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  1. ++The Feast of Blades 42,016++ Hello, and welcome to the Feast of Blades competition, in which your ETL-vowed character models fight in an Arena of Death to the not quite death, in order to be crowned the kind of the arena, and champion of the forum. There can be only one. What is the Feast of Blades All those bearing the heritage of Sanguinius are allowed to compete for the honour of their chapter, and it would be great to see many canon successors and home grown chapters enter. In the event, Blood Angels players chose a champion that they have vowed and painted for the ETL (only completed vows will be allowed to fight), and these will fight against one another (I will be rolling the dice) in a knockout style tournament, until there is only one model remaining: The Victor. The Feast of Blades Challenge is an idea pinched from Chaplain Lucifer on the DA subforum (with permission). The original thread can be found here, but I have modified them slightly for the BA. The idea is that we have a little friendly rivalry, support our champions, and gain glory. As I roll the dice, I will be narrating the fight, adding a little flavour to the proceedings. To help me out on this, your character needs a name and a story/title. Go nuts, this is your chance for your Champion to gain glory everlasting. How can I participate in the Feast of Blades? It's quite easy. The key thing is that your champion must have been vowed and painted as part of ETL 2016. A failed vow on the champion means that he will be disqualified from the FoB - painted models only! A champion may be any non-unique model with the 'Character' type, including sergeants, and excluding codex-named characters, of up to 160pts, chosen as normal from the codex. Register your interest in the thread by commenting, posting a photo of your model/link to the ETL vow your champion is in, with a list of the wargear they are taking: Additional Character Rules You may choose a single sergeant from any unit entry if you wish, but he will be at a disadvantage in the wound stake, this is compensated by the below: Purchasing re-rolls: Like in goo old Blood Bowl, Rerolls may be purchased by characters at a cost of 15points each. This is to even things out betwen characters. A captains experience gives him better WS, more attacks, etc, but a sergeants experience lets him predict the enemies movements, dodge their attacks, etc. Rerolls are used sequentially for each failed roll a character makes, so if you buy 2 rerolls, rapid fire a bolter in the first turn and miss both, then that is both rerolls gone. Example characters: Chaplain Lorenzo: Valour's edge, digital weapons, 2 rerolls 150pts Captain Castigon, Warden of the North Gate: Relic Blade, Grav Pistol, storm shield, Artificer Armour 160pts Vanguard Veteran Sergeant Vincenzo: Hand flamer, Lightening claw, storm shield, jump pack, 7 rerolls, 160pts When does it start? The Feast of Blades event will start immediately after the conclusion of ETL 2016, so you have plenty of time to paint your champion, but not much time left to vow for ETL! Models vowed/completed for ETL 2016 before this post are valid, just add the link as normal. Arena of Death rules: I will be the GM. Any decision I make is final, and mostly based on gut feeling 160 points limit. No named characters The instant death rule is modified to cause D2 wounds instead. Any character from Codex: Blood Angels is allowed, from a 1W Sgt to a Company Captain, at the cost listed in the appropriate datasheet in the codex. Characters with special rules will always try to use them to their advantage. In case of odd numbers I will have a stand in character ready. First pairings are random, further parings will follow a bracket scheme. Make an awesome Champion to duke it out with your fellow Frater's Champions Characters and perks Sgt and Vet sgts of any kind will have "rugged and experienced" rule. You don't get to Vet. Sgt by dying easily so 1W characters will have a special 6+ save that can be taken in addition to other saves (in the same manner as a FnP roll). Librarians, before battle will always roll on a table or tables chosen by the player. Librarians will always use 1 dice of the dice pool to try and cast Force power. Jump packs give a +1 to initiative rolls to see who goes first. If one model has 2 different CC weapons, the attacks will be split evenly between both or at user's discretion upon submitting entry. The Fight Contestants start 18" from each other. To see who goes first a D6 and added the characters Initiative. The model going first will get to move, shoot and assault. The