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  1. Chapter Datafile: Graven Souls Graven Soul Date:...............57.M42 Ref:................LBC//TEC7710101 By:.................TechCaptain Re:.................Adeptus Astartes - Graven Soul Thought:............"." CHAPTER NAME: .............. Graven Soul FOUNDING: ..................13TH CHAPTER WORLD: .............Odokuro FORTRESS MONASTERY: ........Iron Palace GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): ...Unknown (White Scars Suspected) KNOWN DESCENDANTS: ........."NONE" Primary Data Allegiance: Imperium of Man (Fedelitas Constantus) Chapter Master: Lord Gravemind Size Estimate: Estimated at 1,000 Specialty: Shock Assault, High-Mobility Warfare, Extensive Use of Bikes, Guerrilla Warfare, Hit-and Run, Terror Tactics Battle Cry: "Gespenst Jäger" Colours:Dark Spectral Green The Graven Soul are bellicose Space Marine Chapter whose terror tactics has earned these notorious [Astartes a fell reputation across the width and breadth of the Imperium. They were created during the mysterious 13th Founding, the so-called 'Dark Founding', due to the scarcity of any information on this particular Founding or how many Chapters were created at that time. To add to this Chapter's mystery, it is unknown from which genetic lineage they are descended from though they claim to be from the White Scars. Of all the Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes, none exemplifies the virtues of strict self-control more than the Graven Soul. The Graven Soul Chapter culture is one that is very wary of the idea of martial glory or honour, and prefers instead to emphasise pragmatism, adaptability and completion of the mission over all other concerns. They understand that war is suffering and death. It is a brutal business that they specialize in, but they have no desire to wallow in its misery beyond what is required to carry out the Emperor's will. Its success is dependent upon its ability to think and execute in a distributed and independent fashion. The Graven Soul willingly employ whatever tactics they believe most appropriate no matter how it looks to others, relying upon success to establish their Chapter's glory rather than misguided notions of honour and dogmatic thought. Chapter History The history of the Graven Soul is a tainted and dark one. Created some time during the 35th or 36th Millennium, the Graven Soul has acted as a shadow force to many an Imperial vengeance campaign. The Imperium moves to act with decisive force as the foul taint of the xenos is found to be at the root cause of corrupted planets either by addiction to the aliens' foul psychotropics and depraved practices, or sometimes when the corruption is found in other means or cause. The Graven Soul follows Imperial strike forces and Crusades to wage wars of retribution and terror until the corrupted planets are brought back into line. Often, these campaigns required a show of force to subjugate planetary rulers and dynasties that had been used to governing their worlds for Terran centuries and even millennia. Even more often, Imperial Compliance had to be obtained by force of arms. In these great wars, tyrants were cast down and witches burned, planets purged of the foul taint of mutants, xenos and Warp-beasts such that eventually these campaigns of planetary conquest became known as Imperial Compliance campaigns or, more simply, rendering a world "Compliant." Chapter Homeworld Odokuro is completely urbanized and stacked with hundreds of layers of arcologies, covering the entirety of the planet, effectively becoming an ecumenopolis. Nearly everything within Odokuro is recycled and reused, and few things are ever wasted. The air a hive worlder breathes, the water he drinks, and the food he eats likely all has once passed through the bodies of countless others, endlessly restored to be consumed once again. When a hive worlder dies his duty to the hive and house are not done, and most hives reconstitute their dead for the resources they can provide. Corrupt and murderous gangs, whether or not they were named as such, ruled every part of Odokuro. From the heights of nobility to the lowest alley, every inch of Odokuro was someone's domain, someone's territory or hunting ground. In the slum habitation stacks, the gangs ruled by raw fear, killing and torturing as they pleased, fighting wars with the feral packs of outcasts who were closer to animals than men. It was said that many of these gangs ate the dead, treating their territories as a predator might a hunting ground. In the mines and factories which still turned the planet's wheels of industry, the gangs went by names that echoes with a false authority. Slab muscled and furnace-scarred, they walked the streets clanking with weaponry and reeking of murder, enforcing order that was little more than slavery. In the wealthier areas, the sons and daughters of the corrupt nobility gathered in packs, clad in costumes like strutting peacocks, as quick to kill with blade or gun as they were to cast an insult. No matter what their station, almost all gangs owed