"Greetings Gue'la. I present to you the honoured wisdom of Aun'El Shoshava Fi'lor Mon'aa of T'au."
- Final words of Water Caste Envoy Vre'Kais played by Deadmeat344
What is Personae Inimicus?
We live in an enlightened age. More than ever this forum is open to the horrific infestation noble and peaceful rise of civilised (and not so civilised) races who dwell in the galaxy beyond the realm of the holy Imperium.
Simply put - Personae Inimicus is pig Latin for "Enemy Personnel", and it is from that inspiration that this thread was concieved. Its objective is to try and discuss the possibilities of Alien PC's in the FFG an Wrath and Glory games, what possible career paths could be created to give a full and complete line of options to people who want to play anything other than a human, or a Space Marine.
Haven't I seen this before? Kind of?
Yes, if you're a regular RPG player, you probably have. Whether in INQ (or INQ28), the Kroot and Eldar Profiles in the FFG books, you'll have encountered this, but not yet had a chance to explore it in this forum. There is, I believe a real chance here to expand on some of the main races in the RPG books and lore we have here on the B&C. Members are building their own Craftworlds, in the same way they do with Space Marine and IG units. There is now, no reason why the Xenos can't have fun in a RPG.
In fact, Games Workshop are pushing this product line for the miniatures and the skirmish side of their games. There is no reason why this can't be taken to the ultimate conclusion to explore more depth and complexity of character.
How will this work?
Ok, I'm going to give you the hard sell, so make sure you're not holding anything or drinking. This is an open forum for ideas on how we can build career paths utilising primarily FFG and where possible, the W&G ruleset. Primarily, since there are already Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader alien archetypes, I want to try and make this stuff fit Deathwatch. It's a very flexible rules system, and there is enough universal experience with it to make any proposed games work.
Tau Kill-Teams, Eldar Kill Teams, the list goes on.
What do the denizens of the RPG Nook and you (yes you, humble forum browser!) think of this? Is it worth exploring and would it be of interest to the Frater who may be interested in 40K RPG's, just not the Imperium all the time?