model being assaulted can overwatch at full BS. However if assault fails the model that overwatched can't shoot on his shooting phase. Combats will be resolved just as a normal 40K combat until one model is left with 0 wounds. How will I know the results? A battle report after each battle will be written describing the battle. Questions? If there are any questions that I did not clarify enough or doubts you have I will add to the FAQ. Additional Character Rules You may choose a sergeant from any unit entry if you wish, but he will be at a disadvantage in the wound stake. ENTERING: If you have already made an ETL vow: You can either use a character from your current or a previous vow, or 2) complete that vow, then re-vow with your Feat of Blades character If you have not made a vow in ETL 2016 yet: Then you have 1 week to vow make the most badass character for 160pts you can, before the ETL. You then have until around August 15th to paint them up. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Champion Arises Captain Castigon*, Warden of the North Gate: Relic Blade, Grav Pistol, jump pack, 1 reroll 160pts The roaring of the chamber was deafening as the captain strode into the arena. Castigon's baleful bionically enhanced eye scanned the room, looking for a worthy adversary. Almost all of the Scions of Sanguinius were represented at the fest, even some brothers thought lost, and welcomed with pause. "Who accepts my challenge? Step forth and speak thy name!" He bellowed, his osmotic grill/vox caster amplifying his voice thunderously. The room quieted at his call, silent, bar the whirr of powered armour, and thudding footsteps approcaching..."I accept..." *Although currently unvowed, Castigon will be part of my second ETL vow, and be the ringer in case of uneven numbers. By the end of ETL, I want cool photos of painted characters for the competition. Entrants: 0: Captain Castigon of the Blood Angels (Xenith) 1: Captain Gallan of the Lamenters (Boudan) 2: Scout Sergeant Kholl Grann of the Blood Owls (Captain Helion) 3: Chaplain Pontius Contristatus of the Angels Sorrowful (Nicodemus) 4: Brother Librarian Slantien Forcells of the Blood Angels.(Mightykin) 5: Veteran Sergeant Dantorial of the Blood Angels (EDC) 6: Librarian Sandriel of the Flesh Tearers (Slangwhanger) 7: Reclusiarch Hazriel the Oathsworn of the Carmine Blades (Dont-Be-Haten) 8: Sergeant Lorenzo of the Blood Angels (Jolemai) 9: Chaplain Cassius Octavius Nero of the Blood Angels (Lasuria) 10: Veteran Vanguard Sgt Trous of the Scarlet Mantle (Grazcruzk) 11: Captain Lazare of the Blood Angels 5th Company (Appiah5) 12: Epistolary Castiel of the Blood Angels (RedemptionNL) 13: Chaplain Darr'knight of the Sanguine Vision (Charlo) No pict available 14: Vanguard Vet Sgt. Brutus of the Blood Revenants (Brother Lemartes) 15: Captain Zedrenael of the Blood Angels 8th Company (SM1981) 16: Epistolary Fayyad of the Sanguine Blades (Chapel XIII) 17: Veteran Sergeant Andreas of the Blood Angels (Spagunk)
  2. [circa 999.M41] The halls of the Liber are far quieter now than before. The hussle and bussle has all but faded, leaving many of the previously well-lit and well-trodden corridors now dark, silent, and empty. It is however a singular place and despite its current state of disrepair, there are still many secrets to be discovered, Chapters, regiments and warbands to create, battles to be fought... Ludo had reluctantly left his beloved Culinarium in the hands of his aides and had gone looking for the serfs who had been tasked with the repair of Olis' prized Volkite caliver after it had conked out (again) last week due to his overzealous trigger-pulling. The Liberite serfs had grumbled because the parts needed to make such repairs were extremely difficult to source. They did however assure him that the work would be done within a fortnight. Ludo, ever a curious creature, was rather unsuccessfully attempting to locate the Liber workshop where the serfs were doubtlessly busy repairing the weapon. His aim was simple: uncover the secrets of Volkite technology which were in the 41st Millennium all but lost to Mankind and even the Adeptus Mechanicum. And yet, somehow, the Liber serfs had this priceless knowledge in their possession and Ludo was keen to discover just how they could do such a thing. After wandering for what seemed like hours (his built-in chronometer had very suddenly and very mysteriously stopped functioning... which was the perfect excuse for visiting the Liber workshop, or so he thought), the Astartes felt rather lost. He used to know the way round the Liber's corridors like the back of his gauntlet back in the day but now, with