fealty to one of the numberless barons, counts and lords, who in turn served still more powerful men and women, many of whom styled themselves with courtly titles that echoes a long forgotten nobility. There was no law in these lightless lands, and survival existed only by a blade's edge. Only the strongest and the most ruthless survived in the subterranean warrens, and those who did grew in cruelty and cunning. The dark owned Odokuro, body and soul, and its existence was a horror to equal any xenos enslavement or nightmare of the Dark Age of Technology. If there ever had been true laws, they had vanished long ago, eaten by the greed of a few and the desperation of many. Murder was the currency of life, and strength came from violence. Every sin great and small had its home in Odokuro's endless terror filled streets. Fortress-Monastery Known as the Iron Palace, one can only get to it through the Demon's Cavern which is guarded by four "Ogres". Every entrance is sealed with heavy adamantium gates, barred by ancient and complex locks, keyed to the unique genetic code of the Graven Soul's battle-brothers. The monastery also incorporates shimmering void shields, domes of power enveloping the entire structure to ward off orbital bombardments or assaults from Titans. Covering every entrance and approach, macro-cannon turrets, heavy bolter bunkers and missile batteries scan the horizon for foes, ready to unleash their deadly ordnance at a second's notice. Notable Campaigns Wars of Apostasy (Unknown.M36) - The Graven Soul added their bother chapters by committing to a sequence of battles and wars to draw the insane High Lord Goge Vandire's forces focus to more targets thinning the amount of resources he had available. Plague of Unbelief (Unknown.M36) - Graven Soul sent out several families tracking down and eliminating the many false prophets that appeared throughout the anarchic Age of Apostasy, some little more than madmen leading rebel armies, others spiritual demagogues who commanded worlds and armies. Lost Crusade (Unknown.M37) - Graven Soul parties sent out to numerous worlds to track down and eliminate hostile elements of the menial uprisings. Many parties deploy and mostly come back with reports that uprisings were widespread. 9th Black Crusade Splinter (574.M38) - Graven Soul engage in a decades long war against various elements of far reaching fleets from the Eye of Terror. Terror of Heretical Thoughts (Unknown.M42) - The detachment of Agents who’d just survived their civil war barely had time to rest and process what had just happened, when they were called to battle yet again. In order to atone for their role in the Avalon Sector’s rebellion, the Agents were once again tasked by the Inquisition with bringing a secessionist world to heel. At this point, this force of Agents had snapped. To them, their secessionist comrades were right the entire time. Upon landing onto the planet of Amersh, the Agents who were deployed went rogue, supporting the rebellious governor in the process. The Inquisitorial forces who deployed with the Agents were quickly slaughtered. The Agents on the ground tried and failed to contact the Emperor’s Liberators chapter, for they were busy elsewhere. The only other force in the galaxy supposedly sympathetic to the values of freedom and independence were the Blood Gorgons, a renegade chapter. They were happy to reinforce Amersh, but for an agenda they never informed the Agents of. Luckily for the Agents, the Blood Gorgons arrived just in time, as Inquisitorial forces arrived alongside the brutal Graven Souls chapter. The Graven Souls led cunning assassinations against the rebel leadership, and ambushed any Blood Gorgons they encountered. The rogue Agents fought hard to protect the rebel strongholds, but they were overmatched. Most evacuation attempts were shut down by the Imperial blockade. Only a few dozen Blood Gorgons and a thousand rogue Agents of Liberty escaped. The rest were wiped out. Chapter Organisation The Graven Soul are semi-Codex compliant Chapter that utilises their own unique form of organisation, ranks and formations. The Chapter often refer to their companies as "families", each of which is slightly smaller than what the [[:w:c:warhammer40k:Codex Astartes|''Codex Astartes'']] dictates. Each family maintains a large stock of vehicles, in particular transports and bikes, and every Battle-Brother is cross-trained in the operation of them all. The Chapter Master is the overall leader of the Graven Soul, and directly beneath him are his Chief Adviser and Headquarters Chief. The chain of command is followed by the Captains of the Families, who governs their Family with the help of a Lieutenant who is himself responsible for the equivalent of a demi-company. The Squads themselves are governed by their Sergeant. Each member's connection is ranked by the hierarchy of Sake sharing. Captains are at the top, and control various Senior Advisers. The Senior Advisers control their own campaigns. They have their own underlings, including other brothers, advisers, and support personnel. Like their