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Hi Folks, As a continuation of my previously home cooked Datasheet for HHE era units that I would see in the Era Indomitus setting, here comes 2 additional contributions. The Abeyant The Krios in a previous instalment of this blog, I short listed these 2 as potential candidate for basically 2 reasons: existenc of illuestrations that may suppoirt the inclusion of the Abeyant and statement in the HH rules that the Krios bariants were seen as part of the Skitarium. The genesis between these 2 homebrew units has been less straight foward than for the other ones I shared previously. Let´s talk of the Abeyant first. I initially tried to make it as a Dedicated Transport, restricted to Dominus and Calculus. But it did not work well, mainly because I tried to set the platform as a mundane system that I have not been able to balance for the 2 tastes of Magii. Managment of weapon optons was tricky for example. I gave up this way to focus on a more stadard one, saying that it is a barnd new flying model à la improved Dominus. The Krios was a more exciting experience as there is barely anything comparable. At least how I set it. My purpose has been here to get a tank able to bring on the table a sigle Titanic class weapon, but not too Titanic, let´s say Knight class instead. Quite understandable seen the feature with the Lightning cannon. The Krios venato has been more a matter of improvisation, trying not to copy paste the existing indirect fire weapon the AdMech has access too through the Dunerider chassis tank. Here is the result: I set the units at costs that are eventually an incitation into thinking up twice before fielding them. Yet I am still thinking the Krios version of ine is slightly undercosted. Mago on Abeyant: 120pts Krios: 250 pts Let´s tell me what you think. See you soon.
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Hi Folks, As fantasied in a previous instalment of this blog, I tried to play to the "What-if HH minis were introduced in the 40K SKitarii setting" game. I short listed the potential candidates, and, after cooking some rules adaptation I reached a point where some custom datasheet can be shared. Without pretention. The design process has been anything but playtested. I indeed started with a kind of rule of 3, leading to start from the diferencial perfiles from the Mago and Myrmidons (as I will start with these) in the HH rules, and then translating them, with an offset, to the 40k era using the Dominus perfile as a base case. Once done, I went though a small statistic simulation of performance and yield agianst usual standards: the Good, the Bad, the Ugly (a.k.a. the Primaris Intercesor, the fool Fire cast xeno and the Grot); all credit to MSExcel. Result were... Well, just consider that it did not make the cut. So back to the workbench after some key learning: 1. HH is repleted of special rules that are not so easily transposable. 2. Perfiles differences in HH are quite extreme if transposed to 40k just by proportional rating, especially for Mirmydon than would become beastial beasts 3. 40k datasheet Factions and Core abilities, even if they represent a painful amount of info to remember and to manage (as literally every and each unit has something special to claim), are in fact a most rationnal way to balance a set of datasheet without bloating too much stat lines. It is still however impossible to rate pointwise in a smart and mathematically simple way. Result has been a full revision of the design (pompous) philosophy: making the Myrmidons eguals to Mago Dominus but i) working in band and ii) shifting their features for some more cult specific abilities rather than leadership features. What is a cult specific ability one may ask? Well, on the first hand the Myrmidons are probably more heavily augmented with tooling oriented toward war and survivability. Rather than more Svg or T increase I dealt with this through the Feel-no-pain system. On the second hand they belong to sects such as the Secutor (HtH) and the Destructor (kill-shoot-kill). To be reflected in gear and abilities. For weapons, stats were taken or adapted fom baselines of other Admech, Knights or others existing datasheet, adjusting the BS o CS only. The delivered product ended-up (with a fancy Warhammer - Home-Cooked datasheet format (Thank you as these 2 wannabe-a-40k guy-too datasheets: Point wise I set both at 210 pts. It is not cheap, and it will not really compete with existing legal entries (Kastellans for example). Also, most probably, Destructors as I set these will have a lower battle yield than Secutors. I did not repeat the extensive simulation attempted with my own elected triumvirat for mortality evaluation. Neither did I extend these to vehicles. But It has been a fun stuff to produce at lunch time. What do you think? PS: I also have some dessert slowly cooking for the other units I short listed, maybe, with some extra sugar and colourful topping, they migh end-up in that format too someday. See you soon
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What if HH Mechanicum units stepped into Indomitus era?