the deep shadows and abandoned hallways... he was pretty sure he was going round and round in circles. Choosing to take the right-hand corridor instead of taking the left one like he usually did, he walked a short distance before being forced to stop before a large door carved out of dark marble, shot through with veins of turquoise-blue and white. It was cool to the touch and looked like it hadn't been opened in decades. Ludo was certain he'd never come down here before. After scratching his head for a few moments, he noticed a keypad on the right side of the door. As he approached, the small green screen flickered to life and a short message started to appear... + WELCOME LIBERITE + + TO ENTER THROUGH THIS DOOR, EERY + + PLEASE ANSWER THIS SIMPLE QUERY + + DESCRIBE THE DARK ANGELS WITH ONE EIGHT-LETTER WORD + Ludo groaned and brought his gauntlet to rest against his face: even the keypads in the Liber had a quirky behaviour and terrible sense of poetry and rhymes. He'd have a word with Ace once he'd gotten to the bottom of this mystery. Pondering the enigma for a few of seconds, he laughed out loud, the sound echoing loudly in the empty chamber, when he realised what the answer was. He quickly typed in the word in... + HERETICS + ...and pressed the "Enter" button. For about a minute nothing happened and Ludo was just about to punch the keypad out of frustration when a low rumble started to get louder, and louder, and louder before it became a deafening roar that caused the walls around the Space Marine to shake and small bits of masonry to start falling down from the ceiling. The massive door swung open surprisingly fast for something their size and caught Ludo off-guard. As he picked himself up from the floor, rubbing his bruised nose, he turned on his hand-held illum stick and pointed it through the door, into the darkness beyond. Advancing cautiously, boltgun loaded and ready in his right hand, illum stick in his left, he moved into the chamber. He had walked a few score metres before a circle on the floor erupted in flames, trapping him in a large circle. Upon the previously hidden walls, torches flared up and banished the shadows with their fiery light, revealing tiered levels all around the circle in which the Space Marine stood. Ludo dropped the illum stick and brought his boltgun up to his shoulder, turning and scanning the room attentively for any threats, alert and ready to engage at a moment's notice. But nothing happened. There was not a soul in sight. The Astartes, visibly confused, waited another two minutes before lowering his weapon. That is when whatever it was that was hiding in the chamber creeped up on him. "BOOOOO!" Ludo pivoted 180° degrees and let loose a short burst of bolter fire. The bolts flew through the air and embedded themselves into the wall on the other side of the large room, detonating a moment later, but leaving very little damage. The Astartes, boltgun ready for a second burst observed his foe for a short while before lowering his weapon again, astounded. Before him stood Chaplain Lucifer of the Dark Angels, a fierce grin on his face. "That was for the heretic thing." Before he could protest and explain that it wasn't him but Ace playing pranks again, Chaplain Lucifer's features activated their "grim mode", and the Dark Angel beckoned for Ludo to follow him. "I have much to show you for your next task. You have much work to do and many Liberites to gather for this most special event to be the success it ought to be." Welcome one and all to the Liber Feast of Blades! With the festive season approaching almost upon us (or having already started for some), what better to do than gather with your fellow brother- and sisters-in-arms for a good fight and a hearty feast afterwards? All in the name of the Emperor/Dark Gods, of course! This event will give you the opportunity to create a character from your DIY chapter or warband of choice. The idea is that each of you writes a bit of background story, builds and paints a suitable model, and then (using the rules provided below and the appropriate Codex) builds a character profile for the Feast of Blades. Once this is done, you can officially enter your character into the Feast of Blades and fight for the honour and glory of victory! The last champion standing shall be crowned as champion of the Liber (well, until the next Feast of Blades that is…) and there shall be much rejoicing! How can I participate in the Feast of Blades? It's a relatively easy process. Read through this whole post carefully. Make sure you understand everything and if you don’t, ask. If all’s good, go to step 2. Using the rules