fellow Astartes Chapters, the Graven Soul also maintain a Librarius of potent psykers who are highly talented and trained to master the power of the Warp at the highest levels, though they refer to these warriors as "Doomseers". Doomseers act as advisers to the Chapter's leaders as well as being powerful psykers. Doomseers are able to command the very elements; their foes are battered to ruin by mighty winds or beset by forked lightning from the storm-wracked skies. Graven Soul Captains are fiercely independent, and it is incredibly rare for the Chapter to fight as a whole. Individual families are completely autonomous and are quick to lend their aid to Imperial commanders across the galaxy, with or without the sanction of their Chapter Master. Such behaviour has led some in the other Space Marine Chapters to question the Graven Soul's soundness as a military force, but most recognize that such fluidity of command only proves the presence of the Chapter's formidable discipline, not its absence. ===Officer Ranks=== Chapter Master Lord - Captain equivalent. Lieutenant ===Specialist Ranks=== Chief Adviser - Chief Librarian equivalent. Doomseers - Librarians, These psyker-warriors have deeply-ingrained mystical traditions identical to those of the gangs shamans and holy men. The Graven Flame Seers are believed to see the darkest path of all possible futures leading their brothers down dark paths and to find ways around the dark ends. Headquarters Chief ===Line Ranks=== Veteran Sergeant Sergeant Battle-Brother Scout Marine Neophytes ===Squad Formations=== Fu (風) - "Move as swift as the Wind" (Close Support Squads) Rin (林) - "Stay as silent as a Forest" (Scout Squads) Ka (火) - "Attack as fierce as Fire" (Battleline Squads) Zan (山) - "Be immovable like a mountain" (Fire Support Squads) Kaze (風) - "Wind" (Pilots) Chapter Recruitment The Graven Soul draw their recruits from best warriors amongst the Notorious Clan-gangs of Odokuro, many of whom are engaged in fierce internecine blood feuds that date back countless generations. While psycho-conditioning during the gene-seed implantation process could be used to wipe such feuds from the Neophyte's mind, to do so would risk diluting much of what makes him a desirable candidate in the first place. In order to overcome the feuding, the Graven Soul ensure that Battle-Brothers from the same gang serve in different squads, making each unit a product of many different gangs. Intermingled in such a manner, old feuds become largely irrelevant, and without squad mates from the same gangs to reinforce an ancient grudge, such matters are quickly forgotten. Chapter Beliefs Callous and brutal though they are, the Graven Soul are not without pride, and the trappings and titles of aristocracy and dominion formed a key part of their identity, and rivalry, often violent. The gang traditions of Odokuro were carried over to every aspect of their Chapter. There were few amongst their ranks who did not bear some form of title, and the craftsmanship with which they embellished their weapons and armour was remarkable. Every Member of the Graven Soul traditionally take a blood oath of allegiance, and a member who breaks the code must show penance—historically through a ritual in which they cut off his own little finger with a sword and presents it to his leader. The cutting off of one's finger, is a form of penance or apology. Upon a first offense, the transgressor must cut off the tip of his left little finger and give the severed portion to his sergeant. Sometimes an sergeant may do this in penance to the leader if he wants to spare a member of his own squad from further retaliation. So strong is their discipline and loyalty to their leader that his word of judgement is invariably final. The nature of that judgement depends on circumstances, and may result in one or both brethren being punished in some way or, in the most extreme of cases, ordered to fight one another in ritual combat to settle the matter once and for all. Despite the teachings of the leaders and Doomseers regarding the unity of all Graven Soul, it is not unheard of for existing gang feuds to flare up between fellow squad members. The Astartes of the Graven Soul get tattoos are "hand-poked", that is, the ink is inserted beneath the skin using non-electrical, hand-made and handheld tools with needles of sharpened bamboo or steel to show their allegiance with their various squads and companies. Through these tattoos one can trace the lineage of a particular marine and how they were train and more importantly who their loyalties are too. Permanent resin-based dyes have been added to prominent figures, producing hybrid scars and tattoo forms. Vivid results have been noted, yet their chemical composition is not yet fully understood by Imperial savants. The leader-subordinate relationship is formalized by ceremonial sharing of sake from a single cup. This ritual is not exclusive to the Graven Flame but is a part of sworn brotherhood relationships the Graven Soul Astartes form. The Chapter believes that as long as the spiritual powers of ancestors