Bouargh posted a blog entry in Bouargh´s miniatures´ closet clean-up
Alongside the elite Skitarii regiments, whose allegiance and command was owed ultimately to Mars, and the Collegia Titanica, which comprised the planet-shattering Titan Legions, both of which organisations operated separate military traditions of their own, the Taghmata formed the great trinity, the ‘Triad-Magna’, of the Mechanicum’s power during the Great Crusade. Besides these three there stood the ‘lesser’ independent and allied divisions of the Mechanicum such as the Knight Houses, the Ordo Reductor, the Explorators and the Legio Cybernetica, among others. Each was a great power in its own right, but all were dwarfed, both in scale and reach, by the great three. I Folks, As the plasticized HH era Mechanicum is likely to hit the shelves soon (sooner than later I hope), some debates come back on the scene about if (or not) these plastic keits will be usable in 40k. My opinion is that they will not*. At least if we talk of bridging the two temporal line allowing reuse of models by means of rules set in each gaming system. I copied as a header an extract of the limited amount of Lore included in the Liber Mechnicum as an illustration to my point. Shall the HH era Triad-Magna be set as a seed for the split of work between the army lists in both setting, we clearly end up with segregation from the Lore n the factions taht may support Skitarius being something distinct from all the feudal Taghmata. And the latter ha sprobably not passed the heresy, being cleaned and purged in the time lap up to 40k era (because of war attrition or action of Arcuitors). The "gathering retinues" of powerful warlords and serving feals that used to be the Taghmata is maybe not over but secondary in the Indomitus era. This one will focus on Skitarius only, ie the "regulars" of the AdMech. And I guess it is fine like that. So, am I advocating in direction of getting a strict segregation and treating the idea of crossed used unts as a born-dead idea? Not necesarily. Indeed the rest of the header also introduces the "lesser" branches. and these lesser branches play a role in the Skitarii forces as supporting unit. Let´s see: Corpuscarii and Kastelan are part of a clergy branch and Legio Cybernetica. They are not Skitarius. So, there is already an existing status that imlies a kind of permeation of the Skitarius with outer units. This is the mouse hole I think we may use as hopium for integration of some, in limited extend, HH range models into the 40k range. Wish list. In my opinion, options that might be acceptable are rather limited but one might consider: Magos on Abeyant - 40k illustrations portfolio sometimes include hoovering Magos, so, why not. Myrmidions - They are a lesser order and they are rpesented like that in the 40k lore associated to Skitarii legions. SO they only have to step on the stage. Yet, would it be Secutor or Destructor or both? Ordo Reductor - Skitarium needs a Titanic model that is not a Knight and would be Siege oriented. They do not need it for game reason if Knights fulfill the role but for fluff. And rule of kool. Krios tanks as these are marked as (I quote) "never [being] seen [in] service outside the Taghmata and Skitarius". Beyond that point we might then get the usual use as proxies for Magos´model and eventualy Castelans as archaic Kastelans (or part of one of these wandering Maniples that comes out of nowhere and go back there after) , but I would not expect much. And being proxies, so, no dedicated rules. Otherwise I do not see much room for the rest as, mostly, all HH entries would be redundant with existing Skitarii entries (although Skitarii are not as bulky and punchy than Ursarax or Thallax, but it is not what we meant for or look for). Of course as a wish list, I´d personaly like to see more Automatas (Vulturax or Thanatar), Arcuitor, Secutarii inc. Arxiarch... But I do not think this will happen (although I wish I´d be wrong). In the case of Secutarii (one will underline they are available through Legends except the Arxiarch), I even think that they are in a dead end alley even for HH. As you cannot ally Admech with Admech in HH setting and as Titans (which is the only way to field Secutarii) are considered as AdMech, you just can`t have them except playing an Astartes Legion or Solar. Limited scope indeed. Alternatively Skitarii may have plenty of room for their own units,(see for example list on Lexicanum fed from references from GW and Black Library) such as bulky bodyguards, Ogryn VAT servitors... Or anything else: afterall, neither Pteraxii nor Skratos were foreseen. Now, in case nothing from above would happen in the short/medium range (or at all) , what about trying up some House rules? Let's see what I cqn cook for the Abeyant and the Myrmidons in next instalments of this Blog. See you soon. *with exception of Knights.-
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(If wrong forum for this, my apologies! First time posting something like this >_<) So recently, I actually sat down and tried to design a unit for the Horus Heresy as a games design excercise. Here's what I came up - 30k Rough Riders! What do you all think? Yes, I know they're mostly just more mobile grenadiers, but those seemed like the best "base" to work from thanks to their customisation.