below and the appropriate Codex, create a character profile for your chosen champion. Now write between 200 and 500 words of background story for your character. If you haven’t given one already, your character needs a name. If you don’t already have a model which represents your character, you need to build and paint one. Only fully assembled and painted models will be accepted as valid challengers. Basing is optional but strongly encouraged. Note: the model must conform to the rules of WYSIWYG that can be found in the Warhammer 40’000 7th Edition rulebook. No exceptions. In this very thread, submit a photo of your DIY chapter/warband champion along with his profile and background story. Wait patiently until the fights begin, eat popcorn while others duke it out in the arena. Gain honour and glory in the name of Emperor of Mankind or (dis)honour and infamy in the name of the Dark Gods of Chaos! Example character profiles: Strike- Captain Lysimachus (C:SM): Terminator Captain, relic blade, storm shield, digital weapons, one re-roll [160 pts] Veteran Sergeant Olisredan (C:BA): Vanguard Veteran Sergeant, twin hand flamers, jump pack, seven re-rolls [158 pts] Chaplain Lucifer (C:DA): Interrogator Chaplain, combi-plasma, conversion field, digital weapons, Shroud of Heroes [160 points] When does it start? The Feast of Blades event will start on Saturday 19th November 2016. You have until that to create the necessary model/background story/profile and submit your champion for the contest. How does it work? The first “tier” of pairings is randomly determined, while further tiers of parings will follow a bracket scheme. In case of an odd number of participants I will have a stand-in character ready. Each champion shall fight another champion in the arena. They start at 18” from each other and both roll for Initiative (character initiative value +/- bonuses/maluses + D6 result) to see who goes first. The champion with the highest score goes first. The model going first will get to move, shoot and assault. The model being assaulted can Overwatch at full Ballistic Skill. However if the charge fails the model that Overwatch’d can't shoot during his shooting phase. Combats will be resolved just as a normal 40K combat until one model is left with 0 wounds. I shall simulate the duels and then write up a report which will be posted here. The main report will be written in the style of an actual story but a full list of the actual dice roll results and such shall also be posted. General arena rules: I will be the Arena/Feast/Game Master. Any decision I make will be final (though strong cases shall be taken into consideration). 160 points limit. Any character has full access to their respective Codex Armoury. No named characters/count-as. No bikes or mounts. No vehicles. There is no Instant Death. Any weapon that would cause ID will cause 1D2 wounds instead. Any character is allowed from a Sergeant/Aspiring Champion to a Chapter Master/Chaos Lord, including “specialists” like Librarians/Sorcerers and Chaplains/Dark Apostles. For Sergeants, Aspiring Champions, and other “one-wound characters” read on to see what their base point costs are and what rules apply. Characters with special rules will always try to use them to their advantage. Acute Senses, Infiltrate, Scout, Split Fire, Outflank, Deep Strike,... basically any rule that affects an aspect of the game that isn’t present in the arena such as deployment or effects on friendly units have no effect. You keep your character for the whole event. No changes can be made during combat (unless they come from the Chaos boon table). Purchasing re-rolls: Like in Blood Bowl, rerolls may be purchased by characters at a cost of 15 points each. This is to even things out between characters. A Captain has a higher Weapon Skill, more attacks, etc. but a Sergeant’s long years on the field of battle let him anticipate his opponents’ movements, dodge their attacks, etc. Re-rolls are used sequentially for each failed roll a character makes, so if you buy two re-rolls, rapid fire a boltgun in the first turn and miss both, then that is both re-rolls gone until your next fight. Other character perks: Sergeants, Veteran Sergeants, Aspiring Champions, etc. will have the Proven Mettle rule to balance out their inherent weaknesses when compared to more powerful characters. Any character who has only one wound will have a special 6+ save that can be after any other saves have been taken (very much akin to a FNP save). Move Through Cover rule gives a +1 movement bonus (applies to basic movement, charge distance, run distance, etc.). Eternal Warrior reduces the effects of Instant