and spirits of the elements heed the call of the Doomseers, the Graven Soul will never falter on the field of battle. All Graven Soul bear the long, ritual scar that is called an Honour Scar and is the mark they receive when they are fully accepted into the Chapter as Neophytes. Graven Soul members are also very superstitious, every Astartes has the ability to see omens and portents but only the Doomseers are able to correctly guide their brothers down the paths the omens foretell. According to Graven Soul Doomseers, spirit-like entities reside in all things. Such spirits possessed emotions and personalities. If the spirit were peaceful it will bring good fortune—such as bountiful harvests. Violent spirits bring ill fortune—including illness and natural disasters. One's ancestors and particularly-respected departed elders accrue status as protective gods and receiving worship. Animals, objects and natural features or phenomena were also venerated as peaceful or violent spirits depending on the area. The Doomseers either convert the spirits into peaceful spirits for their brothers or command the violent ones against their enemies. The ritual for converting violent spirit into a peaceful spirit is called the Calming. Calming rituals are performed to quell maleficent spirits, prevent misfortune and alleviate fear from events and circumstances that could not otherwise be explained. Peaceful Spirits that failed to achieve deification due to lack of sufficient veneration, or who lost their divinity following attrition of worshipers, became Demons in the service of Chaos. Combat Doctrine The Graven Soul are masters of stealth, able to infiltrate a position quickly and silently. These arts appear to be innate to the Chapter, and are used most often during the games the Graven Soul use to drive their prey into paroxysms of terror. Once they have prepared themselves and found places to launch an assault that meets their standards, the Graven Soul are capable of sudden, shockingly brutal ambushes or unconventional attacks intended to thin the enemy's ranks or simply sow chaos among the foe. Despite their Astartes-enhanced physiology and their cumbersome armour, they are taught to move with silence and invisibility. Each Graven Soul warrior moves silently in his own way, and it is each warrior's understanding of the empty spaces between sounds that allows them to occupy them. One such tactic designed to enhance fear that has been observed to be used by the Graven Soul is when they unleash a fifteen second-long vox-augmented scream that ruptures any unprotected eardrums in the vicinity. Once their victims are hunched over in agony, stunned and deaf, the Graven Soul unleash their wrath. Speed and strategic maneuverability are the cardinal virtues of their campaigns, and flexibility and the ability to adapt to circumstances swiftly are the hallmarks of their finest strategists. They meet brute force with emptiness, flowing around the foe to strike at his weakest points before falling back to strike again. Some see them as unreliable, for they are wont to avoid battle save on ground of their own choosing, but time and time again they have been disregarded and ignored only for their foes and allies alike to find them suddenly present at the heart of the battle, ready to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, always laughing as they kill. The Families strive for the honour of being declared "First" in the attack, competing in every manner to lead the assault. The families keep tally of each battle in which they have been declared "First," for the Battle-Brothers know that their deeds will be recounted for all time and their names never forgotten. To be "First" is such an honour that all gang feuds are forgotten, the bonds of Astartes brotherhood far stronger than those of mortal gangs. Because each of the Chapter's families tended to operate independently, most of the Graven Soul's vehicles are held at the company level, squadrons operating in direct support of the family's squads. The Graven Soul are veterans of countless campaigns of terror and conquest. Each member of the Chapter is highly trained and proficient in the use of terror tactics, psychological warfare, and lightning raids and ambushes intended to leave their opponents completely demoralized and easy targets for the Chapter. The combat doctrines of the Graven Soul Chapter have been honed throughout the millennia of battle and bloodshed, but they still reflect those of the original warrior-gangs of their planet. Though wild and savage, the warrior-gangers of the Odokuro hives are highly intelligent tacticians and masters of field craft. Each Battle-Brother draws on the savagery of the underhives not as a mindless berserker, but as a finely-crafted hunting spear delivered with the focused precision of a master predator. They specialize in hitting their enemy with a peerless impact and frightening speed, but they are never reckless. Time spent on preparations is vital to their strategy, as they reconnoiter each target in depth and formulate detailed plans and