance in the Chapter, due to their roles in the Clearing and ensuring the mental strength of all Void Slayers. The Chief Librarian and Master of Sanctity, alongside the Chief Apothecary, are part of the Consensus, keeping their fellow members in line should old company loyalties linger or any other sign of weakness manifest. Like Chaplains and Apothecaries, a Librarian is permanently attached to each company, serving alongside the Captain as one of his most important advisors. Only the Master of the Forge does not have a vote in the Consensus. Bash Tchelik did not continue the tradition of Iron Fathers when he left Medusa and the Slayers have harbored a heightened sense of distrust towards their Tech Priests ever since. Immediately upon returning to the Chapter from training, a Tech Adept is again subjected to the Clearing - to ensure both his loyalty and resolve remains. The Chapter also has no Dreadnoughts. While the Slayers now believe that death is the final rest and holding on to the past is for the weak-minded, this was no doubt originally an attempt to further distance themselves from their progenitor’s obsession with the mechanical. To support the Chapter’s modus operandi, the Void Slayers maintain a strong fleet of twelve Strike Cruisers and numerous support vessels. Preferring the speed of the Strike Cruisers, their single ancient Battle Barge, the Warrior Eternal, has rarely left the Narakan system since their arrival, acting as an additional layer in their orbital defense systems. However, in the days of the Dark Imperium, the Warrior Eternal is more active than ever, operating as a mighty forward base. In lieu of better alternatives, scores of refugees fleeing the ravages of war regularly plead the Void Slayers for sanctuary aboard the Battle Barge. If there is room, the Void Slayers in turn put all but the frailest to work, so that they may serve the war effort. The refugees have few options other than accept and can only look on in horror when the Void Slayers occasionally execute those whose mental states are deemed detrimental to the cause. COMBAT DOCTRINE ‘Know no fear, but for your enemy’s.’ – Teachings of Bash Tchelik. Since establishing themselves in the Desolus Stars, duties have required the Void Slayers to frequently participate in ship-to-ship engagements to protect the many trade routes in the systems. They often fight alongside the Imperial Navy and have earned a fearsome reputation among Battlefleet commanders. While certainly more reliable as allies than most of their gene-brethren, they can still be unpredictable once they have committed their forces. They have in principle no problem submitting to the leadership of other Imperial Commanders. However, they will go against the overall plan if they deem their own approach superior - or doubt the mental fortitude of their allies. In conventional warfare, the Slayers maintain a slight preference for ranged combat, exploiting the psychological effects of overwhelming suppressive fire and orbital bombardments. This is further enhanced by their fearsome Librarians, who are experts at piercing the minds of their enemies and destroying them from within. Still, the Slayers strive to not overspecialise in one area of combat, and their disregard for glory and honor means the Slayers have few notions of shameful tactics on the battlefield. A common manoeuvre is a tactical withdrawal to lure the enemy into a charge, followed by exploding traps, volleys of fire and a cold-blooded counter assault. Unyielding and uncaring in battle, the Void Slayers’ methods have come under scrutiny several times over their long history, often due to their general disregard for history and collateral damage. Their only real punishment came in the early years of M.34, when the Slayers embarked on a penitent crusade following the successful eradication of Orks from a Cardinal World, which also resulted in the destruction of sacred structures and many human lives. Since that time, complaints have continued to be raised against the Slayers, but their loyalty has become near undeniable, and Imperial High Command prefer to find ways to harness their unyielding nature against the enemies of the Imperium. GENESEED ‘From iron to steel!’ – Chapter mantra. Through the ever diligent and disciplined work of the Apothecarion, the Void Slayers’ geneseed has remained pure and stable throughout the millennia. Now, with the integration of Primaris technology, their genetic integrity has become stronger still. When the Torchbearer taskforce first reached the Void Slayers, the Consensus quickly assembled to determine what the Chapter’s official stance was on the new technology and influx of Primaris battle-brothers. The reinforcements were accepted, but it was determined that all Primaris warriors must pass the Clearing or be deemed unworthy of the Chapter. Most survived as the Primaris themselves embraced the challenge, though they never had a real choice. Even if most Void Slayers display none of their progenitors’ obsession with the mechanical, they do share a deep hatred for weakness and it is still unknown if this is genetic. Perhaps the Slayers’ absolute focus on mental strength has led to them merely suppressing an underlying body dysphoria present in all Iron Hands successors. Whatever the case, the Void Slayers do not care. To them, such speculations are nothing but a distraction for the weak willed and has no impact on their effectiveness as Imperial warriors. INSIGNIUM ASTARTES: VOID SLAYERS --- Original Discussion Topic
  5. From the album: Steel Dogs

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