Death from 1D2 Wounds to 1 Wound. Librarians will always roll on the table(s) chosen by the player before the table. Librarians will always use one dice from the Warp Charge pool to try and activate their force weapon. Jump packs give a +1 to initiative rolls to see who goes first. If one model has 2 different CC weapons, the attacks will be split evenly between both or at user's discretion upon submitting entry. You cannot re-roll re-rolls (i.e. a Chaplain's Zealot rule gives re-rolls for first round of combat, purchased re-rolls will be for subsequent turns) Now, for any Codex-specific rules, please consult the relevant section below: Blood Angels Hidden Content Rites of Blood rule applies to the Death Company Chaplain since he has no DC squad with him Blessings of the Omnissiah and Bolster Defenses have no effect. Honour or Death rule modified: must get into combat as quickly as possible. Blood Angels Librarians can roll on the following tables: Sanguinary, Biomancy, Daemonology, Divination, and Pyromancy Eligibile characters: Captain, Terminator Captain, Chaplain, Terminator Chaplain, Death Company Chaplain, Librarian, Techmarine, Sanguinary Priest, Company Champion [30 pts], Sternguard Veteran Sergeant (w/ special ammo) [30 pts], Terminator Sergeant (w/ twin claws or storm bolter and power sword) [40 pts], Vanguard Veteran Sergeant (Glorious Intervention gives +1 Initiative) [30 pts], Scout Sergeant [10 pts], Scout Veteran Sergeant [15 pts], Tactical/Assault Sergeant [15 pts], Tactical/Assault Veteran Sergeant [20 pts], Devastator Sergeant (Signum applies to him, can be used in Overwatch) [20 pts], Devastator Veteran Sergeant [25 pts]. Black Legion Hidden Content Demagogue rule modified: at the start of the duel, roll a d6. On a result of a 5 or 6 (can be re-rolled if re-roll purchased), opponent suffers -1 Initiative as he momentarily pauses when confronted with the Dark Apostles' blasphemous rethoric. Sorcerer rolls on these tables: Biomancy, Telepathy, Pyromancy, and Daemonology. Master of Mechanisms rule modified: roll to-hit as normal at start of Warpsmith first turn. On a hit, one of the opponents weapons (determined by GM) cannot be used until the start of the Warpsmith's next turn. Shatter Defenses has no effect. Vessels of Chaos rule is rolled at the beginning of each of the Possessed Champion's turns. All have Champion of Chaos rule and so can access Chaos boon table. Eligible characters: Chaos Lord, Dark Apostle, Sorcerer, Warpsmith, Terminator Champion [40 pts], Berzerker Champion [35 pts], Noise Marine Champion [35 pts], Plague Champion [35 pts], Possessed Champion [35 pts], Aspiring Sorcerer [60 pts], Aspiring Champion [25 pts], Chosen Champion [25 pts], Raptor Champion [25 pts], Warp Talon Champion [35 pts]. Chaos Space Marines Hidden Content Demagogue rule modified: at the start of the duel, roll a d6. On a result of a 5 or 6 (can be re-rolled if re-roll purchased), opponent suffers -1 Initiative as he momentarily pauses when confronted with the Dark Apostles' blasphemous rethoric. Sorcerer rolls on these tables: Biomancy, Telepathy, Pyromancy, and Daemonology. Master of Mechanisms rule modified: roll to-hit as normal at start of Warpsmith first turn. On a hit, one of the opponents weapons (determined by GM) cannot be used until the start of the WP's next turn. Shatter Defenses has no effect. Vessels of Chaos rule is rolled at the beginning of each of the Possessed Champion's turns. All have Champion of Chaos rule and so can access Chaos boon table. Eligible characters: Chaos Lord, Dark Apostle, Sorcerer, Warpsmith, Terminator Champion [35 pts], Chosen Champion [20 pts], Berzerker Champion [30 pts], Noise Marine Champion [30 pts], Plague Champion [30 pts], Possessed Champion [30 pts], Aspiring Sorcerer [60 pts], Aspiring Champion [25 pts], Raptor Champion [20 pts], Warp Talon Champion [30 pts]. Crimson Slaughter Hidden Content Demagogue rule modified: at the start of the duel, roll a d6. On a result of a 5 or 6 (can be re-rolled if re-roll purchased), opponent suffers -1 Initiative as he momentarily pauses when confronted with the Dark Apostles' blasphemous rethoric. Sorcerer rolls on these tables: Biomancy, Telepathy, Pyromancy, and Daemonology. Master of Mechanisms rule modified: roll to-hit as normal at start of Warpsmith first turn. On a hit, one of the opponents weapons (determined by GM) cannot be used until the start of the WP's next turn. Shatter Defenses has no effect. Vessels of Chaos rule is rolled at the beginning of each of the Possessed Champion's turns. All have Champion of Chaos rule and so can access Chaos boon table. Eligible characters: Chaos