contingencies, coordinating their strike to ensure that maximum damage is done. Their modus operandi consists of lightning-fast hit-and-run attacks conducted by highly mobile forces, destroying the enemy piece by piece and never allowing the enemy to force a decisive or static engagement. Striking when possible from the darkness of dusk or dawn, the Graven Soul assault the enemy where they were weakest, rampaging through rear zones in order to sever lines of communication, and resupply and isolate individual concentrations of enemy troops. Often times jump assault troops are kept in reserve and then sent into action against the weakest points of the enemy line. This concept of preying on the vulnerable has led the Graven Soul assault troops to become vicious hunters who can strike anywhere, at any time. The Graven Soul Assault Troops have a tendency to modify their armour to give themselves a more terrifying appearance, mimicking the appearance of a vicious bird of prey or a swooping daemon. Graven Soul decorate their Power Armour with images designed to inspire fear in the enemy, a tactic that proves incredibly effective. Rumours of the impending presence of the Graven Soul would cause a rebel star system to pay all outstanding Imperial tithes, cease all illegal activities and put to death any mutants and suspected Traitors. One and all wear decorated masks of horrid monsters like the Ogre, the wraith, and more. The Graven Soul also uses a high number of Doomseers who actually lead when and where they strike for the greatest psychological effect. They are now known for ruthless execution of high speed targeted attacks for greatest psychological effect. Chapter Gene-Seed It is unknown which Primarch's gene-seed was utilised in the creation of the Graven Soul. Their gene-seed seems relatively untainted, if subject to some long-term degradation. The Graven's gene-seed has obviously suffered some mutations from the original source that was given to them millennia earlier. Though the source of the Graven Soul's own gene-seed remains suppressed, nobody knows exactly which Primarch's gene-seed was utilised in the creation of the Graven Soul, as their gene-seed doesn't contain any specific genetic markers. However, the real legacy of their gene seed might be psychological, as there was a tendency for paranoia and self-destructive behavior displayed by many within the Graven Soul. They thrive in the use of psychological warfare and fear tactics. The Graven Soul Seers are believed to see the darkest path of all possible futures, a terrible curse. Graven Soul Astartes are as intensely loyal as any of the Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes and do not take their duty lightly nor the oaths they take to the Emperor. Regardless, however, they retain a fatalism which can cling to them even in their most triumphant moments. Unlike the stubborn adherence to duty that other Chapters might possess, which would see a Battle-Brother fight on until claimed by death, the Graven Soul have instead a grim determination to do their duty. This is not so much a desire to die as it is an acceptance that death is the only end to the path a Space Marine treads, and everything he does is another step along that path and one closer to his eventual demise. The Graven Soul all can see in absolute darkness, with a clarity that is above and beyond even the ability of normal Space Marine ocular implants and have haunting black-within-black eyes. They also possess an innate "preysight"; the ability to see in the infrared spectrum to detect heat signatures. Finally, a Graven Soul Astartes can all have a gravelly voice that is barely a whisper on the shadows to be heard. Their voice sends chills onto those that hear it that are not of their blood, raising primal fears. It is unknown where the controlled savagery of the Graven Soul came originally from but whatever the cause, there is a ferocity within their hearts and their blood that grants them great power, but which also threatens to consume all that they are and damn them. All Graven Soul are watchful for this necessary yet insidious savagery, and it is only with great discipline, humble introspection and often the watchfulness of their Battle-Brothers that they can hope to master themselves. Primarch's Curse: Nightmare Determination When the Chapter's genetic curse manifests itself in an affected Battle-Brother, it comes on in three stages: Stage 1 - The Shadow of Death: The Battle-Brother starts to see death in everything. He becomes distant and makes little effort to forge alliances with new squad members, knowing they will soon be in the grave. He becomes more dismissive of death and the praising of the dead, seeing little glory in their sacrifice, only the inevitable end to their duty and another corpse to feed the gods of war. This attitude can grate on those around the Battle-Brother and he suffers with his fellowship when dealing with other soldiers or members of the Adeptus Astartes. Sullen and withdrawn, the urge to inflict terror of death upon their victims grows with each passing hour. Stage 2 - The Bad Beneath the Good: The Battle-Brother cannot help but reflect on the worst side of a new development and will endeavour to find the worst aspect of even the most favourable of circumstances. Quite apart from causing friction within his squad, the drawing of focus onto potential problems and unforeseen dangers (regardless of the actual likelihood they will impact on the squad's mission) can cause compromises in command and less than direct tactical judgments. They are cruel, ruthless, and opportunistic, frequently striking at vulnerable targets and toying with their unfortunate victims. Stage 3 - Game Over: Death is inevitable and the Battle-Brother is already a walking corpse just waiting for the moment when an enemy's blade or bullet ends him. Filled with visions of his own demise, the Battle-Brother begins to act recklessly, accepting that it is his time and there is nothing he can do to prevent it coming. This will not only place him in danger but can endanger his entire squad. The Battle-Brother does not contribute to the squad's cohesion as he fails to adequately aid them in battle. In addition, he tends not to gain the benefit of hiding behind cover, as even when behind barricades and walls he exposes himself to fire with little mind to remaining concealed. These Astartes live only for the thrill of inflicting terror upon their unfortunate victims, the overwhelming desire for the infliction of pain and suffering, trying to share their vision of the end. Chapter Fleet The Chapter fleet of the Graven Souls is not particularly large or notable except that it features in general Improved Stealth Systems and Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) that either mask your presence in auspices or alter your coordinates. Further they make extensive use of Boarding pods and Electronic disabling weaponry. Chapter Relics Alt Schmied Jäger: A long Double-bladed Cavalry Power Sword, comprised of two large waved blades joined by a common hilt with an extending holder. Parrying with such a sword may transmit unpleasant vibrations into the attacker's blade. These vibrations caused the blades to slow contact with each other because each wave provided additional friction. The unusual cross section of the blade would inflict wider wounds with a thrust while still keeping the blade light. Nōryoku Ken: Despite attempts at nondestructive analysis of the sword’s composition, including variations of X-ray fluorescence, Magos of the Cult Mechanicus has yet to make any significant progress toward identifying the material in question. As its stands, it is known only that the sword is forged of a non-terrestrial metallic element held in tight suspension by Psionic energy that it itself contained by forces unknown. All accounts, this weapon is a prize for both the warrior and the scholar alike. Deathwatch Service To be chosen by Graven Soul Doomseers to serve in the Deathwatch is a great honour for any Brother, as only the most elite and experienced members of a Graven Soul are ever chosen for this extremely hazardous tour of duty, the specifics of which must be kept secret by Inquisitorial order. Chapter Appearance The 'family' crests are adopted from the Clan-gangs of their homeworld. Every brother of the Graven Souls knows it is important to trace back one's heritage, and does so by honoring them by displaying their crest on their armor. When a Brother Marine becomes a Sergeant, he is allowed to display his "family's" crest on his back banner when in charge of a squad. If a Brother Sergeant becomes a Brother Captain, his crest becomes the company crest and is displayed on the company standard.
  2. Psy Ops and Terror Tactics So this is thought that I had recently while commenting in another thread and I thought it might be something to get a discussion going in the Liber that people can participate in, even if it's not directly commenting on someone's work. Now, I'm not a military veteran, nor do I hold a degree in any relevant field. I have practical experience in a one-to-one capacity and I am an armchair historian and military theorist. I enjoy reading and researching things of this vein and 40k is fascinating in a theoretical application of real world theory to a relatable fantasy universe. I think historically speaking terror tactics in terms of open warfare are shown to have increasingly diminishing returns in protracted conflicts, to the point of being detrimental as a population or enemy reacts increasingly more strongly against them, rather than being suppressed. This is in addition to only being applicable in 40k terms in a very tight set or parameters. Psychological warfare always has a place, but that place is in concert with other operations and methodologies. It also depends what you define 'terror tactics' as, as conceivably I'd classify the Night Lords as a legion of card carrying terrorists. They prefer soft targets, operate against civilians and generally seek to do the most damage to morale and their enemies will to fight rather than military infrastructure, which has only been exaggerated with their