Lord, Dark Apostle, Sorcerer, Warpsmith, Terminator Champion [35 pts], Chosen Champion [20 pts], Berzerker Champion [30 pts], Noise Marine Champion [30 pts], Plague Champion [30 pts], Possessed Champion [35 pts], Aspiring Sorcerer [60 pts], Aspiring Champion [25 pts], Raptor Champion [20 pts], Warp Talon Champion [30 pts]. Dark Angels Hidden Content Grim Resolve modified: gives +1 BS to Overwatch, other effects as normal. Blessings of the Omnissiah, Bolster Defenses, Ravenwing, and Vengeful Strike have no effect. Honour or Death rule modified: must get into combat as quickly as possible. Librarians have access to: Interromancy, Divination, Pyromancy, Telepathy, Telekinesis, and Daemonology. Eligible characters: Chaplain, Company Master, Interrogator-Chaplain, Librarian, Techmarine, Company Champion [30 pts], Deathwing Champion [45 pts], Knight Master [55 pts], Deathwing Sergeant [40 pts], Ravenwing Champion (w/ Hit and Run) [35 pts], Scout Sergeant [10 pts], Scout Veteran Sergeant [15 pts], Tactical/Assault Sergeant [15 pts], Tactical/Assault Veteran Sergeant [20 pts], Devastator Sergeant (Signum applies to him, can be used in Overwatch) [20 pts], Devastator Veteran Sergeant [25 pts], Ravenwing Sergeant (w/ Hit and Run) [20 pts], Ravenwing Veteran Sergeant (w/ Hit and Run) [25 pts], Huntmaster [40 pts]. Khorne Daemonkin Hidden Content The Blood for the Blood God and Skulls for the Skull Throne rules have no effect. All have Champion of Chaos rule and so can access Chaos boon table. Any psyker-related results are re-rolled. Vessels of Chaos rule is rolled at the beginning of each phase where the Possessed Champion is active. Eligible characters: Chaos Lord, Terminator Champion [40 pts], Possessed Champion [35 pts], Berzerker Champion [30 pts], Aspiring Champion [15 pts], Raptor Champion [20 pts], Warp Talon Champion [35 pts]. Space Marines Hidden Content Chapter Tactics apply with certain modifications. Black Templars: Righteous Zeal effects trigger after character loses a wound. No Librarians. Crimson & Imperial Fists: Siege Masters has no effect. Gain Stubborn. Iron Hands: Machine Empathy modified to force re-roll if successful Master of Mechanisms roll (after potential re-roll from Warpsmith). Raven Guard: Strike from the Shadows has no effect. Winged Deliverance's first effect is replaced by a +1 Initiative bonus for all characters. Salamanders: No changes. Ultramarines: To be determined. White Scars: Born in the Saddle has no effect. Run distance re-roll automatically applied for Fight on the Move. Can take Chapter-specific relics from Angels of Death expansion. Boosted Chapter Tactics from this book are ignored. Blessings of the Omnissiah and Bolster Defenses have no effect. Eligible characters: Captain, Terminator Captain, Chapter Master, Chaplain, Librarian, Techmarine, Cataphractii Sergeant [45 pts], Company Champion [30 pts], Chapter Champion [35 pts], Sternguard Veteran Sergeant (w/ special ammo) [30 pts], Terminator Sergeant (w/ twin claws or storm bolter and power sword) [40 pts], Vanguard Veteran Sergeant (Glorious Intervention gives +1 Initiative) [30 pts], Scout Sergeant [10 pts], Scout Veteran Sergeant [15 pts], Tactical/Assault Sergeant [15 pts], Tactical/Assault Veteran Sergeant [20 pts], Devastator Sergeant (Signum applies to him, can be used in Overwatch) [20 pts], Devastator Veteran Sergeant [25 pts]. Space Wolves Hidden Content Acute Senses, A Glorious Death, Pack of One, Curse of the Wulfen, and Battlesmith have no effect. Oath of War is either against Infantry or Jump Infantry. Rune Priests can choose powers from Biomancy, Daemonology, Divination, Telekinesis, and Tempestas. Eligible characters: Iron Priest, Rune Priest, Wolf Guard Battle Leader, Wolf Lord, Wolf Priest, Lone Wolf [60 pts], Wolf Guard Pack Leader [20 pts], Wolf Guard Terminator Leader [40 pts], Wulfen Pack Leader [60 pts], Long Fang Ancient [20 pts]. In closing... Two last things:The most important rule of them all! We are here to have a good time! Some match-ups might seems unfair and while I have done what I can to balance things, certain builds will inevitably be more powerful than others. However I ask all of you to keep in mind this: fluff + fun > power + winning. The aim of the game is to tell a good story; winning is very much a secondary objective. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask! Whether by posting them here or sending me a PM, don't feel embarassed to make sure everything you have read is 100% crystal clear. Now, in the name of the Liber, the Emperor, and Dark Gods, may the mightiest champion prevail over his foes!
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