turning traitor, along with any pretense to morality or ethics in warfare, bar a few notable individuals. In opposition to that, I'd class the Raven Guard, and even more so the Raptors successor as using psychological warfare more effectively. They use it to terrorize their enemy when it's useful to do so, but more importantly they use it to manipulate the enemies perception of the battle or war they're fighting. You also have to understand the modern 40k Astartes in terms of role as well as mindset. During the Great Crusade the Legions were an almost purely offensive tool. Even the defensive conflicts they fought were aggressive and focused on the outright destruction of their enemy, rather than holding territory (The Rangdan Xenocides for example). At the time of the 41st and 42nd Millennium, the modern Adeptus Astartes is almost exclusively a reactionary defensive force, as is most of the Imperial Military at this stage. Yes crusades are called and Astartes still perform in their preferred method of offensive operations (let's not talk about the Imperial Fists), but many of those are to lay low a particularly dangerous enemy or group who threatens Imperial worlds, or to reclaim lost territory. The Adeptus Astartes respond to powerful threats more quickly and in a more focused manner than the broader arms of the Imperial Navy and Guard, but still to react to enemy military incursions. Terror tactics as a whole therefore are far less applicable. Psy-Ops still have their place, but I'd say the Reivers in this vein are actually a fairly good concept, just not on the tabletop. As it stands, Astartes are built and mandated to take on the most powerful and ferocious of opponents where psychological warfare isn't really relevant, either because you don't have the time to profile and implement such operations, or they don't respond to short-term psychological destabilization like say, a unit of PDF soldiers. I also agree that certain races wouldn't respond as well as others, but I think a lot of people misconstrue or misapply racial traits and generalities to the effects and results of psy-ops and terror tactics. The Orks are a really good subject here. On the broad face of it it's quite easy to qualify the race as a whole as either being too stupid, as well as too belligerent in character for 'terror tactics' to really work on them and in a lot of instances you'd be right. However there are two things that go against this on both a macro and micro scale. On the macro level, their stupidity and tribal nature leads them to be highly superstitious and susceptible to manipulation in this manner. On a micro level, they are more than capable of feeling despair and fear even up to the largest and toughest of Orks, though it is less and less effective the bigger, tougher and more self-assured an Ork becomes. I'd argue they are probably the most susceptible to a good psy-ops operation of any of the 40k races. There are of course races that simply don't even rate. Chaos Daemons and Tyranids being almost equal right at the top, with the Necrons as a close second in terms of it being a pointless waste of resources to even try. Someone mentioned Chaos forces as being less susceptible because they are in many ways fear and horror incarnate. I'd argue that you've totally got the wrong end of the stick. They have sold their souls to gain individual power, that is the root of every chaos followers ambition. What's one of the things that kept the Cadians fighting while their planet broke around them? Duty. Duty to your brothers in arms, duty to those you lead, duty to your race and duty to the God Emperor. Essentially they fight for the whole, not the individual. The same can be said for Loyalist Astartes; "Only in death, does duty end". Chaos on the other hand is the very antithesis of this. The one thing that keeps them is a trifecta of fear, hatred and the drive to gain power. At the end of the day that individualist streak is the weak link in even traitor Astartes. While they are overall more capable than their mortal followers and chattel, they fear death as all that waits for them is an eternity of suffering, it's the ultimate loss of power and agency. Now, this is a fairly broad area of application, and has a lot of factors and nuance to it and I'm fairly obviously taking this from a more Imperial perspective, so there's definitely depth I haven't gotten to here. Bringing it to the tabletop and taking Reivers in particular, their equipment would in my opinion be better served on the tabletop as a wargear (Reiver Mask) option for assault units, to have cheap option to break tarpits, or to make your smash-captain even more expensive and versatile. It would at the very least condense some of the real overload of unit options the current codex has. Well, this turned out to be a lot longer and wordy than I'd anticipated. I'm really interested to hear what other people have to say, whether you agree with me or not, or whether I'm wrong on something and you could correct me I'd love to see it.
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